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Posts posted by ashbalove

  1. If someone says 'Man up' one more time, I'm gonna throw up.

    this is what the corporate types told axl to do. axl didn't listen to them. big mistake. and the new record isn't #1. this is what happens when you don't listen to the company. when you don't 'man up'

    A big mistake according to who? Perhaps his goal is to do his thing on his own terms without catering to the record label or the media, and doesn't care about being, or even want to be, the biggest star on the planet anymore

    that's a big mistake. according. according to the fans. the fans since appetite. the fans since illusions. the fans since the new band. the fans since the new record actually came out. this is who it's according to. it's according to them. that's the thing, axl's goals. his goals are not the same as the fans goals there's a disconnect between them. a disconnect between axl and fans. a short in the electric box. it's not catering to lable or media. it's 'man up.' the record label wants the fans to enjoy a new gnr music video. the record label wants the fans to enjoy a successful radio chart single. the record label wants the fans to enjoy gnr on the mtv vma. grammys. and other events like these. the record label wants the fans to enjoy gnr secret gigs and tour shows broadcast live on cable televison like mtv and fuse. the record label wants what the fans want. they want gnr to be mega 91 again. mega 92. they want axl to follow the pattern. they want axl to 'man up.' it's distracting axl doesn't share the same goals with label and fans. especially since axl's walked away from his 'elvis' throne being the biggest star in Los Angeles

    The record label doesn't give a shit about any of that. They stopped caring once they cashed that $14 million check from Best Buy

    And the only fans who have a problem with the way the record sold and how Axl promoted it are the ones who need their fan status to be validated by what other people think. These people are the ones who probably fell more in love with the GNR image than the music.

    I find it laughable that anyone who considers themselves a big fan of GNR thinks their enjoyment of CD/this tour would have been somehow enhanced by Axl giving a million interviews to the press and promoting the album everywhere. Would that have made you like the album more? Would that have made you enjoy the concerts more?

    the record label cashed the check. that's true. can't sugar it. but, you know what? the gnr managers. the new ones. they wanted the fans to have the comfort they had in the 90's with the illusions. why they signed on as managers. merck's replacements. both of them. they wanted nothing but the best for fans with this record. they wanted us to have what we got in the 90's. but sadly, axl had other goals. axl had other things in mind. axl didn't want us to have the same comfort level with gnr corporate stuff like we once had. axl is a different person. i want the 1992 axl back. the axl who gave interviews. who promoted gnr albums. who did award shows. who did other tv live events. who had hit singles like november rain. this is the axl i thought i'd get with the new album. the illusions comfort level with this record. axl didn't give it to fans. axl doesn't give it to us. axl gives us what we don't want

  2. If someone says 'Man up' one more time, I'm gonna throw up.

    this is what the corporate types told axl to do. axl didn't listen to them. big mistake. and the new record isn't #1. this is what happens when you don't listen to the company. when you don't 'man up'

    A big mistake according to who? Perhaps his goal is to do his thing on his own terms without catering to the record label or the media, and doesn't care about being, or even want to be, the biggest star on the planet anymore

    that's a big mistake. according. according to the fans. the fans since appetite. the fans since illusions. the fans since the new band. the fans since the new record actually came out. this is who it's according to. it's according to them. that's the thing, axl's goals. his goals are not the same as the fans goals. there's a disconnect between them. a disconnect between axl and fans. a short in the electric box. they're not on the same page. it's not catering to labels or media. it's 'man up.' the record label wants the fans to enjoy a new gnr music video. the record label wants the fans to enjoy a successful radio chart single. the record lable wants the fans having a new #1 debut and new #1 gnr record. the record label wants the fans to enjoy gnr on the mtv vma. grammys. and other events like these. the record label wants the fans to enjoy gnr secret gigs and tour shows broadcast live on cable televison like mtv and fuse. the record label wants what the fans want. they want gnr to be mega 91 again. mega 92. they want axl to follow the pattern. they want axl to 'man up.' it's distracting axl doesn't share the same goals with label and fans. especially since axl's walked away from his 'elvis' throne being the biggest star in Los Angeles

  3. If someone says 'Man up' one more time, I'm gonna throw up.

    this is what the corporate types told axl to do. axl didn't listen to them. big mistake. and the new record isn't #1. this is what happens when you don't listen to the company. when you don't 'man up'

  4. there might be some hope for the record possibly hitting #1

    There is zero possibility of the record hitting #1. It has been out for 18 months, it is dead at this point.

