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Posts posted by Daedalus

  1. I like DJ's more because he tried to do something different, sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn't but I admire his courage.

    Probably it is just me, but I get a feeling, that DJ changed it, because he couldn't played it properly :rolleyes:

  2. Robin F~

    Hey Robin F~. First off, I'd just like to say thanks for at least giving us some solid hope. Ignore the nay-sayers man. haha

    Now for some questions...

    1. Could we see some covers on the next album? Such as "Sailing"?

    2. What's your personal top three favorite unreleased songs?

    3. When is the band planning to confirm the U.S. tour dates?

    4. Can you list all of the musicians that will play on the next album?

    5. Any guitar solos played by Axl? haha

    Sorry for asking so many questions, but I have a lot more. I didn't want to bombard you.

    Again, thanks man.

    1) I don't know of them recording any covers. I have watched them practice "Rainbow in the Dark".

    2) Atlas Shrugged, Forgotten, and hmmm ... tough. Probably The General.

    3) If it would have been their way they would have already been confirmed.

    4) No I can't. I wouldn't be surprised if it contains tracks from guys who have played in the band from 2000-present.

    5) You laugh, but Axl plays some guitar (pretty good too, btw. even if he would deny that). I don't know of any stand alone solos, so to speak.

    Received this posting through the private message system but I figured I'd answer here for all to see (hope this person doesn't mind - not answering private messages)

    I seen you said you would answer small questions regarding GNR stuff i have a couple for you if you can give me some info I have always like epic type songs which is what kind of got me into GNR and i have always thought Axl has alot of epic songs in hiding from this chinese era. My first question is of material you have heard or heard of are there any epic type unreleased songs that have orchestration and or piano in them? My second question is about the songs Atlas Shrugged and The General, I read that one thing from years ago about Atlas sounding glam rockish which you mentioned but also that guy once mentioned that it had a november rainish feel to it is that true? And does The General have any orchestration in it? Thanks for info

    1) Plenty of epic songs with orchestration and piano. Don't worry! nod

    2) Atlas - Yes, glam rock. Not sure how anyone could say otherwise. I don't know about the NR-ish feel. I never made that association. Maybe they meant NR-ish feel in regards to the (NR) outro. In that sense, it's equally as heavy.

    3) General - Yes to the orchestration. I've also heard a version with none. Both rock, but the orchestration is sweeet.

    Could it be a lengthy process? Your saying we will probably get the album in 2011 but negotiations could take a year.

    I suppose it could be lengthy, but I don't have any reason to believe it will be, especially a year.

    Any idea why the Better video never came to fruition?

    I've heard 2 different answers. Both could be correct or one moreso than the other. I could probably get a definite answer and I don't mind asking the appropriate source. I can say that Axl wanted to release it.

    Ok, I'll play.

    The final version of CD. Were those featured the definitive list of songs that would feature on CD or were there other songs in the running?

    The final tracklist wasn't determined until mid-2008. In other words, there were other songs in the running. We almost got Atlas instead of Catcher.

  3. Robin F

    As we'd heard the majority years prior I'm sure most were shocked to see such material on CD.

    I'm not sure what you mean by that. I wasn't shocked to see the material that we did on Chinese. Maybe I'm misunderstanding what you're asking.

    Is what was featured on CD the best material put forth by any incarnation of the band? If not, why weren't the big guns used?

    Well, I guess that's a subjective question. But personally, some of my favorite tracks are songs that didn't make Chinese. What in your mind = "a big gun"?

    Any idea why Robin left the band?

    His reason for moving on isn't as exciting or dramatic as some would like to have believed. He had an opportunity and he took it. I don't think Axl holds it against him at all, and I don't think it's impossible that we might see him again some day.

    What was behind Axl's disappearance before and after the release of Chidem?

    If you were to ask Axl this question, he'd probably ask you "what do you mean"? I don't think his lack of campaigning or promotion was considered a disappearance in his mind. You have to remember... He may not think like you or I, but the guy is a one of a kind genius.

  4. Few more from Robin F~

    Hi there.

    Please don't feel the staff team here are trying to push you out of the forum. There is a policy in place whereby any post in the news section without a verified link is considered not to be news and is moved to whatever...I'm sure you understand why we have this considering the number of rumours that flew around before Chinese Democracy was released!

