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Jakey Styley

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Posts posted by Jakey Styley

  1. Listened to Rick Rubin’s podcast with John today. They don’t talk about the new album at all, but they spend a lot of time talking about how John was first brought into the band, so it’s cool for those who don’t know how it began and are interested. John had been a fan of the band for years before joining at age 18 or something.

    9 hours ago, Nicklord said:

    Josh doesn't like IWY because all of his songs were left out of the album by Rick Rubin and then later put on I'm Beside You. I don't think I heard him dislike The Getaway tho. I didn't listen to all of his podcasts and radio interviews tho but that's what he was saying when he left the band

    Do you know where I can find him talking about that?



    2 hours ago, Cosmo said:

    Not a single memorable John moment in the whole album. Maybe the vocals on Heavy Wing? Maybe his mind was just somehere else. Were these songs even composed with him? Can anyone name me one great guitar line in this album?


    1 hour ago, Rovim said:

    this one is pretty chill. I like it, perfect for my evening walks. I do feel like John was maybe too polite in the studio. He talked about feeling like he was too front and center while recording SA with too much backing vocals. Personally I think with his talent and vision I would have probably liked it better if he was more prominent but it's a good record. It seems that they just went with the natural vibe between the 4 of them and that's cool. Not disappointed.

    I agree with both of these takes. The album makes me want to go listen to some John solo stuff.

  3. 15 minutes ago, rocknroll41 said:

    Well we already have the Japanese bonus track Nerve Flip, and it’s very heavy and grungy.

    Thanks for putting me on to that!

    Just got done watching all the live stuff. It's so nice to see them jamming again, it comes SO effortlessly to them. Chad Smith is such a good fucking drummer, I think one of the most underrated ever, I never see him mentioned in top drummer lists.

    I have to listen to the Rick Rubin podcast now. Feeling super excited to see them in September. I have decent tickets, but really wish GA wasn't fucking $700. Don't know how many more chances I'll get to see these 4 together.

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  4. 10 minutes ago, rocknroll41 said:

    Yeah I’ll admit that the songs that are meant to be more energetic (Great Apes, These Are the Ways, One Way Traffic) don’t sound as organic as the rest of the record imo. The guitar solo on Great Apes saves that song for me tho. And the outro to TATW is cool.

    I know the band recorded a lotttt more songs. I wouldn't be surprised if there's some sick B sides released. I thought the I'm With You B Sides were incredible.

  5. The band goes crazy at the end of These Are The Ways, but I honestly hate Anthony on it - very very very bad hook IMO

    Definitely liking the album more a bit more now on my second listen. Still have the same feeling that I just wanted it to be more in my face. Where is a song with the power of Charlie? A Can't Stop?  Wet Sand, Turn it Again? Frusciante's return didn't bring back what I expected it to. Even when the album is upbeat, it's somehow still laid back.

  6. Not very impressed on a first listen, but I could definitely see that changing (often not impressed by albums on a first listen, especially a long one like this). I want it to be more in my face and more melody driven than jammy. I don't think they've topped I'm With You.

    The Heavy Wing is definitely my favorite at this point.

  7. 58 minutes ago, rocknroll41 said:

    I do still like Dark Necessities better than all these new songs so far, yeah. That much I’ll admit.


    6 minutes ago, Cosmo said:

    It's funny how none of these three songs have a single memorable guitar line so far. They're all forgettable, bland and uninspired tracks. I'd take Dark Necessities over all three put together at any day of the week. Hope the new album is better than this cuz man...

    Dark Necessities was a killer track. While I think these 3 songs are decent or pretty good (depending on which), none have the power that I expect from a RHCP lead single. That being said, I just can't count out a double album from RHCP with Frusciante. I have hope that the album will be better than these 3 songs have led us to believe.

    I'm really looking for more front-of-mix backing vocals from John, though - that's really crucial for me in a lot of RHCP music.

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  8. 4 minutes ago, -Jaro- said:

    You don't think Ukraine should decide for themselves?

    They already fled from Russia once. With NATO membership they wanted to secure themselves from Russia because, you know, history lessons... 

    It's not up to Ukraine. They would like to join, but they don't meet NATO's qualifications.

    Also, public desire for NATO membership in Ukraine is a recent phenomenon. In 2012, only 28% of Ukrainians supported NATO Membership. Since then, public support has risen (now a majority)

  9. 1 minute ago, zombux said:

    unfortunately you are wrong. NATO membership aspiration is/was rather an excuse for invasion. 

    formally conceding to Putler's demands wouldn't really change anything, it would just show him that he can do whatever he pleases. 

    just like Hitler happily observed in 1938.

    I think it is probably the case that Russia invades Ukraine even with the NATO concession.

    But it was CERTAINLY the case that they invaded without it. Why not go for it? What interest was served by holding out announcing this when everyone knows Ukraine will never join NATO anyway?

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