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The Wicked Hand

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Posts posted by The Wicked Hand

  1. It's just like if zac de la rocha was doing a zac de la rocha record and he called in a band to help him add parts and record his songs. They are writing parts but they are his songs.

    So the, well the others contributed, argument doesn't really work IMO .

  2. It doesn't get much better than Ron IMO.

    He may not be a great writer but he can play any style

    Flawlessly with great feel. He is def the best.

    Richard is a close second though. He is a great rock guitarist that

    Easily finds that balance between accuracy and emotion.

    His feel and his right hand make for some sweet dynamics.

    DJ is a decent player who covers the slash trademark licks well.

    I think DJs role is more of a writing partner for Axl.

    Ha..... I noticed today that mi Amor is pretty much godfather solo sped up and turned inside out. .....

    But he is not a bad player like some would like to think.

    Cut homeboy some slack before he drifts into a superdark emo depression.

  3. Problem:

    Best guitarist in the band has big time problems and is in so much pain he can barely stand.


    Stop booking all these last minuite shows and do what the fans and everyone in the band (cept Axl) wants,


    I am very surprized Axl keeps booking these shows knowing how much pain Bfoot is in.

  4. I think the list msl had were possible new songs that the band might do live.

    Because bumble said goin down was an old blues song and I really doubt with the nu GNR sound that they would record that. The same goes for light my fire.

    So I think tonto was a Richard fortus song brought to guns because it wasn't used in that video game.

    Who the fuck knows though?

  5. Axls stage manager or assistant ( whoever makes sure axls shit is in order during the tour...., yea that guy) is Tom mahue. Thats not him.

    Tom mahue's interview on Eddie trunk was the best one of them all. That dude IS EPIC.

  6. Axl's mood hasnt been mentioned that much. When I saw him in ATL, I thought he was on X or somehing. :ph34r:

    He was having so much fun and joking around.

    Whats this about switching up the setlist? Why would he say such when they never really switch it up. Like when they comment on how they just have a list and pull from it, playing what they like....Why would they say that when its obvious they dont do it that way.

  7. IMO, both Axl and Universal feel that they got burnt last time around and are standing firm in the budget negotiations for the next GNR record.

    Hence the stalemate we currntly are in. Mabey the label wants to see some compromise on Axl's part and it just aint happening.

    I say we dont get any new music soon, maybe not ever.

  8. This website just doesn't excite me.

    Surely they are planning on adding some features because its almost a joke

    at this point.Surely............

    Coming soon seems apropriate but we all know about the word soon and this band.

    If I did spend the 50, I would just be constatly worrying if they had added content or

    not, and it would just be a hassle. I want my GNR stress free baby. I refuse to chase the dangling carrot of

    new tunes anymore. When they release music or add something worth paying for I might buy it, but Im not

    just gonna send Axl money for nothin and the chicks for free.lol

    I just wish GNR would move away from the meet greets, endless touring , websites, sponsorships, streams,

    paytopost forums, etc, AND GET DOWN ON WHAT REALLY MATTERS: Writing music, continuing the vision, keeping it fresh,

    brotherhood, endless weeks in the studio, releasing material God damnitt!

    It just seems like everything is for sale that has to do with GNR but what the fans really want, NEW TUNES.

    And that is not rock n roll IMO, that is a store.

  9. The time around the HOF would be perfect to releaseTHE BIG GUNS....lol

    This record label should capitalize on GnR being all over the Internet, radio, tv, and papers for the hall of fame and get a plan for release going.

    I would be very surprised if nothing GNR related comes Out this year.

    I'm mainly talking bout another best of but you never know.

  10. Everyone still begging for OH MY GOD!

    Oh my god would stick out like a sore thumb in a set of classic Guns hits.

    It just wouldn't fit. Think of it from Axls standpoint. There's just not a smooth transition between civil war and OMG.

    Plus no one out side of super forum fanatics enjoyed the song to begin with.

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