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Posts posted by Daedalus

  1. IMO, Chris Pittman is like a modern sort of Brian Jones and I feel he's kind of underused in Guns, at least on CD.

    I'd love to see an album where he's sort of leading the sound--Think a GN'R version of "Their Satanic Majesties' Last Request."

    In general, a psychedelic sort of sound should make a come back.

    And IMO, he's Pitman, not Pittman :lol:

  2. IMO, there are few versions of Guns N' Roses - the rock 'n' roll one (AFD), the rock one (UYI) and the new, "modern" rock one. I'm rock 'n' roll kind a guy, but I do like Chinese Democracy (well, not a

    big fan of it, but it's a good album) and don't hate any current/former members :xmasssanta:

  3. Slash wrote AFD, Lies and every song on the UYI all by himself, with some help from the just-as-talented-but-terribly-underrated Steven Adler, who was fired by Axl because Axl was jealous of how talented and sober Steven was.

    Slash is just so gracious, kind and saintly he let that talentless hack Axl take any credit, and by extension, let that junkie Izzy (evil bastard because he was/is friends with Axl) take some credit too.

    Duff begged, so good Lord Slash let him take some credit too.

    But Slash was the guy who wrote everything. Every lyric, melody, guitar riff. It's sad that great lord Slash had to surround himself with talentless wannabes like Axl, Duff and Izzy. He and Adler, left their own, amazing devices could've bested the Beatles but were dragged down by three talentless fools.

    Trying to be funny or something?

  4. Sure, because one totally gets excited at the idea of buying a vaporware album that has been constantly bashed by everybody for the last decade.

    The point is, you everybody knew about it + there is also a Guns N' Roses/Axl Rose factor, it wasn't just an album, it was something from the band which is surrounded by the constant drama in the media. I'm sure some people've bought the album just out of curiosity how the band sounds without old members.

    But yes, the problem is, the album must be promoted when you release it, otherwise...I mean, without the active promotion, who will buy the album? Mostly fans, who already know the band, but if you want to make a major hit, you need to get new fans.

  5. CD was a major hit album, considering there was little to no promotion and coming from an "extinct" band in a era of digital piracy.

    This alone proves how big once upon a time Gn'R was... TWAT!

    Good album or not, it wasn't a major hit. And about the promotion thing - yes, it's true that GN'R/Label... could do a better job, but Chinese Democracy was a myth, it was something that was bashed/discussed in the biggest magazines, web sites... for the 10+ years - well, if that's not some sort of promotion :rolleyes:

  6. I'd like to thank the band, their families, The Sebastian Bach Band, Danko Jones, Murder Dolls, Korn, Imperial State Electric, Julianna Down, Gum X, Mucc, their crews, the TPB's, Duff, our crew, production, ...


  7. My gut feeling was to get down on Matt for saying this, but I dunno, he knows Axl better than any of us, that's for sure.

    Maybe he was jealous of Duff, and wanted to take a cheap shot at Axl. Maybe he was just making an honest observation.

    All I know is that both Slash and Matt seem to be a bit frazzled about what happened and need to take their shots at Axl to feel better about it. Who knows...

    What did slash say about it?

    Slash made some strange comments about how he was in constant contact with Duff throughout the day and night that it happened. And how the fact that they still went on an hour late would have put a bad taste in his mouth, had he been in Duff's position.

    Slash: "It was cool. I got an e-mail from Duff going, 'I'm checked into a hotel and Axl is in the room next to me.' And that's how it all started. And he just sort of kept me posted through the day and at one point he said he was going down to the venue with Axl. And I was, like, 'Wow!' 'Cause a lot of years have gone by. And so then the next one was that he was gonna be going on stage or something. And so he went and they did, like, I think it was five or six songs. So it was cool. And then the next day he told me it was great, everything was very cool, they went out and had dinner, and so they had that sort of, whatever, rekindling kind of thing. All things considered, the only thing I said about it was that... 'cause I know that they still ended up going on an hour late. And I was, like, 'Oooh.' That's the only part that would have left a bad taste in my mouth, supporting that."


  8. All I see in that list is Rose, Rose, Rose, Rose, Rose, Rose, and Rose.

    Probably because you're looking at the lyrics. There's another section called "music" - check there, bub. Thaaaaanks.

