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Posts posted by Ghostie

  1. Speculation wise, I'd say either the "big 3", which is a pretty goofy title that disregards two other motherfuckers, won't pay Izzy a fair price or this is just part of some pseudo promotion to make this thing seem more Gn'R, with him ending up there after all. First show's on Izzy's birthday, and Steven lives in Vegas, so it'd be a shiity "fuck you" for sure.

  2. 09-14 GNR was the (modern day) KISS equivalent of GNR- lousy shows and phony band members dressing up as beloved favourites making a mockery of what made their respective names.

    #demented is the Tommy Thayer of GNR, but Tommy is such a better guitarist that's almost too insulting.

    I've always viewed Bumble as the Gn'R Bruce Kulick. Also, the talk reminds me of this diddy.

  3. Somewhere, eons ago, some insane ass invented the idea of dividing the day into little tics and tocs. It's unnatural, and quite a bit fucked, if you ask me. Many folks, myself included, have a terrible time following the tics and tocs, and are late for many things. Not to say it can't be done, but it does cause much anxiety and stress to pull it off. I wish Axl the best, and realize he's made marked improvements over recent years. Have faith Gunners!

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  4. What I find interesting, is that his style is really irreplaceable. I saw him play a few years back, and much like seeing Axl live, it's only one part of the equation for the original, and arguably the best sound of the band. If he truly has his act together these past couple of years, they should include him. They could always drug test his mop if they don't believe him, I suppose.

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