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Posts posted by Eu4ic

  1. My rationale for not considering Tommy integral is that I dont really think he likes GNR, or understands what it means to diehard fans. He doesnt have a signature sound, imo. There's nothing I can point to since he's been in the band where I've been "Damn! Tommy is great!" Duff balanced out Axl because whereas Axl takes the hardest path, Duff takes the easiest, punkiest path. Great bands have distinct personalities. Duff's sound, especially on something like Locomotive, is full of personality, and matches well with the others.

  2. He had bad teeth in the late 80s at least. Then they cleaned up in the early 90s. I'm sure he's had some work done, especially the bleach shit everybody today does. Looks bad. Perhaps better than they wouldve though. Oh well. He's a good-looking guy and I'm sure he gets loads of tail.

  3. 4tus is def the best in the band and underutilized, but he has no signature licks or identity really. BH and Slash have a general pattern of notes that are THEIRS and everything else is just an extension of those core elements that are THEIRS.

    4tus has some of this, just not enough, imo. But, would I love to see him and Axl do something? Absolutely.

  4. A distinction needs to be made between (2011-early 2013) and mid 2013. I think we hit a new level in this last month. He's on his upside. The 11-13 Axl wasnt motivated. He was depressed that 2010 Axl didnt get dates in America. He was in a transitional period. In the past month I think Axl's shown he's accepted where he's at, wants to put on a hell of a live show. Gooooooo Axl!

  5. I mean the guy can play in every genre, he makes amazing albums like Abnormal, he's an awesome singer with lots of range, he can sing in whistle register (99% of males can't), he's an awesome songwriter and he even makes great hot sauces as if he wasn't awesome enough already.

    Is Bumblefoot the greatest guitarist alive, or of our time?

    Neither. His solos often destroy Gnr songs live. He isnt a great songwriter. Jimmy Page is. Buckethead is way better than BBF in tone and songwriting.

  6. Russel Nash, on 09 Jun 2013 - 8:21 PM, said:

    Nosaj Thing, on 09 Jun 2013 - 07:27 AM, said:

    bumblecool, on 09 Jun 2013 - 06:25 AM, said:

    RQ: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zFrU2fjRmrg

    wow! Extremely awful performance of Rocket Queen.

    Great performance of RQ. Awful is good to you right? You use that word in every post!

    Thought this was pretty good. Axl was aware that vocally he cant do RQ without MM, so he didnt yelp through it but just played it nice and safe. KUDOS. GooooAxl! One of the best RQs in three years!
  7. I dunno what's up with Axl. He goes to further lengths than anybody alive to assure others that he isnt a poser, then he hires DJ Ashba. wtf.

    He can't be held responsible for the actions of others, no more than he could control Slash and Duff. At least Ashba doesn't do embarrassing drunken interviews and turn up legless rambling on incoherently, and yes being posers, at worldwide-televised award shows like the AMAs -- that was FAR more embarrassing and damaging to the band.

    Slash and Duff are cool. Deej is terrible.

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