    The worst 3 songs from AFD (ITS, Mr. B, TAY) were not written by Rose. Coincidence? I don't think so.

    Three worst songs? According to whom? This is from the official shit-for-brains list of RocketKing99's best AFD songs?

    Interview with Slash - Back to the Jungle, GuitarEDGE MARCH/APRIL 2007

    ‘’Welcome to the Jungle’’ started out with the main riff of the song, that descending riff, which I played for Axl at my house one afternoon /.../At some point later on, the band was rehearsing and Duff came up with the breakdown section in the middle and I came up with the intro. /.../ I remember the lyrics being especially poignant because they were written about Axl’s experience in the streets and his whole summation of moving to Hollywood.

    ‘’It’s So Easy’’ was a song that basically was written with West Arkeen. /.../ There were a coulee of riffs I introduced to it, and it sounded a lot more rocking by the end.

    ‘’Nightrain’’ is a funny story. We wrote the chorus when Izzy, Axl and I were walking around Hollywood drinking Night Train. /.../ Then I got the flu or strep throat or something, and Duff, Axl, Izzy and Steve managed to get more of the arrangement down without me. /.../ But part of the beauty about that solo is that I wasn’t technically capable of playing as fast as the song was going, so the solo has a little bit more of a rocky feel to it, which is cool.

    (Out Ta Get Me) It started with that intro lick, which was Izzy’s and I remember hearing it and going, ‘’That’s awesome!’’ The way the song sounds on record is exactly how it sounded in my head from the second I heard that riff.

    (Mr. Brownstone) Izzy and I wrote that sitting in his apartment, loaded. And as most junkies do, we started writing lyrics about the perils and the boredom of the whole thing, the song of redundant process we were immersed in.

    (Paradise City) I remember writing the words. Originally it was ‘’Take me down to the Paradise City, where the girls are fat and they got big titties’’ [laughs] /.../ (Synthesizer part )That didn’t come in until Axl was putting his vocals down on the record, so I had no idea about that until we got to the mixing stage. All of a sudden there was that part. Being the guitar purists that we were, Izzy and I were like, ‘’whoa, whoa, whoa!?’’ But Axl won that battle, so it stayed on there. All things considered, it was never that big of a deal, but it introduced a certain electronic thing that didn’t fit well. Axl had a tendency to do that from time to time – to bring it in on the back end.

    (My Michelle) Basically, it started with the heavy riff. I remember doing the riff first, then making up the intro to it. I’m really into good intros.

    (Think About You) That’s a song that Izzy had in its entirety when we first started. /.../ But at the same time, it was one of those songs where Izzy had written the lyrics. /.../ I enjoyed recording it, though. I managed to get some ideas down and could walk away feeling satisfied with the way the song sounded.

    (Sweet Child O' Mine) But I remember, Duff Izzy and I were sitting in the living room next to the fireplace – we had no TV set – and I was playing the intro riff and they were playing chords behind it. And next thing you know, it was turning into something. I really just thought of it as a joke, but lo and behold , Axl was upstairs in his bedroom and he heard it and started writing the words. The next day, we were rehearsing at Burbank Studio – doing a preproduction kind of thing – and Axl wanted us to play what we been playing the night before. Pretty soon, it shaped itself into a song, and all of sudden it took on this serious kind of tone. It was really hard for me to accept, but that song became Axl’s favorite. I think a lot of it had to do with the lyrics. They had a serious, personal side to them.

    ‘’You’re Crazy’’ was written around the same time as ‘’Mr. Brownstone’’. It was originally a slow acoustic song that we wrote while sitting in the living room one night. Then Axl, Izzy, Duff and I went down to the rehearsal studio that we were working out of and, of course, turned everything up to 12. All of a sudden, it took on this real break-neck speed. Axl actually enjoyed making the adjustment.

    ‘’Anything Goes’’ is one of the older songs on record. If you look at the credits, there are a lot of writers listed for this one because song was before Axl and I first hooked up. By the time Guns N’ Roses got to do it, we’d changed the chorus and the verses around, and Axl rewrote the lyrics.

    (Rocket Queen) That was a riff I had when Duff and I first hooked up. /.../ We had that riff, and at some point I brought it back into the band. The chorus was something Axl had been working on that had nothing to do with the rest of the song.

