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The Real McCoy

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Posts posted by The Real McCoy

  1. 2 minutes ago, colonizedmind said:

    Or in fact....this whole ramshackle rouse is TB's idea of "edgy" promo.....hook us and all the rock media and then throw us a tadpool! 😒I'm still excited for the tune......just I feel like we've been totally messed about here....one ONE single tweet could have killed the last 100 pages....ONE

     If ALL of this was intentional (including a fake release date and the “accidental” jukebox link) just to be red herrings before a surprise drop to radio, then it was fucking masterful to whoever suggested it. 

    • Haha 1
  2. 2 minutes ago, SoulMonster said:

    Credit to you. 

    Here's what I think happened: They did intend to release last Friday but before they went public with this date they realized that everything wasn't ready, there was some minor snag between the label and streaming platforms, so they decided to wait one week to have it all sorted. No problem, really. Although, two minor problems: TouchTune still made the song available and it took to Monday to stop that, and the initial deadline was discovered. "Oh, well, so the world will now know a release is coming", but little did they know this one week delay would be the straw the broke the camel's back for all the poor fans here who have been tortured by the band for so many years. 

    And I think that we all want nothing more than this band to rule the world again. Seriously - it’s been painful watching them snatch defeat from the jaws of victory over and over again for 30 years now. 

    Like you said - this was the straw that broke the camels back. The internal release date ended up not happening, and it just seemed like business as usual for this band to get something wrong. 

    But whoever said “you know what? Let’s really shock them and give it to radio first” was a genius. Whether that was Axl, Team Brazil, the label, or some combination of them, I’ll tip my hat, applaud them, and apologize. 

  3. 6 minutes ago, Zeppelin said:

    What kills me about the band is that they just don't seem to understand that we're in an internet age. Whether August 11th/18th is official or not, someone is going to find those graphics when they're out there. Someone is going to record the soundchecks. Someone is going to find Perhaps on a shitty jukebox app and upload it to SoundCloud. These things are par for the course in this age. Especially considering GNR fans are desperate to hear new material. I mean, they must know this by now, right? Ehhhhh, I don't think they do. Which is puzzling beyond belief, honestly.

    What kills me even more is that they've had numerous leaks before, and yet, they still don't learn. There are far too many oversights here. I'm not going to blame some overzealous fan on the internet for managing to find this shit out. They're doing more work than GNR is at this point. The band is like a character on Men In Black, constantly getting their mind wiped with a light. They just seem to forget that when these things are ready to go, you better: a) release that shit, or b) plug that hole in every single way possible, before it's even meant to be snuffed out. Unfortunately for them, they can't seem to do either. So, they get caught in this ridiculous limbo where they won't release music and also can't plug up every leak. They're so reactive (to a massive fault), when they should be more proactive.

    And their go to excuse is to always blame the fans for their plans not coming to fruition, which is why it’s so easy for me to believe that they saw this massive clusterfuck explode and to say “well, fine, since they’ve heard it in ways that we didn’t mean them to, we’re just not going to release it now - that’ll teach them a lesson!”

    • Haha 1
  4. 3 minutes ago, Stay.Of.Execution said:

    What's your obsession with jarmo exactly? When have I told you to live your life?

    Lay off the drugs, man. 

    I'm not saying you're wrong and management has been a joke a lot of times. But you're seriously saying they reschedule a release for a song, millions of people are gonna hear, because some nerds on some forum found a link? That's too ridiculous 

    You realize that this is Axl Rose that we’re talking about….right?

    1 minute ago, joeperryslespaul said:

    On WZLX in Boston the DJ just said that they are playing Perhaps starting tomorrow 

    Press X to doubt. 

  5. 11 minutes ago, Stay.Of.Execution said:

    What does team Brazil have to do with this? It's a label issue, most likely boy. I couldn't care less about TB.


    And even if not, you saying they pull a single release out of spite is just ridiculous 

    What has this band done in recent memory for you (or anyone) to give them the benefit of the doubt?

    There is literally no explanation for this song to have been scheduled to be released last Friday and for the band to not acknowledge it’s existence ESPECIALLY after it showed up for publicly play on bar jukeboxes of all things. 

    NEVER underestimate this band or their management’s ability to fuck something up. It’s happened over and over again for the past 23 years. 

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