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Jakey Styley

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Posts posted by Jakey Styley

  1. 15 songs is getting your moneys worth? On what planet? Weren't these tickets kind of expensive?

    You make points about how there aren't many hardcore GNR fans anymore. Do you think 90% of the people at that show were sitting there going "*snort* HMMPHH IT WOULD APPEAR THAT AXL HAS GIVEN US A 15 SONG SET WITH ONLY FOUR TRACKS FROM THE CHINESE DEMOCRACY ALBUM...I AM OUTRAGED."

    No. They dont give a SHIT. The only people that care are the people sitting on the computer reading the Guns N' Roses forums. Like you and I.

    I'm willing to bet that most of them would say that their concert experience was AWESOME, rather than coming home and bitching that Axl only played for 2 hours. Yeah, it annoys me a bit, but I didn't pay to see the show. If they come to America and I pay to see them and they play a 3 hour setlist, that's fucking great. If they come to America and I pay to see them and they play a 2 hour setlist, I had a great 2 hours. Playing 3 hours is more of an unintentional favor.

    If you didn't pay, Axl doesn't owe you. If you did pay, that was your choice, Axl owes you a show. But nothing more.

    EDIT: And about the whole Paul Mccartney 239 hour show thing, Axl isn't Paul so I don't give a shit.

  2. I think all the fans of GNR deserve a great concert. And I think Axl and the boys try there best to do that, but its a world tour and they cant be doing 3-4 hr. sets on every stop. Axl is a singer and cant afford to ruin his voice and possibly not play a show or two. I bet then you guys will start to say,why does he have to over do himself. A normal band hardly plays over 2 hrs anyways. Be grateful that your seeing an epic rock n roll show!

    I'm sure it was great for most of the people there. If you take out the solos/jams,the setlist is pretty short.

    I just saw Elton John/Billy Joel (who are in their 60's) play a nearly three hour and 45 minute concert with NO solos. Billy was up from behind the piano on guitar as well,so it isn't like they are just sitting. For the prices those fans paid,they should have got a longer show.

    They were both playing for 3 hrs and 45 minutes non stop??

    No but nearly 70 year old Paul McCartney plays 3-plus hour shows :thumbsup:

    If you think a 15 song set is cool,then more power to ya.

    Not to mention a 60 year old Springsteen plays 3 hour shows and runs around the stage like he was in his twenties.

    Cue the GNR-educators telling you that those artists are the exceptions rather than the norm. But yeah,The Boss is a great example.

    I forgot that you paid money to go see GNR in Belo Horizonte

  3. First piece of AC2 DLC sucked but it was only like 400 MSP so I didn't expect much. I'll be picking up the second piece soon.

    AvP demo wasn't for me. Single Player seems better.

    Mass Effect 2 is awesome, I plan on starting my second playthrough in the next few days on Insanity

    Question: When one beats Mass Effect 2, they have the option to restart the game with the same character level/stats. If I did this, would it have to be on the same difficulty as the first playthrough? I'm hoping to start Insanity at level 30.

    Edit: This is my thousandth post. Kind of a disappointing 1000th post.

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