    Now a new album, that is a different story. Beyond promotion, there needs to be a hit single somewhere on it. CD was a good album, but was hitless as far as a standout single. People expect a WTTJ, SCOM, PC caliber first single from a GNR album, and I think we can all agree there was nothing in that league on the album. If anything, Axl hurt himself releasing CD as a single when in many ways it was a weak song that many accused of trying to sound like a WTTJ rip off with the teasing notes in the beginning. If anything it just highlighted how big a difference there was between the caliber of both songs.

    if axl listened to fans like you, we'd get somewhere

  5. @ashbalove

    Why are you so obsessed with the record sales of CD. You act like its a personal insult to you that it didnt debut at #1. Cant you be happy that Guns delivered a great record for the fans and are now touring. Things couldnt look better for GnR fans.

    Sheesh! Who gives a fack! Bands happy fans happy what more do you want.

    Have you seen the no talent fucks that claim #1 in the charts? Not the type music that I want Guns associated with.

    i'm happy the record came out. but nothing came with it. the things i talk about came with the illusions in 91. i expected the same coming with the new record. the same comfort. the same formula for success. the same pattern. axl didn't give it to me. didn't give it to the fans. bob dylan latest album debut #1. bob dylan old enough to be axl's grandfather crushed chinese democracy. bob dylan beat axl on the charts. bob dylan debut #1. what about the new guns record? what about axl? i've been cheated. i've seen the talentless bands. but, bob dylan debut #1. makes me feel jaded. makes me know even stronger axl didn't 'man up' on this record

    Bob a different story. That guys catalogue has spanned generations, this equates to more fans. You cant compare Guns to Bob. Guns where on top of the hill for maybe 5 solid years, while Bob has been giving new stuff for fans generations after generation. The success of CD just goes to show how much impact GnR had in those short years on top.

    But I think I know what youre getting at. What you wanted was to see a bunch of interviews with Guns. See GnR on the cover of the rolling stones. Just wanted alot more buzz about CD.

    The sizzle with the steak. Ya I will concede that we didnt get much sizzle.

    But Im really happy where GnR is right now. Maybe as the tour picks up more steam GnR will loosen up and start giving us more sizzle.

    exactly, bp. you get me too. just like loomis says in H2 'i'm giving them the sizzle with the steak.' that's what i wanted with the new record. i wanted not just the steak. the steak being the album. but i wanted the 'sizzle' the 91 illusions sizzle with the chinese democracy steak. you get me. yeah. axl didn't give us the sizzle. he gave us the steak. but he didn't give us the sizzle. i think the way for us getting the sizzle is for axl openly not in secret. but openly promoting the chinese democracy record to the general LA and NY public. if axl does, there might be some hope for the record possibly hitting #1

  6. Album sales weren't really the big disappointment of this album as much as the fact radio and the general public completely ignored it. I think "CD" the single peaked at like #5 on the rock charts, and Better peaked at like #15. The fact the public completely ignored it on radio to me is saddest thing, as absence of a music video didn't make people turn the radio dials and not call their local stations whenever CD songs would come on to keep either from gaining any traction. At least here in America, people clearly did not connect with this new vision of what GNR should be. Unless Axl wants to be David Hasselhoff where you are a rock-star everywhere but in your home country, he would do well to make sure CD2 is not more of the same if he ever wants to stage a comeback here.