  9. Lol. Steven Addled is so overrated.

    Not according to Slash, Izzy and Duff who have stated how important Steven was to their sound and groove in interviews over the years..........

    That's why Slash and Duff brought him into VR and Slash had him on every single song of his solo record :rolleyes:

    Saying nice things about a guy is one thing, but since 1990 no one has worked with him on a consistent basis or invited him into anything permanent. Even Izzy was invited into VR, but Izzy declined.

    He is a true rock 'n' roll drummer...ever thougt that he's not in VR because of personal issues with other members? Well, imo his personality is weird/fun, but his skills are - well, he's a top drummer rock3

  10. Never thought about that , with the RRHOF. The whole “mature enough” bit was cute. Not to offend anyone but personally I don’t have an interest and other than inducting Elton don’t quite get what it is exactly and who decides what. It seems to mean more to some than others and more so amongst fans. It’s nice to get recognition and have some form of acceptance but in regards to joining others the price is too high and just not worth it. It’s a ways away and seems a bit presumptuous to be contemplating being inducted now.


  11. is Izzy up for the reunion? Never hear much from him.

    Here is what he had to say about it back in 2001

    A hypothetical question then: Axl's [solo] album flops, and he offers you all the chance to get back together - just like Aerosmith and Sabbath - would you do it? I mean, assuming Axl would be... "broke?" he cuts in, laughing. "I could hear the call." Goes into gruff Axl impersonation: "'You know, I've been, ah, thinking'. He talks really slow when he gets an idea like that. 'Aahhh, I've been thinking...' And I'd be thinking, 'He must be broke'," he chuckles. "That's how I imagine the call would go."

    He said the band still get hopeful promoters trying to tempt them back together with promises of enourmous wedge. "Oh, yeah. Around the big millenium hype, for sure." Is he ever tempted? "Yeah, why not?" he chuckles, "A [one-off] gig would be easy, I'd think."

    What about an album, though? Now he really does laugh.

    "Well, you know what? It's funny cos like me, Duff and Slash - we could go in and make a Guns N' Roses record in a week. basic tracks. [but] vocals and leads [instrumentation] could take God knows how long..."

    Complete interview


    ...and what he said in 2008

    Exclusive Interview with Izzy Stradlin [OCTOBER 2008]


    But if it were to occur, you would consider the possibility of a reunion?

    Izzy: “Yes, of course. I wrote great deal of that material."


  12. Still don't get why they quit.

    Because they have weak personalities and run away from what they perceive as problems instead of confronting them.

    Mick and Keith went through worse crap, actually it was the same sort of crap---Mick changed the Stones direction and treated Keith like crap for a few years until he realized his new direction for the Stones wasn't going to work. Keith SPECIFICALLY told Slash in 1996, a few months before Slash left: "There's one thing you never do--You never leave."

    I remember that interview. Why actually quit, why not just wait or try to work it out. I guess the reality of being on tour is worse than I think. But just sitting around waiting for Axl or arguing doesnt seem that bad, you'd eventually come up with something.

    Because I think Slash maybe thought that if he quit, Axl would call him up and beg him to come back and tell him that if he came back everything would be under his (Slash's) terms. It was sort of I guess to pull Axl's bluff and make Axl cave in--a dramatic move.

    Slash nowadays says that he knew he wasn't coming back when he left in 1996, but if you read interviews from 1997, 1998, 1999, Slash says stuff like "Me and Axl have gone through this stuff before, it's nothing new" or, "If Axl wants to make a traditional GN'R record, he has my number", or "If Axl wants me back, I'm just a phone call away." Once again, pulling Axl's bluff, this time in public. He figured Axl would cave and do things Slash's way, that Axl would be so afraid of going it alone he'd do whatever Slash wanted just to keep him in the band.

    100% agreed. I've always thought that.

    What's interesting too is Marc said here once that Axl spent literally a year trying to convince Slash to come back. He didn't specify, though, if this year was from 1995 to 1996 or 1996 to 1997.

    Not just Slash, Axl was trying to get back Duff too:

    Metal Edge: Let's get the Guns N' Roses stuff out of the way. You were offered large sums of money to return to the band that Axl Rose is currently putting back together, were you not?