    Is there anyway you can prove who you are?

    Thanks. I appreciate that. I don't feel like anyone is really trying to push me out. In fact, I think the vast majority have been really nice through their posting and private messaging. The only guy who seems to have an issue is that AxlCalifornia guy, and I'm pretty sure jealousy is the catalyst for that. He sends me all these private messages asking about unreleased material and wanting to trade this material, and publically he sees the need to trash me and call me a liar. Aside from him, you seem to have some really great members here.

    I can understand you and your staff's desire to have information backed up with concrete sources and I can respect that. I'm sure the band does too! In all honesty, I really don't much information about this fansite's history or any other for that matter, so I didn't realize there have been so many "insider" claims over the years. I know there was a lot of secrecy (if that's want you want to call it) over what was happening behind the scenes during the making of Chinese Democracy. So it makes sense that there was probably some pretty wild speculation. I remember seeing the media headlines throughout those years thinking to myself where in the hell do these guys come up with this shit.

    Anyway, I can't give up my real name so I hope you can understand. Also, I'm not willing to give up anything to personal about the band or any music that hasn't been officially released. If you can think of something else that may help to prove my credibility (within reason), I wouldn't mind accomodating.

    I see there were some questions asked today, so I'll answer what I can. Let me know if you come up with something.


    Yo Robin, I was wondering, are GN'R touring Europe n' South America again in 2011 to promote the remix album? Will it have 10 bonus songs like Axl said in 2002? Any singles, music vids, b-sides to look forward to since the album is getting repressed? New artwork maybe? Dj Ashba on some songs?

    You don't have to answer this shit cause they're tuff and unfair questions, but PLEASE tell me it wont be another retail exclusive lol

    j/k man

    Haha. Some very good questions, unfortunately I am not Axl Rose, and I can't speak for Axl.

    The video questions: I know Axl would love to. No videos to promote Chinese wasn't what Axl wanted.

    Regarding the Ashba question, I feel pretty confident that DJ will be featured on the next album. Axl has a pretty high opinion of the guy. That I can tell you!

    can you clear up the general/checkmate/jackie chan title dispute for us?

    That isn't "The General". That I can tell you!

    Hey Robin! Do you know if any song has Tommy or anyone sharing vocals with Axl? Do you know the title?

    Tommy co-wrote and provides backing vocals to several songs that have yet to be released.

    I'm not aware of any where his vocals are prominently featured ... if that's what you're asking.

    You may like "Yours Truly".

    Let me answer a couple repetitive questions that I have been getting bombarded with through the private message system:

    Next album release date: Guys and gals, I'm not Axl, nor am I tied to UMG, so I really have no idea. I do know Axl wants to put the next album out ASAP. I've been told that next year is the plan. It was important to Axl to tour behind this album this year! I don't think any fans will be disappointed by what's to come in 2011!

    How many completed songs does Axl have? Best way I can answer this is by saying yours and my view of what is finished may be different than Axl's view. What I will say is by most people's standard, he has about 15-20 "ready". ( <-- This number may be somewhat conservative).

  5. Talking about rumors...from newgnr

    Robin F~

    I'm the same guy who posted that back in 07'.

    Anyway, I appreciate the thread but this type of thing really isn't necessary. I don't need a "worship me" thread. laugh2 I'm a fan just like you all. The only difference being I know and have and worked with the majority of the band at one point or another. Plus, I've heard alot of songs that didn't make the album due to my position and relationship with the guys.

    For all of you sending me private messages: I appreciate all the questions and props you guys are giving, but I can't divulge certain things cos that wouldn't be right to Axl, Dizzwald or the rest of the band. I don't mind sharing a few lyrics or some minor details as long as shit doesn't get to personal, confidential, or offensive.


    One more thing that I feel compelled to say: I AM NOT looking to "trade" or "wheel and deal" for any previously unreleased songs from GNR. I have received NUMEROUS emails and private messages asking if I'd be willing to trade songs that have not been released and my answer to all of you is "NO".

    I'm not trying to make enemies here or "hoard" anything. I not only consider these GNR bandmembers acquaintences, I consider many of them to be good friends as well. So, I would never put out their material in an unauthorized way. Sharing a few lyrics and information with other diehard fans is one thing, betraying these friends is another, and I'm not interested.