    finally. someone, a guns fan, who makes sense. you make sense. you get me. you get my point. you get axl didn't 'man up' on this record. you get it. you want to know why the Los Angeles and New York City general public ignored the record? axl didn't 'man up,' axl didn't do promotion. axl didn't go out there. he didn't get it done. axl didn't run a successful campaign. no promotion. it is sad gnr doesn't have success with singles anymore. like they did with 'november rain.' it's sadder they don't put out music videos anymore. like they used to with videos like 'you could be mine.' it's sad. axl is a rockstar. a rockstar in korea. canada. tokyo. but what about LA? what about New York? the places that count in the music business? he's not a rockstar there anymore. the LA and NY critics say axl is the new 'mickey rourke.' they say 'he sweats a lot.' it's sad. they didn't say this about him in 88 or 92. they say it in 2010. what they say. maybe that's why the fashion gig was such a secret. wouldn't be a secret in osaka. so for possible CD2, i expect change again. i hope deep in my heart axl makes change with it

  7. @ashbalove

    Why are you so obsessed with the record sales of CD. You act like it’s a personal insult to you that it didn’t debut at #1. Can’t you be happy that Guns delivered a great record for the fans and are now touring. Things couldn’t look better for GnR fans.

    Sheesh! Who gives a fack! Band’s happy fan’s happy what more do you want.

    Have you seen the no talent fucks that claim #1 in the charts? Not the type music that I want Guns associated with.

    i'm happy the record came out. but nothing came with it. the things i talk about came with the illusions in 91. i expected the same coming with the new record. the same comfort. the same formula for success. the same pattern. axl didn't give it to me. didn't give it to the fans. bob dylan latest album debut #1. bob dylan old enough to be axl's grandfather crushed chinese democracy. bob dylan beat axl on the charts. bob dylan debut #1. what about the new guns record? what about axl? i've been cheated. i've seen the talentless bands. but, bob dylan debut #1. makes me feel jaded. makes me know even stronger axl didn't 'man up' on this record

  8. Axl didn't live up to the fans expectations. if i was axl, i wouldn't be happy. i wouldn't be happy knowing i didn't give the fans what they wanted. a new #1 debut guns album.

    Thats the difference between you and Axl. Axl is the artist, not the fans. Axl never said or promised the album would be No.1, so your expectation is based on belief and assumption, its your own fault you got disappointed. We got the album, we got the tour, boo hoo it didn't reach number one, we got the album we always wanted.

    that is the difference. that is the point. we are fans. artists make records for fans. guns n roses made the illusions for us. we made the illusions #1. we made the long lines outside of tower records for the illusions grand opening release. we did it. we travel to korea seeing gnr. we go to nyc for a secret gig. the fans do it. do you get it? the fans keep guns going. guns would be dead without its fans. axl would have nothing to do. that said, axl didn't do what we wanted. i'm not talking about myself. 1 fan. i'm talking about millions of fans. the millions didn't come out in droves for the record. because axl didn't promote the record. axl didn't do what people wanted before the album came out. he didn't follow the pattern. he colored outside the lines. didn't promote. the fans became unhappy. disinterested in axl rose. the axl buzz wasn't there. like it was in 1987 and 1992. the album sold and charted poorly on its debut. it's about the record. the record is about the fans. if it wasn't, the album copies would sit in axl's vault. collecting dust. music is made and sold for fans. fans first. arists second. axl doesn't see it. he doesn't get it.

    Good lord, you have no idea. Axl did make the record for the fans, we got our record didn't we?! You expecting him to promote the record is pompous. Sure he "should" have promoted it in my opinion, but not because 'the fans" wanted him to. Get over it man, Axl didn't want to promote the album. Spin it anyway you want, your not his keeper, just because you bought his records doesn't mean he should bow down to you. Don't like it, then just download his music for free and don't see his shows. No one is forcing you to be "a fan".

    we got the record. what else did we get? we've got nothing else. we don't have a new gnr #1 debut record. we don't have a new gnr record surpassing the illusions. we don't have a new gnr music video. we don't have a new successful gnr single. we don't have a new interview with axl and kurt loder. we don't have a new gnr rolling stone magazine cover shoot. we don't have gnr gigs or tour shows shown on tv. we don't have gnr gigs or shows available on official dvd. we don't have gnr on the mtv vma. grammys. ama. rock n roll hall of fame concerts in nyc. the olympics. superbowl halftime show. we don't have anything else. this is what gnr had in the 80's and 90's. why can't axl 'man up' and gives these things to us?

