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Hollywood Gunner

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Posts posted by Hollywood Gunner

  1. But to answer the question at hand, I don't think there's any other reason other than he knew this would get controversy and he wanted to see if he could get away with it.

    Agreed that he knew... but i honestly dont think anyone could actually believe theyd get away with something like that tbh not even axl... i just think theres alot more to it than we'll never know about

  2. I always thought that Sympathy for the Devil (and I know this is common perception) was the nail in the coffin for the old lineup. I've often wondered if Axl was sending Slash a message with that song. I always think of that line "what's my name" as a subtle (or not so subtle) way of saying I am the Rose in Guns N Roses- as if to say I started this thing, this is my band. Maybe I'm reading too much into it. Maybe not. On a side note- I actually loved that cover and never figured out why Slash thought it was so mediocre. I think it's far better than the original. That's just my opinion, I could be wrong.

    i remember seeing an interview with slash (95 i think?) where he said axl got some other guy to add to slashs solos on sympathy, which totally pissed him off... and i also remember reading somewhere that slash didnt play on the manson song at all... that last part im not entirely sure about but... really... am i the only one that thinks this was axls way of really killing off the band as we knew it ?

    dont get me wrong, im still an axl fan and probably always will be, but this could have been an underhanded tactic to kill off the band, take some time off then resurect it, with his image of how it should have sounded... its just my opinion but i wouldnt put it past him... no one in their right mind could have thought that after everything theyd already been through, that any band, let alone gnr, could bounce back from this... but then again we are talking about axl here

    oh and i dont really think there was ever a serial killer obsession on axls part... if there was though, hes got way more problems than anyone ever orginally though

    Let's see. He released a cover of a song written by a serial killer. He then used the Zodiac code to hide "FUCK 'EM ALL" on TSI?, who was this guy? Yep, a serial killer. He then, logged in this forum as "Dexter" (which is a fictional serial killer) in 2008.

    Tell me he isn't obsessed with serial killers lol.

    pretty sure i also remember reading somewhere that dexter was one of his favorite shows lol

  3. I liked Axl's take on Look At Your Game Girl. I still don't get his obsession with serial killer but it was a nice cover.

    Do you think Charlie Manson has heard the track on TSI?

    i dont see how he couldnt have... and thats actually what got me wondering... what did manson think about it ?

    oh and i dont really think there was ever a serial killer obsession on axls part... if there was though, hes got way more problems than anyone ever orginally though

  4. sorry if this has been done before (probably has) but i searched the forum and didnt find too much about the manson cover... i know this may seem like its in very poor taste, and im sorry if it offends anyone, but im curious to know what others think or know about why axl chose to cover this song

    read a few things (not sure if theyre true or not) about how axls brother played the song for him, and only told him who sang it, after he had decided it was a good song... also read that the song may have been written by dennis wilson ?

    a few other questions ive asked myself, are how does manson himself feel about gnr covering his material ? (not that it matters) and how do you think axl feels about this song now ? also kinda hard to find many quotes from people who were around at the time (including axl) as to why this was done originally...

    i was somewhat inspired by the one in a million (which by no means whatsoever do i find offensive) thread to do a little digging about this song, which btw, i do really find to be in very poor taste... but dont get me wrong, its a good song... i actually do listen to it from time to time, and it seems to get better with age tbh... now, what i do not agree with is everything behind the song

    now even if axl could have foreseen a percentage of the proceedings going to a victims family member, could he not have seen that this would surely be cause for some young misguided gnr fans to become manson fans themselves ? it could also be seen the same way one in a million was seen by many, as simple attention-whoring, which i dont entirely disagree with, but i think this was more than that... i dont think it was just about controversy, or going against the grain... i actually think that axl knew the band was on the brink of imploding, and that there was no way they would ever bounce back from something like this... not anytime soon anyways... ive always considered it to be the proverbial nail in the coffin to what GNR used to be, but could it have been axls way of killing off something he hated, intentionally ?

