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Posts posted by Ghostie

  1. Paradise City's the closer on side G, man. I hear what you're saying, because with the solidness of the album and the overarching vibe, you could arrange it in many reasonable combinations.

    Dude I totally didn't think of that. I forgot that this was still the cassette/vinyl era. That actually adds another layer to it that I didn't think of. The G side seems to be the decadent, angry, drug GNR songs while the R side seems to lean towards songs about women and relationships.

    yeah thats how they set it up

    side Guns - Gritty street records

    side Roses - the songs about Girls

    That's awespme. Never looked at it that way.

  2. Going to see them in Minneapolis next week! Downzy, your review has me stoked for it. First show in a while for this old timer. Album's great. The more I listen, the more I appreciate it too. A good sign. Both Rolling Stone and Billboard gave it mediocre reviews, but I think it's the best rock album I've heard siince Haim's Day's are Gone.

  3. As I age(40 currently), I tend to revisit certain albums that were part of my life. Recently, I purchased the Japanese version of this CD. Previously, I had a cassette and record club version, so I've never had a high quality version in my collection. Anyway, it's fucking stellar. Everything about it. In my top ten albums of all time, now that I've revisited it. They have some other stuff that's top notch, but this is a masterpiece. I bow before it's awesomeness.

  4. Granted, I've never made a dollar doing it, but I've thrown a football thousands of times, and yes, a bit of squish helps you have better control of one's passes. In fact, it has always felt a bit hokey, or lame to throw that shit. Like using that "cheater" stick when playing billiards as a little kid. Spygate is a totally seperate issue, true, but this ain't right a bit.

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