  9. Axl didn't live up to the fans expectations. if i was axl, i wouldn't be happy. i wouldn't be happy knowing i didn't give the fans what they wanted. a new #1 debut guns album.

    Thats the difference between you and Axl. Axl is the artist, not the fans. Axl never said or promised the album would be No.1, so your expectation is based on belief and assumption, its your own fault you got disappointed. We got the album, we got the tour, boo hoo it didn't reach number one, we got the album we always wanted.

    that is the difference. that is the point. we are fans. artists make records for fans. guns n roses made the illusions for us. we made the illusions #1. we made the long lines outside of tower records for the illusions grand opening release. we did it. we travel to korea seeing gnr. we go to nyc for a secret gig. the fans do it. do you get it? the fans keep guns going. guns would be dead without its fans. axl would have nothing to do. that said, axl didn't do what we wanted. i'm not talking about myself. 1 fan. i'm talking about millions of fans. the millions didn't come out in droves for the record. because axl didn't promote the record. axl didn't do what people wanted before the album came out. he didn't follow the pattern. he colored outside the lines. didn't promote. the fans became unhappy. disinterested in axl rose. the axl buzz wasn't there. like it was in 1987 and 1992. the album sold and charted poorly on its debut. it's about the record. the record is about the fans. if it wasn't, the album copies would sit in axl's vault. collecting dust. music is made and sold for fans. fans first. arists second. axl doesn't see it. he doesn't get it.

    Axl rose has been in the music business for more than 20 years, I think it is you who doesn't get it, not him.

    you said it. axl's 'been in the music business over 20 years.' you said it. why, axl should've promoted the album. put it #1 on its debut. for the fans. you said it

  10. Axl didn't live up to the fans expectations. if i was axl, i wouldn't be happy. i wouldn't be happy knowing i didn't give the fans what they wanted. a new #1 debut guns album.

    Thats the difference between you and Axl. Axl is the artist, not the fans. Axl never said or promised the album would be No.1, so your expectation is based on belief and assumption, its your own fault you got disappointed. We got the album, we got the tour, boo hoo it didn't reach number one, we got the album we always wanted.

    that is the difference. that is the point. we are fans. artists make records for fans. guns n roses made the illusions for us. we made the illusions #1. we made the long lines outside of tower records for the illusions grand opening release. we did it. we travel to korea seeing gnr. we go to nyc for a secret gig. the fans do it. do you get it? the fans keep guns going. guns would be dead without its fans. axl would have nothing to do. that said, axl didn't do what we wanted. i'm not talking about myself. 1 fan. i'm talking about millions of fans. the millions didn't come out in droves for the record. because axl didn't promote the record. axl didn't do what people wanted before the album came out. he didn't follow the pattern. he colored outside the lines. didn't promote. the fans became unhappy. disinterested in axl rose. the axl buzz wasn't there. like it was in 1987 and 1992. the album sold and charted poorly on its debut. it's about the record. the record is about the fans. if it wasn't, the album copies would sit in axl's vault. collecting dust. music is made and sold for fans. fans first. arists second. axl doesn't see it. he doesn't get it.

  11. It wasn't just lack of promotion, but giving Best Buy exclusive rights at a time when people weren't in the mood to go shopping, not making the talk show rounds, touring right after the CD came out, that all played a part in it, but it still sold 1 million, which "these days" are pretty good numbers. I guess he had to wait until this year to start distributing to other outlets, but so far, amazon is the only one I've seen. The CD should've been released to different stores with different distribution deals.

    I don't know if his managers or people who work for the company would've given him any better advice, considering how badly the entire music industry is doing.