    this pic always comes to mind when i hear the song


  5. A GnR reunion will NOT sell-out stadiums (other than South America and some countries in Europe). Sorry, but that's not happening. Maybe arenas...not stadiums.

    probably true... unless there was a reunion then some new music... good new music... we all have better chances at winning the lottery than that happening though

  6. You know why this song rubs so many people raw? Because THEY themselves think that way and it embarasses them! All you "diverse thinking political correct" people are the most insensitive and judgemental people I know and your hell bent on making damn sure that everyone thinks and behaves the same exact way as you. The Irony of it is in the attempt- you piss all over your arguments...who and what is accepatable for WHOSE POINT OF VIEW?? Whose agenda gets served when the language is modified to the degree that nothing means anything and descriptive words gets massacred . In the US its getting Worse ..one says the word "BLACK" and it summons "Racial" and then the tsk tsk police are there to remind us that that is inappropriate.

    I see the song as a snapshot.. a well painted picture with words that sums up what most of the world says and thinks in thier sick twisted little minds for their sick twisted little ways. While all of those people that gets all butt hurt over the power of words get all up in arms... they seldom if ever have the honesty to to voice the reality of their own souls.

    You seldom hear them when they mutter their disdain for ANY AND ALL forms of humanity that expresses themselves culturally, socially, finacially different.

    Try being a small town white boy in modern America where almost everything of your gender, political religious NATIONAL and cultural affiliation is called into question to the degree where there is almost an expected apology attached to it just for breathing. Yeah reverse discrimination is out there and its LOUD AND IT IS PROUD.

    Who hasnt labled someone an asshole..a bully...a bitch...a jock..a queer..a geek...a poser...a prick..posh..Christian, muslim Hindu Jew Latino. Brazilian..Argentinian...Liberal ..Conservative etc???? taken in context depending on ones point of view and how they experience the world those lables summon up either antagonism or acceptance...and yet they are just words but they are lables as well.

    As AXl sang in another song..."when everybodies fighting for the promised land" he wasnt talking about Israel there folks

    good post

    right now im actually wondering how many people on this very site would condemn OIAM as being "racist" yet have made derogatory comments about brazil, argentina, or any other "foreign" countries for that matter, themselves

  7. It would be a good idea if Axl was not the only original member left. Metallica can do this because James, Lars and Kirk are still in the band. The idea is not bad though.

    kirk isnt an original member though... he imo would be the equivalent to sorum if youre comparing to gnr
    No he would b the equivalent to tracii guns or rob Gardner.

    And to whoever said a reunion of the original 5 wouldn't sell out arenas every night is def underestimating the desire for an original gnr reunion.

    tracii and rob were founding members that never appeared on a studio album tho... the exact opposite of kirk... i just said sorum cuz he did a killer job at filling in and i hadnt done my homework (really thought metallica had put something out with mustaine before kill em all)
  8. Its an amazing song because it had an undeniable truth behind it... axl wasnt expressing his own views in that song, but the views of hundreds of thousands, if not millions of other ppl at that time... and if ppl couldnt handle that shit back then, they certainly cant handle it today... anyone thats offended by it should fuck off imo cuz id love to hear it, but sadly i probably never will... theres plenty of other "racist" art forms out there but it wont be jumped all over by the media unless its being spewed by axl rose or someone like him

    Anyone ever hear dave chappelle on white ppl? Well im white as a ghost and never laughed harder

  9. It would be a good idea if Axl was not the only original member left. Metallica can do this because James, Lars and Kirk are still in the band. The idea is not bad though.

    kirk isnt an original member though... he imo would be the equivalent to sorum if youre comparing to gnr

    Come on.. he played on all albums.
    im not that big a Metallica fan but i didnt think he was on the first
  10. It would be a good idea if Axl was not the only original member left. Metallica can do this because James, Lars and Kirk are still in the band. The idea is not bad though.

    kirk isnt an original member though... he imo would be the equivalent to sorum if youre comparing to gnr
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