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Black Horse

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Posts posted by Black Horse

  1. Talk on your behalf dude, not all of us are lucky enough to attend the shows. And I agree that I prefer the band touring than the endless silence we had for years.

    I know but what I mean is : once you've seen the show, how many times do you think you could go see it again before it gets lame ?

    I'm glad for all the people who are content with just seeing Axl, but, honestly, I've seen him in 2010, it was awesome, but why see him again, and again, and again when it's almost the same show ?

    Besides, I don't want to spoil my memories with a lesser performance by Axl... :shrugs:

    Well, I don´t know about you but when it´s about my favourite band I never get tired of it. I wish I could attend all the shows I wanted to but I can´t and maybe that´s why I have a different view on the matter.

    And of the two shows I attended, one was better than the other and Axl sang better in one than in the other but that doesn´t affect me or disappoint me in the least, I know the guy is a human being and some days are better than others. My emotion and excitement are too big to make me feel disappointed, what I expect from GNR is a great show (in general) not just a perfect vocal performance by Axl.

  2. But in terms of keeping their fans happy, Bon Jovi is miles ahead of GnR. They put out albums, they tour, put out videos, and keep their fans updated with news about the band. GnR USED to do this. There was a magical era where they released four albums in about a six year span. Tons of videos. Tons of media. You must have hated that creative period, but I loved it.

    yet the loser complained because "Axl who hadn't released an album in 14 years" was getting more attention than him.

    Anyone having watched that video can't take Bon Jovi seriously anymore, except maybe Black Horse :crazy:

    You know that is not the first time I watch that video *cough, cough* and it didn´t make me change my mind. I could care less what people think of Bon Jovi, I like them and no matter what others say I won´t stop liking them. Same with GNR, I´ve never cared of people´s opinion when they bashed me for being a GNR fan, the more they critizised me the more I liked them. And the same with cats... <_<

    I wanted to paste the link to that youtube of BJ complaining about Axl getting more attention but couldn't find it. It wasn't even laughable, when I saw it I was like :o:blink: and :shrugs:

    And yeah I know you don't care, you prove love is blind and deaf :lol:

    hahah I hate it when you make me laugh instead of telling you to f**** off :lol:

  3. Them touring is better than what we had for so many years.......... SILENCE !!!!

    Doesn't make it any less boring though...


    Talk on your behalf dude, not all of us are lucky enough to attend the shows. And I agree that I prefer the band touring than the endless silence we had for years.

  4. But in terms of keeping their fans happy, Bon Jovi is miles ahead of GnR. They put out albums, they tour, put out videos, and keep their fans updated with news about the band. GnR USED to do this. There was a magical era where they released four albums in about a six year span. Tons of videos. Tons of media. You must have hated that creative period, but I loved it.

    yet the loser complained because "Axl who hadn't released an album in 14 years" was getting more attention than him.

    Anyone having watched that video can't take Bon Jovi seriously anymore, except maybe Black Horse :crazy:

    You know that is not the first time I watch that video *cough, cough* and it didn´t make me change my mind. I could care less what people think of Bon Jovi, I like them and no matter what others say I won´t stop liking them. Same with GNR, I´ve never cared of people´s opinion when they bashed me for being a GNR fan, the more they critizised me the more I liked them. And the same with cats... <_<

  5. I think if they've got something great like a Bucket solo they'll keep it. If tracks weren't finished they'll get the new guys. Ron has already laid down tracks on "new" songs. So they are in a pretty strong position. Plus they've got Dj to bring something.

    Yes, my thoughts exactly.

  6. I think you people are exaggerating. You can´t judge a performance from a video and I know it myself because I´ve seen videos of the shows I attended and they had nothing to do with how good the show and Axl´s voice actually were.

    Also, why should we be worried for Axl´s voice? He is a professional and he knows what to do and how to work his voice, it´s not like he´s new to the business...you know. The voice is like a muscle and it needs a warm up so, the more shows the better he will sing, it´s always like this, I don´t understand why people freak out and start talking bullshit. :shrugs:

  7. Love them or hate them, Bon Jovi has given their fans what they want for the past 20 years

    Im not into lame ballads and pop rockers, sorry. Thats what they've been doing since the 90's. Probably the same reason as to why they werent inducted to RNRHOF - they sold their souls to Jonas Brothers and The All American Reject fans and lost respect from media and musicians. Its no wonder why even Bon Jovi fans hate some of their last albums. They suck musically. I cant even listen to their lastest album because it's the worst album I've ever heard. So yea, that's not for me and Im glad Axl didnt turn Guns into a Bon Jovi - they would not be inducted to the HOF if he did imo.