    I think one mistake was putting the entire thing out for people to listen to on myspace, as often as they wanted, instead of putting a few of the cuts out. But it also gives them a count of how many people are listening and which songs are favorites. It might have played a part in the setlist for all anyone knows.

    Even The Spaghetti Incident went platinum.

    THat was when people actually bought CDs instead of downloading them for free genius. Different time, different circumstances.

    it's the same time. same circumstances. if axl listened to corporate suits. listened to his managers. if axl did what they wanted 'man up,' the album would've been a success. would have debut #1. axl didn't promote the album. let his lead guitar man walk away. axl's failure to promote the record, resulted in the industry turning its back on guns n roses. chinese democracy turned into the biggest flop in the industry. yet, axl acts like everything's cool with the record

    If Axl is acting like everything is cool with the record, then maybe it is? After all, you have no idea what Axl's hopes and expectations for the album were. You know what your hopes and expectations were, but that's a different thing isn't it. If Axl cared, don't you think he'd do something about it? I don't think he gives a fuck, and judging by how he was acting during the recent shows, he's more than happy with how things are.

    it's not about the gigs. it's about the record. the record flopped. the fact axl doesn't care shows a disconnect between him and the fans. the fans expected the album to debut #1. axl didn't live up to the fans expectations. if i was axl, i wouldn't be happy. i wouldn't be happy knowing i didn't give the fans what they wanted. a new #1 debut guns album. an indie band would be happy about this kind of situation. an indie band out of indiana with their first record would be happy with #3 debut and a few secret gigs. guns n roses is not an indie band from indiana. guns n roses is better than that. at least they are supposed to be. axl is making indie bands look like superstar bands. this is supposed to be gnr. the greatest band. not anything else. axl doesn't get it. axl doesn't man up

  12. Even The Spaghetti Incident went platinum.

    THat was when people actually bought CDs instead of downloading them for free genius. Different time, different circumstances.

    it's the same time. same circumstances. if axl listened to corporate suits. listened to his managers. if axl did what they wanted 'man up,' the album would've been a success. would have debut #1. axl didn't promote the album. let his lead guitar man walk away. axl's failure to promote the record, resulted in the industry turning its back on guns n roses. chinese democracy turned into the biggest flop in the industry. yet, axl acts like everything's cool with the record

    it was axl's responsibility to promote the album in advance. if he did, the record would have debut #1. axl didn't do promotion. axl is bigger than bestbuy. if axl put his hat in the ring, the album would have lived up to expectations. but axl didn't get in the ring. axl didn't man up. the album flopped. the album been out since 2008. you're saying 1 million u.s. after 2 and a half year's time is cool? you've gotta be kidding. that's awful. terrible. axl can do secret gig after secret gig. take pictures. take a million pictures on the fashion run way. this won't change the fact axl didn't promote chinese democracy to #1 on its debut. the illusions are successful. chinese democracy is not

  13. Even The Spaghetti Incident went platinum.

    THat was when people actually bought CDs instead of downloading them for free genius. Different time, different circumstances.

    it's the same time. same circumstances. if axl listened to corporate suits. listened to his managers. if axl did what they wanted 'man up,' the album would've been a success. would have debut #1. axl didn't promote the album. let his lead guitar man walk away. axl's failure to promote the record, resulted in the industry turning its back on guns n roses. chinese democracy turned into the biggest flop in the industry. yet, axl acts like everything's cool with the record

  14. has the record hit #1 on the billboard top 200 album chart yet? if the answer is 'no,' 1 million u.s. means nothing. not worth the paper it's printed on. it's time axl 'man up' on corporate business with this guns n roses record

    Bon Jovi hit number 1 with The Circle, and Chinese Democracy sold 100 000 more copies its first week and still ended up on #3.

