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Posts posted by PirateChick

  1. 79946950248672121721.jpg

    PHILLIE: Well.. It's not everyday that you get to hang out with fucking #AxlRose at Malaga Airport! #axl #gunsnroses #legend

    Angeles is this a recent photo? He looks bluddy great & no hat & no sunnies - WOW :wub:

    Axl is the one on the left... he IS wearing shades (sunnies) lol

    Cool pic thanks for posting Angeles :hug:

  2. Outstanding song and without doubt, the most listened to song on the album for me.

    Great live and Axl's expression on those lyrics live just is amazing!!!:devilshades: love it.

    Agreed Subsy!!

    The dark lyrics and the Floyd-esque melody is powerful and remains one of my favorites :thumbsup:

    Don't you EVER compare Sorry to Pink Floyd ever again.

    That is very rude to Roger Waters and Gilmour.

    the melody reminded me of Pink Floyd too and don't waste time asking me not to compare because I won't listen nor care :rolleyes:

  3. I don't know about anyone else but I think the lines "Truth is the truth hurts, don't you agree? It's harder to live with the truth about you than to live with the lies about me." are probably some of Axl's finest if not THE finest of his whole career.

    I agree! I like these lines as much as "And now that you've been broken down got your head out of the clouds you're back down on the ground and you don't talk so loud and you don't walk so proud any more, and what for"

  4. That statement could apply to many different things. As a matter of fact, in my opinion, such statement greatly applies to posters such as yourself who love to speculate for the sake of promoting a strongly biased and negative agenda. Boo-hoo.

    Oh man, you´ve just read my mind! I couldn´t agree more! :thumbsup:


  5. and people say Axl and his band isn't sellout...

    (don't get me wrong if i was in Axl's shoes i definitely do the gig)

    lol you can't label "sellout" a band that gets paid for doing their job

    sellout would sacrifice their artistic integrity to gain fame and popularity and GNR didn't become more popular or famous for playing a private gig :popcorn:

    PS: lovin' the new smileys, can we get more? :hug:

  6. I'm very disapointed in Ron's attitude :thumbsdown:

    I don't like to see him tweeting negative stuff, as he's a mega-cool dude who has always had a positive attitude.

    Chronic pain changes people's humor, attitude and perspective. I hope he can find a treatment that would make him tolerate pain and wish him all the best

    Dazey you should take a course in graphic design .. your "paint work" is awful .. take the advise ... you'll be more funny :takethat:

    Any better? ;)


    hahahahahahaha :rofl-lol: :rofl-lol: :rofl-lol:

  7. To all the GnR trivia gods out there, I would like to "google" thee, and ask what products does Axl endorse? Does anyone have a list they could share?

    Aside from monster, what other companies has Axl worked with or has a contract with?

    Axl should have his own signature cologne - AXL


    "eau de par-FUCK OFF" :P

    hahaha that would be a good name for Axl's eau de cologne lol :rofl-lol:

  8. All are still on good terms with Axl sans Bucket who (if you believe the thread from several weeks back) left because of poor treatment by other people in the band. My guess is that they left due to the inability to get the album out. But they're all still cool with Axl/GnR; Robin joined them on stage, Brain worked on CD remixes a while after leaving as a touring member, etc.

    But yeah, Slash is a great guy who just wants to play rock n' roll, dude. The same guy who wrote lyrics for his solo project slamming Axl while he was still in GnR; the same guy who publicly said he wasn't interested in doing any more of Axl's piano ballads while still in the band; same guy who bitched and moaned about having to work with Paul yet never suggested anyone else for the gig and never confronted Axl about it. Same guy who has consistently lied about the rights to the GnR name and multiple other things since leaving. Same guy who went to Axl's house and slammed his then-current band members behind their backs to attempt to "mend fences." What a saint.

    Izzy and Duff were not on good terms with Axl until recently so they did not leave Guns on good terms......Slash did not write the majority of the lyrics for the first Snakepit album...........Slash did not want to do ballads or have Axl overdub the music with orchestras or synthesizers but niether did some of the other members of the band..............Slash did confront Axl about having to work with Paul and he was happy with Gilby until Axl fired him..................If Slash lied about the rights to the Guns name then so did Duff and Tom Zutaut as they both confirm Slash's version of what happened only differing about the timing.............What happend during Slash's visit to Axl's house is his word against Beta's as she was the only one he saw and lets be honest Slash is not a big talker to begin with so do you really think he is going to open up and spill his guts to Axl's housekeeper who hates him?

    Funny how Duff recently amended his story about the breakup and put a great deal of the blame on Legal Eagles and the like.

    Truth be known Slash's head got too big for his little hat when he presented the glorious Snakepit songs and they were deemed largely unworthy by Axl AND Duff.So being the magnanimous,selfless person that he is he took his songs and went off on his own tour.

    Initially Slash lied about that visit to Axl's house,but then admitted he did it,as Marc Canter stated 'Slash lies'.

    All are still on good terms with Axl sans Bucket who (if you believe the thread from several weeks back) left because of poor treatment by other people in the band. My guess is that they left due to the inability to get the album out. But they're all still cool with Axl/GnR; Robin joined them on stage, Brain worked on CD remixes a while after leaving as a touring member, etc.

    But yeah, Slash is a great guy who just wants to play rock n' roll, dude. The same guy who wrote lyrics for his solo project slamming Axl while he was still in GnR; the same guy who publicly said he wasn't interested in doing any more of Axl's piano ballads while still in the band; same guy who bitched and moaned about having to work with Paul yet never suggested anyone else for the gig and never confronted Axl about it. Same guy who has consistently lied about the rights to the GnR name and multiple other things since leaving. Same guy who went to Axl's house and slammed his then-current band members behind their backs to attempt to "mend fences." What a saint.



    PS - Axl is still a Rock God and it's cool to see him focusing on putting on great Rock shows around the world and bringing Guns to the masses and having a great time! He doesn;t need to defend himself from anybody. If he needs to do a rant, he'll do it when the time comes, I'm sure thumbsup.gif

    Exactly,why give all the insignificunts spewing mindless hate any attention,that is what they are after.

    You are always good for a laugh.

    "Spewing mindless hate".......as you call them c*nts.

    The sad, pathetic and hypocritical thing is that you spread more hate and negativety than the people you are always whining and crying about. Your posts are filled with more hate, negativity and personal attacks and insults than these people do.

    The majority of your posts are strictly you insulting people. The most negative person on here always crying about how negative other people are. Pathetic.

    Says someone who calls people names for talking good things about Axl... :rolleyes:

    You're not even good for a laugh

  9. So here is my question - for all the girls. If you were at a concert, and Axl invited you backstage, and he just clumsily straight out asked for a feel of your titties - would you let him?

    No, and I would bitchslap him

  10. Unbelievable.

    Subs and his team are trying their best to accomodate ALL fans. Old, new, and everyone in between. Interesting to note who are the ones complaining.

    The biggest issue with nufans seems to be logging on to the main section and seeing threads they don't approve of. Doesn't this, in theory, help solve the problem? You will have your own little quiet section for Axl and the guys in his band currently, without the distractions from other posters who may have different opinions. A Slash section (awesome guys!) and a section for threads that promote interesting discussion, won't interupt the love fest for anyone else. Not only would they not need to click on a thread they may be too emotionally fragile to read, they won't even see it because it won't be in their section. I think it's a win / win. They provided a brief outline, I don't see the need to complain before anything is even implemented and we see how it works out.

    "emotionally fragile"? hahaha nah

    Some of the people here do actually have a life and come here to get news about the tour, which are buried by stupid topics like "how does Axl pee"

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