    Bon Jovi just makes the same generic crap because that is what sells. Anyone can write a ballad with lyrics that supposedly touches people. A ballad is the best way to get a hit. Just like Nickelback writing songs that appeals to the masses. It's about selling out stadiums and mp3 files. Axl is all about quality. Even if the record takes years,he is not going to release it until he feels it's ready.

    IF you don´t like Bon Jovi´s music it´s ok but it doesn´t mean it is crap.

    And, who cares whether GNR make that list? I´m not going to like them more because they make that list or because they appear on certain media. It´s no secret that Axl is in this for the music and not for the money. And yes, money is important but not the main goal.

  8. Done deal i'm all over this like a bunch of rats with a rubbish bin. Top up tan on beach, see Guns N' Roses in evening, maybe catch a lovely swedish beauty, perfect !

    That will be a hot one. South of Spain in July...

    Mallorca is an island on the East of Spain, not in the south, it´s next to Ibiza.

  9. If the fans and other people are free to express their opinions, their anger, their bullshit, their stupid agendas, their good feelings and their bad feelings...etc, why can´t the gnr camp do it as well?. I seriously don´t understand why all the hate and the bashing for this little facebook rant.

    And to whoever suggested that Axl should ask stuff to people when signing autographs...please, don´t be ridiculous. The guy signs lots of autographs and meets lots of people and he can´t be playing detectives to find out who is a fan and who isn´t :rolleyes:

  10. Uff it´s so difficult to choose! There are soooooo many but there are two that are special to me. One is the F.Mercury Tribute when he played Bohemian rapsody with Elton John and the other is the famous performance of November Rain with Elton John in the MTV in 1992.

    Also, in the 2006 tour I loved his performances of Rod Steward´s "Sailing" :heart:

    And from the CD tour from USA this year I loved Estranged but I can´t find the exact performance I like.

  11. maybe nothing, maybe the tour was extended in 2002, maybe three albums are already released, maybe Buckethead and brain would still be in the group. Maybe that Gnr would not exist. I'll tell you, for me, the clan Lebeis has not yet been proven.


    This will turn out 1 of 2 ways...

    Beta will tell Axl what to do and he will not defy her


    Beta will be a yes man who will sit back and let Axl self destruct (as she's seem to have done for a long time now)

    OR none of them. Axl´s always done what he wants, I don´t understand why people see him as someone who is easy to manipulate :question: .And Beta isn´t a yes man, right the opposite, I think she kicks his ass when it is needed.

  12. It would definitely be a cool and very interesting read. Although we read a lot of stuff about him (some true and some false) I think he is a big unknown to most of us.

    By the way, what does "clusterfuck" mean?

  13. Gah, I could care less whether Axl dislikes Bon Jovi or Bon Jovi dislikes Axl. That´s not going to change that they are both my favourite singers and how much I enjoy their music. And I don´t think BJ is a sell out because he releases music every year, he´s just doing his work and I as a fan decide whether I like it or not,period. And as for Axl, I would like to have more music but if he needs his time so be it, I´m not going to kill myself because he doesn´t release music every year. When the music comes I´ll enjoy the hell out of it and won´t waste my time discussing how long it´s taken him/GNR to release it.

  14. I´m not a musician and I have zero knowledge on music/guitar but if he wasn´t a good guitar player Axl wouldn´t have chosen him. Besides, I think the hate and bashing he gets is quite ridiculous, if some people don´t like him it´s ok but that is not a reason to bash him the way they do. Also, he´s got some charisma on stage and is super nice with the fans.

  15. It is sad to see Ron in such a pain. I really really wish him the best. I know how hard that is because my sister got her neck damaged in a car crash and only with the help of meds and a good physiotherapist the pain can be softened although it will never leave. :(

  16. So I'm not a true fan, or a die-hard fan because I am exited to hear new music from my favorite band?

    No one said that. Stop twisting.

    Wanting new music does not mean you aren't a fan. That is just ridiculous.

    I am blown away that some fans of a band actually don't care about new music. So because GnR will never make another appetite again, they should just stop creating new music for the rest of their careers and just play the old classics (that were created by a different band?

    If you are happy with all the nostalgia tours - fine. I personally love the old stuff, but also want to see what this band can do. We know they are a top notch cover band.....let's see what they can create themselves!!!

    We all want new music dude, what happens is that some of us are not obsessed with it and don´t bitch and complain about it all the time. New music will come when it has to come not when you demand it. And according to you the current members are a cover band because they play the old hits, am I correct?. Now now, by following your logic, the old band was also a cover band since they played Live and let die, Knocking on heaven´s doors and all the covers included in the Spaghetti Incident cd....but I guess you won´t accept that.