    So please .. regardless of what you claim to have or know, I sincerely don't care. It will not prompt me to upload their material illegally. I appreciate all of your understanding.


    What songs (unreleased) have you heard and can you describe each one? Thanks

    Not to give you a generic answer, but that's a tough question ...

    Early 2000s there were so many ideas floating around under specific working titles, it would be nearly impossible to tell you everything that I heard. As stated previously, I always like the songs 'Atlas' and 'Forgotten'. Atlas is glam rock with this funky disco beat to it. Alot of influences going on in the song, but I'd like to hear what a polished studio version of it sounds like.

    Forgotten is dark and bluesy. This is one of Axl's babies. Dark like 'Sorry', but a more of a rocker. The demo that I have has a sweet ass Robin Finck solo.

    The song that most of you know as Scraped had a working title of Lies that they Tell You. The demo sounds alot more raw and agressive than the studio cut did. I really liked this song back in the day.

    about the US tour

    The reason for the uncertainty has nothing to do with low ticket sales or interest. Guns still have the ability to sell, especially in major markets. The issues have to do with legal shit. I'm not trying to be vague, it's just that it's not my place to talk about these things, especially with so many legal areas still unresolved. Personally, I think we'll see a number of US shows. Enjoy what you can.

    For all those calling me "fake insider" and other bs, believe what you wish. I just find it funny that you would call me a liar in public and then in PMs you ask me for info or unreleased tracks.

    I'm just trying to share what info I can with other fans. If you wish to disregard, that's your decision.

    about Atlas

    You either have no idea what glam is or you've never heard a Zeppelin or modern day Pink Floyd song. It's glam through and through with a killer disco beat. Once it's finally released, I'll gladly accept your apology. I don't hold grudges.

  6. Slash's was cleaner, more traditional. DJ's was a bit more rock n roll. I would lhave liked to see a bit more Hendrix from either of them. I'll go with Slash.

    Yeah, when Hendrix played it, it was just...brilliant :heart:

    I also voted for Slash.

  7. Like it or not, GnR is what is today. CD is closer to the experimental and edgy sound of AFD than all the non-ballads on UYI and any of the other music put out by any of the old members.

    Now remember folks why the old GnR broke up. Axl wanted more creative music from the band, while folks like Slash and Duff were stuck to their current sound - which by the way has not progressed one bit. Had Axl agreed to release music like that found on Snakepit or Duff's loaded crap, GnR would have surely died in '96 for good. And VR was (or is) no better either.

    So just be happy that Axl knew well enough what was in the best interest in GnR's long term success.

    Thanks to Axl's decisions, GnR still lives today and still has the opportunities to continue to create experimental and edgy new music that nobody else can match in both skill and creativity.

    So, here is a toast for CD II, CD III, CD IV, and so on.

    The past needs to stay buried in the past. Live and let die!

    - the sound of CD is not even close to AFD

    - for example: AC/DC, they are a great band with a tons of great songs and a huge fanbase, but they haven't changed their music/sound huh...well, and who says that if you are loyal to your roots is a bad thing?

    - ...Axl knew well enough what was/is in the best interest in HIS long term "success".

    - well, some would say that GN'R still lives today, some that just the name lives today, some that Guns N' Roses (the band) are dead.

    But yeah, I agree with you at the point, that reunion will never happen...urfotunately or not...

  8. I think she is Axl's sister :shrugs:


    I have this pic on my computer saved as "axlssister", but I don't know...maybe it is Amy...or some random woman.

    "it don't really matter"

    Seriously, this is HIS PERSONAL LIFE.

    This thread should be deleted as soon as possible.

    Because Manets asked who's the woman in the picture....yes, you're right, it's much more personal than threads about Axl's hair/voice/weight/mustache... :lol:

  9. I think they should've released them 9 months apart, and taken more time off after the leg of each tour. I wouldn't have called them I and II, but you know how Weezer puts out self titled albums and people just call it "the red album" or "the green album"? Would've been UYI - Red and UYI - Blue.

    Vinyl was around, but it was a much smaller section in '91.

    Yes, if they would've been released 9 (or even more months) apart, I think it would be a better choice - for example: Estranged video was released in December '93, that's more than 2 years after the album was released and the song was old, it wasn't a fresh material.

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