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The Glow Inc.

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Posts posted by The Glow Inc.

  1. Just saw it in IMAX.

    To my great surprise, I have to admit that I absolutely loved it, almost as much as I hated Prometheus.

    It even managed to redeem Prometheus a bit in my eyes. That being said, I predict that a lot of people will hate it.

    It is a sort of hybrid movie between Prometheus and the first alien movie. It's not perfect : it has some pacing issues, some characters aren't really congruent nor likeable...but it's a beautiful movie and I think it managed to achieve what Prometheus wanted to do ( the philosophical-horror movie approach ) better than it did.  That being said, it is a rather cruel, brutal and mean-spirited movie and I think some people will be put off by the tone but I absolutely loved it.

    Fassbender is a God in this movie ( litterally ).

  2. He sounds ok and looks great nowadays.

    I'd say he puts on a better show now ( Duff + Slash being by his side definitely help him be more charismatic ) but he doesn't sound anywhere near as good as 2006 / 2007 or 2010.

    I find it a bit laughable when people outside these boards who never really paid any attention to NuGnR outside the various trainwrecks claim that he sounds better than he ever did during the last twenty years.

    That being said, I'd cut him some slack. Yeah, he could sound better by training etc...but he sounded incredible and put on incredible shows for a good chunk of his career which is more than most rock singers can say.

    What I can't understand is the discography but hey...

  3. Ghost in the Shell.

    I think it holds up rather well to the anime. It is faster paced and Johansson is not as cold as the original Major but it worked well for the movie.

    I also liked whoever played Batou. He worked well with Johansson.

    Pretty cool visuals even though the city isn't as believable as Blade Runner.

    Would watch again.

  4. 40 minutes ago, StrangerInThisTown said:

    You believe her intention with that was to disrespect Fortus?


    What if she (shock) wanted to tell the band Izzy should be there up on stage with them? Unbelievable right?

    And what's there to say she wouldn't be okay with Fortus being there aslong as Izzy was there aswell? Another two "great" assumptions made by people who don't know this person. *clap*

    I don't think that was her primary intention, no. However, she'd have to be a bit dumb not to see how her sign could be seen as disrespectful, no matter how she feels about the situation.

    It's in poor taste and she'd be the first to cry if Axl acknowledged the sign and humiliated her with a mean comment in front of the audience...

    Yeah it's free speech. It's also band politics and stirring shit up...

    • Like 1
  5. 21 hours ago, StrangerInThisTown said:

    What if she likes everything else about the show enough to buy tickets, which she obviously did? The world is not black and white. Stupid assumption about her, if anything.

    I think the stupid assumption is actually to believe it's absolutely ok to go to a show and blatantly disrespect whoever is on that stage in Izzy's spot...


    • Like 3
  6. I really, desperately, want to like this but so far it really looks uninspired as fuck.

    At least Alien 3 had a strong visual identity. This simply looks like a remake of Prometheus with them trying to correct what people didn't like about it... 


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  7. Ridley is a great director but I think what made the first movie so exceptionnal is the writing of Dan O' Bannon, Giger's creature, Moebius' designs, Goldsmith's score, Sigourney's acting AND Ridley's directing.

    You can't recapture that without a natural chemistry behind the people working on the movie.

    Great directing alone can't save shitty writing and design.

    • Like 1
  8. Looks ok.

    Hated Prometheus but this should be ok ( if the Covenant crew is less retarded than the Prometheus one ).

    That being said, I hope the majority of the movie takes place indoors. Can't really have the same tension outdoors with xenomorphs.

    Also, you can already tell it probably has the same problem as Prometheus : the technology is way too advanced. It is supposed to be a prequel to Alien but the technology seems more advanced than in Resurrection...

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