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Posts posted by Chris1989

  1. It's positive to look at this thread and see my contributions from months ago and compare them to now.

    The divorce has finally been filed. The day it was filed I made things official with my now girlfriend. I spend 25% of the week at her house, 25% of the week at my parents, and 25% of the week in the "marital" home which my Ex and I rotate in and out of so we never have to spend any time in each others presence.

    I've had an offer accepted on a house. She's had an offer accepted on a house. We have buyers for our house. We all have completion deadlines of August 31st, at which point my girlfriend and I will have been dating for over 3 months and she can be around my daughter in a non romantic capacity.

    I don't play games like my Ex has done, but I have seen the future - the day that we move out, my Ex will go through her "I'm so sad, this is the end of a chapter and we should part on good terms" etc etc. I know she will ask for a hug so she can feel like we are parting as friends.

    She won't get that. She'll get "I don't think that's appropriate or something my GF would be comfortable with", and I'll just walk away and leave her hanging, and wondering who I am dating, how long I've been dating them, how she wasn't aware etc.

    That'll be the nice fuck you for her shagging the engaged work colleague who was just a friend / hiding condoms to make me think she was shagging him, or whatever she claims that who thing was.

    She is a bad liar. I however can hide things, lie and sneak around like a professional. I hid an eating disorder from the world for 5 years. I can hide a girlfriend for 3 months.

  2. 11 hours ago, ZoSoRose said:

    9 years later I’m being dragged to the same shit :lol:

    Have you considered that you don't get it because you're not drugged out of your mind?



    Anyway. I'm 3 weeks into my relationship. I'm very happy. She surprises me every time we see each other with how she has listened to me and how she cares about what I have to say.

    She's just like me. I store everything a partner likes in the hopes of using it to make them happy or surprise them.

    The physical side is incredible as well. 


    11/10, would recommend divorcing and upgrading.

  3. I keep it civil in person to the point that I don't make it awkward or treat her badly. I just don't pay any attention to her at all. I go into full Dad mode, give my daughter 100% focus and attention, and she loves it. She has no time to think or care about how her mum and dad are interacting.

    I've moved on in terms of having a relationship, but I haven't moved on in terms of accepting her bullshit. I refuse to sit back and listen to her saying about how we should be friends, how she cares about me, i'll always have a special place in her heart etc. No, she doesn't care about me. She wouldn't have treated me the way she did if she actually cared. She was a manipulative bully who emotionally broke me down over the course of years, and all with a smile whilst saying I was paranoid.

    You don't do that to somebody you love, and when they finally have the strength to call you out on it with hundreds of examples, you should own it and accept you were wrong, and respect that the other person no longer wants anything to do with you.

    Her pushing to be friends is only going to push me further away.



    Whatever the situation, I realised everything I had wanted and was missing, and it's an amazing twist of fate that I appear to have just happened to meet that exact person two weeks ago. Even days earlier would have been too soon. I needed to find myself, explore my options and truly know what I wanted.

    Plus, away from the massive emotional connection we have - I don't think i've ever had such an incredible 12 hours as I did the other night! 

  4. On 5/14/2024 at 4:46 PM, Chris1989 said:

    2 months since the official separation, 4 months since the first "we should divorce" discussion, and I am no longer single.



    Came home the other evening to take over on childcare duty, and I am dressed nicely from my date, aftershave on, looking fine etc. 

    Soon to be Ex-Wife starts trying to make conversation, tells me how nice I smell, how is work going etc.


    Bitch I found a pack of 3 condoms hidden away with just one in it, confronted you and you told me about how much you fell for somebody else, how you were discussing with them how you wanted to be together but couldn't because you were married, then fucked them at the first opportunity after we discussed separating (hadn't even filed the divorce application), and when you got caught you made up a lie about it all being a trick to make me accept things were over.


    We. Are. Not. Friends.


    I cannot wait for the house sale to go through and her hold over me to finally be put to bed. The moment it goes through I am telling her about my GF, and stating that I will be introducing her to our daughter as per our agreement.

  5. That was quite something. Fuck spoilers - you shouldn't be in this thread if you are trying to avoid spoilers!


    R9 was an incredible turnaround.


    I have no complaints as to the result, and I wouldn't have argued if it had gone with those scores in the opposite direction.

  6. 3 hours ago, jimisbatman said:

    Nope, not becoming jaded. Just gotta find your friend. Someone you are comfortable with. Sounds like you haven't found it the first time, but hang in there, it will happen. Some old guy once told me, Become the person, you want to be with, ie, if you want a smart, generous loving person with a j.o.b who is well presented, you need to become that. 

    This entire post is solid stuff.

    I was so jaded and fed up with my marriage. I was made to feel bad for being sexually attracted to her, I was made to feel like a degenerate for wanting to do more than missionary or her on top. I just accepted that this was just how marriage would be, and how love ended up.

    As you'll see from my posts in the past couple of pages I was hurt, I was angry and very bitter about how things went down, and I didn't believe that there was anything out there for me.


    Here we are today and I have somebody who is totally emotionally on my wavelength, physically right for me etc.

    • Like 1
  7. On 5/5/2024 at 12:26 PM, Chris1989 said:

    I'm spoilt for choice right now.


    One in her 20's. 

    Another in her late 30's.

    Third one in her mid 30's.


    Three totally different characters. The first has life experience beyond her years, but I think is still a bit of a party girl at heart. I like her looks but I'm not sure how that would mesh with dating somebody 9 years her senior who has a child.

    The second is the same age as my soon to be ex wife, and has two children so would be a better family fit in that she would understand my role as a dad is the most important thing in my life. I'm attracted to her in looks and personality.

    The third gives me the impression she is a "nice" girl, and I'm not sure my physical desires would fit with somebody who is a bit of a goody goody.


    I'm down to the one now. Just the third.

    Stopped conversing with the first because I wasn't feeling it. The second was incredible and I really liked her, but in person she wasn't feeling it.

    See what happens with the third...

  8. I'm spoilt for choice right now.


    One in her 20's. 

    Another in her late 30's.

    Third one in her mid 30's.


    Three totally different characters. The first has life experience beyond her years, but I think is still a bit of a party girl at heart. I like her looks but I'm not sure how that would mesh with dating somebody 9 years her senior who has a child.

    The second is the same age as my soon to be ex wife, and has two children so would be a better family fit in that she would understand my role as a dad is the most important thing in my life. I'm attracted to her in looks and personality.

    The third gives me the impression she is a "nice" girl, and I'm not sure my physical desires would fit with somebody who is a bit of a goody goody.


  9. Ryan Garcia is taking the piss if he thinks using the excuse of "I don't even know where to get ostarine" is going to fly.


    Likewise Connor Benn and the Enclomiphene excuse of eating too many eggs.


    I am the most straight laced guy out there. I've never so much as touched a cigarette, and I've been drunk once in my life. I have ostarine, cardarine and enclomiphene in my sports bag right at this minute.


    Bull. Shit. does a sportsman not know where to source SARMS.

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    • Haha 1
  10. Just found out I am £20-30k short on what I need for a mortgage.

    £85k deposit, earning £42k a year. I want a 5x salary mortgage, and I can only get 4x salary because of high interest rates and the fact i pay for childcare.

    I'm going to have to move in with my parents for a while, but would at least be saving about £1000 a month whilst I am there.


    If interest rates dropped to say 4% instead of 5%, I increase my salary by £2k/year, and I stop paying for childcare (finish August 2025) then I will easily get the £190-200k that I want to borrow.

    It's a fucking joke that I can afford the repayments easily, but I can't get the mortgage because Computer Says No.

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