    #3 isn't #1. is it, demonwolf? the new guns n' roses record didn't debut #1. a successful record debuts #1. not #3. not for guns n roses. anything less, is failure. axl did 0 promotion for this guns record. he didn't promote it before and didn't promote it after. axl didn't 'man up' on what he was supposed to do with corporate business on the record. he even let robin finck walk away a few days before the album's release. who does that in the industry? mick jagger didn't. neither did steven tyler. or robert plant. or even paul mccartney. axl did. axl let his lead guitarist float away. chinese democracy floated away into a dark place. doesn't matter how many more copies it sold than bon jovi or beyonce. what matters is the record debut #1. it didn't do that. that's on axl. axl didn't listen to the corporate suits. axl didn't 'man up' on chinese democracy corporate business

  15. has the record hit #1 on the billboard top 200 album chart yet? if the answer is 'no,' 1 million u.s. means nothing. not worth the paper it's printed on. it's time axl 'man up' on corporate business with this guns n roses record

  16. i don't see change. obama makes change.


    don't laugh. obama makes change. what change does axl make? look at the facts:

    1. chinese democracy didn't debut #1. failing to live up to the illusions

    2. axl did no promotion months in advance of the record

    3. axl let robin finck leave guns n roses just as the record was finally coming out

    4. axl releases the wrong single as first single. as result, the single flopped badly. it's no 'you could be mine' smash single

    5. after record comes out, axl still does no promotion. result, the record falls backward into an abyss off the billboard charts

    6. gnr doesn't do the mtv vma

    7. gnr doesn't do ama

    8. gnr doesn't rock n roll hall of fame concerts

    9. gnr doesn't do the grammys

    10. axl doesn't greenlight a new interview on tv on mtv with kurt loder

    11. axl gives no reason why he let robin walk away

    12. still no new gnr music video on mtv or fuse or the internet for the fans to enjoy

    13. no gnr live show since 2002 put on official dvd for the fans

    this and more is the facts. axl doesn't make change. but axl rapes madison. fights reporters at airports in Los Angeles. LA is the place gnr became the best. gnr didn't become the best in tokyo or korea or even canada. yeah. axl takes lots of pictures. does surprise gigs. but this isn't change. it's not change. i feel like 2010 is no different than 2002. i say that because without any of the things listed above changing, feels like the chinese democracy record still isn't out. i feel like im still waiting for it. that's because axl doesn't change

    You realize some of what you posted is borderline insanity?

    I'm pretty sure Axl doesn't have control over who plays the grammys, AMA, VMAs etc. Nor can he stop Robin from going back to NIN for their "final" tour. I mean I dunno the story but what - if Robin really wanted to go, you expect Axl to chain him to his mic stand? Besides which, DJ has been rocking.

    On top of that, what's up with not the best in Tokyo or Canada? Canadian newspapers were lauding the band, they got great reviews, huge shows in Montreal and Toronto, bringing out Canadian opening acts and guests, everyone I spoke to at those shows had a great time, lots of good will towards the band here... so what's your point? Oh, and they were listed as #2 on Billboard's hot tours thingy and that didn't even count the Toronto gig, or several of the others.

    I mean really... short of a hit single this late in the game, CD isn't going roaring up the charts. Do you care? What are sales to you? It moved several million copies worldwide I believe, which in this day and age is nothing to sneeze at, and you're what... waiting for it to go 18X platinum in the US like AFD? Not happening, it's a different world, different market, different lineup, and frankly - I love the CD. I have the songs, I've been lucky enough to see all but two of them played live over the years, I've been to six shows (two this year), and 2010 has been a great way to cap off CD.

    So what change really do we need? Let the band tour and do their thing. If you want change, get a job selling depends.