    Duff: Yeah, I was. But it's nothin' but big business these days. That's where it all went, and I was wrapped up right in the middle of it. I had folks yelling in my ear, "Hey man, you can't walk away from this million and that million, blah, blah, blah." I had been doing it more for other people then myself. The manager, the label, the band, a bunch of other people. I finally woke up one day, I swear to god, it was just like, "Well, I never started doing this for the money in the first place. So…" Hey, when I moved down to Hollywood, I never thought money when it came to music. There was no way I was ever in music for money. Fame, yeah. Girls, yeah. To be up there on stage, shit yeah. But money? And it didn't really hit me until I had already got the house, the car, then two houses, then two cars, and I realized, whoa, I was doing it for the money. It wasn't fun anymore. So when they asked me back, I asked myself, "If I went back now, it would only be for the money, so why should I start doing it for the money now?" No way. It was ridiculous. It was an absolutely ridiculous thought and that's when I just went, "Screw this, screw the lawyers and the accountants and everything else that's supposed to be so damn important. I want out. I wanna do my music." So that's what I did.

  13. You mean this list? :

    Rolling Stone’s 100 Greatest Singers Of All Time

    1. Aretha Franklin

    2. Ray Charles

    3. Elvis Presley

    4. Sam Cooke

    5. John Lennon

    6. Marvin Gaye

    7. Bob Dylan

    8. Otis Redding

    9. Stevie Wonder

    10. James Brown

    11. Paul McCartney

    12. Little Richard

    13. Roy Orbison

    14. Al Green

    15. Robert Plant

    16. Mick Jagger

    17. Tina Turner

    18. Freddie Mercury

    19. Bob Marley

    20. Smokey Robinson

    21. Johnny Cash

    22. Etta James

    23. David Bowie

    24. Van Morrison

    25. Michael Jackson

    26. Jackie Wilson

    27. Hank Williams

    28. Janis Joplin

    29. Nina Simone

    30. Prince

    31. Howlin' Wolf

    32. Bono

    33. Steve Winwood

    34. Whitney Houston

    35. Dusty Springfield

    36. Bruce Springsteen

    37. Neil Young

    38. Elton John

    39. Jeff Buckley

    40. Curtis Mayfield

    41. Chuck Berry

    42. Joni Mitchell

    43. George Jones

    44. Bobby 'Blue' Bland

    45. Kurt Cobain

    46. Patsy Cline

    47. Jim Morrison

    48. Buddy Holly

    49. Donny Hathaway

    50. Bonnie Raitt

    51. Gladys Knight

    52. Brian Wilson

    53. Muddy Waters

    54. Luther Vandross

    55. Paul Rodgers

    56. Mavis Staples

    57. Eric Burdon

    58. Christina Aguilera

    59. Rod Stewart

    60. Bjork

    61. Roger Daltrey

    62. Lou Reed

    63. Dion

    64. Axl Rose

    65. David Ruffin

    66. Thom Yorke

    67. Jerry Lee Lewis

    68. Wilson Pickett

    69. Ronnie Spector

    70. Gregg Allman

    71. Toots Hibbert

    72. John Fogerty

    73. Dolly Parton

    74. James Taylor

    75. Iggy Pop

    76. Steve Perry

    77. Merle Haggard

    78. Sly Stone

    79. Mariah Carey

    80. Frankie Valli

    81. John Lee Hooker

    82. Tom Waits

    83. Patti Smith

    84. Darlene Love

    85. Sam Moore

    86. Art Garfunkel

    87. Don Henley

    88. Willie Nelson

    89. Solomon Burke

    90. The Everly Brothers

    91. Levon Helm

    92. Morrissey

    93. Annie Lennox

    94. Karen Carpenter

    95. Patti LaBelle

    96. B.B. King

    97. Joe Cocker

    98. Stevie Nicks

    99. Steven Tyler

    100. Mary J. Blige

  14. I hate Bucket, he has the worst gimmick!! A bucket of KFC on his head!!

    Wish he was never in GNR!!

    I hatehim with all my hart!!

    You're not the only one, who doesn't like Buckethead, and nothing's wrong with that, but direct attack on him... :monkey:

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