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Status Updates posted by SmellThePoppies

  1. Serious Question : Do Canadians salute the flag like Americans?

  2. Shaving in the dark! Yay

  3. Six months to drop from 18% body fat to 10% in time for the Spartan race. THIS IS SPARTA

  4. So a group of Buddhist Monks walk in and they all have smartphones...............................

  5. So glad I took a summer course. Air conditioning!!

  6. So I got attacked by a homeless person today..........................

    1. Powerage5


      I've had that happen before.

  7. So I got carded buying GTA 5

  8. So the new Thor is a woman , the new Captain America is black and I guess now the new Hulk is going to be gay right ?

    1. ZoSoRose



    2. Georgy Zhukov

      Georgy Zhukov


    3. magisme


      The new Hulk is going to be obese and bed ridden.

  9. So went to KFC (I was stoned , I had the munchies so sue me) , bite into a chicken sandwhich and it's RAW and uncooked. Ugh. Immune system don't fail me now

    1. Haters Gonna Hate
    2. DR DOOM

      DR DOOM

      Just be thankful you're not a little girl whose face has been savaged by a dog attack, they'd have asked you to leave.

    3. Forsaken


      ....you didn't go back and demand your money???

  10. Sometimes you can literally give the shirt off your back to people and they will still ask for more.

  11. Star Trek 2 villian is Gary Mitchell and not kahn. Lame

  12. Stupidest question I've ever been asked ever as of today "Can I take those Beats (high end headphones) on a 3 year contract?"

  13. Super excited to see Fleetwood Mac this June!

  14. Supernatural finale tonight!

  15. Survived day 1 of P90X. That's some tough shit.

    1. NachoLZ


      I have that dvd, do you do it at home?

  16. Taking a course on nutrition and biking 30 km a week to Concordia! #Productivity

  17. Thanks for the birthday wishes everyone :-)

  18. The homeless situation is out of control. I can't believe the city isn't out helping these people. Just walked by a homeless person on the corner of Guy and Sherbrooke sleeping in garbage.

  19. The Last Of Us is a masterpiece. It's better then some recent movies.

  20. The metro cars that we still use today were put in service in 1966 . What type of world-class city like Montreal does not upgrade their cars for over 48 years?

  21. the monarch will be crowned

    1. bacardimayne


      no idea why i still watch this tripe

  22. The official Guns N Roses just Retweeted me saying #FuckCancer. 500,000 people just saw that. Wow.

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