    axl owns the gnr name. he's the boss. of course he has control. look what he said to madison. if he wasn't in control, do you think any of the 2 current gnr managers would let him say this kind of thing to a gnr fan? axl has the power. he decides what to do. sebastian bach said 'axl does things his way.' but axl isn't doing it the right way. you know, the corporate suits are right. axl needs to 'man up' about corporate business with the chinese democracy record. doing the 2008/2009 mtv vma would have helped sales a lot. maybe even would have had the record hit #1. but axl didn't pull the trigger. axl didn't call mtv or the grammys or ama or the rock n' roll hall of fame concerts. axl didn't want to do them. that's a lost opportunity for corporate business and the fans. lost opportunities. lost business opportunities. lost fan opportunities. sales is what it is all about. since the illusions hit #1 and made millions. sales is what matters with this record. expectations. fan expectations. based on the illusions. there was a line of people waiting to buy the illusions in 1991. there was no line anywhere for the new record. poor sales. poor fan turn out. no promotion. no promotion from axl. this is supposed to be gnr. the greatest rock band ever. not a band putting out their first record in the biz. gnr became the most dangerous band in Los Angeles. axl rose became rich and famous in LA. he didn't get this way first in canada. come on. you know that. Los Angeles made gnr better than the rolling stones. better than aerosmith. Los Angeles is the place gnr was born. i have the cd too. but i feel i don't have it. because, gnr isn't doing the things it did in the 90's to be the #1 rock band. axl is not doing it. dj ashba is kicking butt on this tour. but doing surprise gigs won't change anything. won't make change. im sad gnr isn't the same dangerous band it was in the 90's. the fans deserve change. the one who has the power to make change is axl. he's not changing

  17. i don't see change. obama makes change.


    don't laugh. obama makes change. what change does axl make? look at the facts:

    1. chinese democracy didn't debut #1. failing to live up to the illusions

    2. axl did no promotion months in advance of the record

    3. axl let robin finck leave guns n roses just as the record was finally coming out

    4. axl releases the wrong single as first single. as result, the single flopped badly. it's no 'you could be mine' smash single

    5. after record comes out, axl still does no promotion. result, the record falls backward into an abyss off the billboard charts

    6. gnr doesn't do the mtv vma

    7. gnr doesn't do ama

    8. gnr doesn't rock n roll hall of fame concerts

    9. gnr doesn't do the grammys

    10. axl doesn't greenlight a new interview on tv on mtv with kurt loder

    11. axl gives no reason why he let robin walk away

    12. still no new gnr music video on mtv or fuse or the internet for the fans to enjoy

    13. no gnr live show since 2002 put on official dvd for the fans

    this and more is the facts. axl doesn't make change. but axl rapes madison. fights reporters at airports in Los Angeles. LA is the place gnr became the best. gnr didn't become the best in tokyo or korea or even canada. yeah. axl takes lots of pictures. does surprise gigs. but this isn't change. it's not change. i feel like 2010 is no different than 2002. i say that because without any of the things listed above changing, feels like the chinese democracy record still isn't out. i feel like im still waiting for it. that's because axl doesn't change

  18. i'm tired of surprise gigs. the fans get left out. they are not streamed on the internet. they are not on tv on mtv to enjoy. what do they accomplish? will they get the chinese democracy record to #1 on the billboard charts? will they produce a new gnr music video for us to enjoy this year on mtv and fuse? will they actually produce a single that has success on radio and singles charts? will they get gnr to do events again like mtv vma/ama and new events like the grammys / olympics? what's the purpose and point of surprise gigs? i'm even questioning the purpose of the world tour. i don't see change. obama makes change. i don't see axl making change for the fans starving for guns n roses change with the chinese democracy record

  19. I just crapped my pants. You think asking Axl how much paid Eric to toss you under the bus is a fair question to ask? LOL...I needed a good laugh after only 3 hours of sleep...I wish I could lock this thread, it's gotten so dumb. I had a great time, GNR rocked, close thread now...

    hear no evil

  20. Getting things back on track, does anyone have any questions about the show last night? Ask away...

    I take it you didn't ask how much he paid Eric to throw me under the bus?

    Too bad. Would like to have seen his answer.

    Holy shit, get on with your life

    Have some respect dude. Madison with the help of other mods here got this place off the ground. And she's on a very short list of Guns N' Roses biggest fans. Get off the 'hate Madison' bandwagon. It's outrageous. It's almost like people are doing it blindly hoping to get on Axl's good side and maybe get back stage passes or something.

    It's disgusting.

    anyone will do anything for 15 minutes of fame

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