    You really can't be that dense.....seriously.

    The old band would play 2-3 covers live, and then maybe 20 of their originals.

    What does the new band do? Is the ratio even close? From the last show, how many songs were created by DJ, bumblefoot and frank???????

    What percentage of the songs were created by the current band??????????

    Is your head so far up Axl's ass that you cannot even comprehend reality?

    When you tour for years, playing songs created by other musicians.......what would you call that band?

    The funny thing is I used to be called a Nutter in here, and complained about it. But now I understand why people use that word to describe some of you. Axl could piss on your face and some of you would say "thanks, I was hit and thirsty. Thank u!"

    You are really disrespectful towards people that appreciate Axl and what he does, and why do you have to say things like this over and over and over again?

    Thanks and the poor thing is unable to respond to a post without resorting to name calling and lacks of respect...yet he dares talk of dense... <_<

    That's what some people do when they run out of coherent arguments :rolleyes:

    Edit: your "density" is within the normal level except when you defend Bon Jovi :kiss::lol:

    I always have to laugh when kids do this. They complain about people using insults.....as they do the exact same thing they are complaining about. But they are too stupid to realize what they are doing.

    Ran out of coverent arguements? You mean run out of ways to prove you both wrong? Yes, eventually common sense goes out the window when talking with somebody who calls themselves a pirate, and somebody who worships a singer like he is a God.

    So take your own advice. Don't use insults or put downs. Don't make vague statements. Tell me exactly what I have been wrong about. Specifics....just pick a couple main things out. Are you capable????

    As for Bon Jovi. It isn't my fault if you are so shallow minded that you can't appreciate or even respect what musicians do - even if it isn't your type of music. And you dislike a band because Axl made a rude comment about them 20 years ago.( tho, did Axl do that because he is a poor dear who ran out of coherent things to say?)

    I like GnR and Axl Rose a 1000 times more than Bon Jovi. But I am not such a crazy Nutter that I can't look at their careers and say that BJ has been relevent for much longer than GnR, puts out more music, tours more, keeps their fans updated and treats their fans better than Axl and GnR does. Doesn't mean I like BJ better. Just means my head isn't as far up Axl's ass as yours is, and I can look at an issue rationally and not emotionally like the Nutters on this forum.

    You can´t prove anybody wrong because YOUR OPINION does´n count as the universal truth and the fact that you try to impose your opinion and your twistesd and repetitive views don´t make them more true.

    And with regards to the Bon Jovi comment, it was an inside joke between Pirate Chick and me and the fact that you took the time to overanalyze it and use it as an excuse to portray us like ass kissers makes you even dumber and as obsessed or even more than what you accuse others to be. Oh, fyi, I´m a Bon Jovi fan, actually, I´ve been a BJ fan longer than GNR B)

    Try and keep up - if possible. I will try and keep it short and to the point, so as not to confuse you.

    1. I'm not trying to prove anybody wrong. Apply your logic to yourself, as well. I am posting MY opinion....just like you are. Are you trying to "impose" your opinion on other people? Neither am I.

    2. Time to over-analyze......uhhh, sure. It took about 30 seconds to type that post out. Now who is over-analyzing people's posts?

    3. Dumber and more obsessed? Are you 12? That is the best debate you can come up with? Yes, I've been a fan of GnR since 1987. Favorite band in the world. You can be a fan without worshiping a singer. It is OK to point out mistakes people make, or voice your opinion on issues - that is what adults do. They don't worship a rock and roll singer and think that he is not capable of fault.

    4. I don't have to try and find excuses to portray you as an ass kisser. You do just fine without me!

    So if you want to have an actual debate about a specific issue concerning the band - feel free to continue this conversation. If you just want to toss insults back and forth, you should find somebody else to do that with.

    Don´t try to twist things now to try to make yourself look smarter. You are offensive all the time and you never miss the chance to mock people or disrespect them just because you don´t agree with them. Being supportive doesn´t make you an ass kisser although you don´t seem to understand the difference and spend your time runing people´s enthusiasm and calling them nutters, ass kissers, clowns...etc. I never ever said or insinuated that Axl is not capable of fault and I don´t agree 100% with what he does or says, the difference is that I have more important things in life to worry than wasting time bitching and moaning because uncle Axl doesn´t follow my agenda.

    And dude, I´m done with you and with your bitterness. Don´t bother responding me because I´m going to ignore you no matter how much you try to manipulate what I said or how much you complain.Bye bye.

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