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Posts posted by Flayer

  1. In more important news, I've had lucid dreams the past two nights of being at Guns N' Roses concerts. The first night I had one where it actually seemed like a real setlist, Chinese, Jungle, Brownstone, and It's So Easy. Woke up after that, pretty awesome. Fell back asleep, then I had one where everything goes wrong. Dizzy's keyboard breaks and he's trying to get it fixed, then the power goes out so nothing works, a torrential downpour starts and everyone starts leaving, Axl just leaves. I went to the front and told Tommy this sucked and I'm so sorry it turned out wrong and he said don't worry about it. Then last night I had one where they played Oh My God. And I filmed it on my cell phone. But when I woke up I realized they'd done it with the lyrics to Shackler's Revenge.

  2. Indifference is an opinion. However, Chinese Democracy has always stuck with me in a special way I think because it was released when I was a teenager - the same way Appetite for Destruction bonded with so many older fans when it was released in their own youth. So I can say, objectively, that Appetite and about 1/2 of the Illusion tracks are a better album than Chinese, but nonetheless I listen to the Chinese Democracy songs more often and they touch me a little bit deeper.

  3. I "really liked" Chinese Democracy. Didn't love it. Definately didn't hate it. The only song I really don't enjoy listening to is Catcher in the Rye. I know it's a favorite on this board, but the song bores me.


    I didn't like it a lot for a long time either. I'd skip it. It bored me. Same with Madagascar. They both grew on me.

  4. Favorite part of all in a later review blurb:

    Favorite moment: When a fan yelled for a certain song and Axl told her they already played that song and she should get to theshow on time

    It truly disappoints me to to see how many people will write a review after leaving because the band didn't come on till 11:00 and how many whine that they play too loud. TOO LOUD? ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?

  5. Great to see Bumblefoot praised, even if just as "that one guitar dude with the long beard." :xmasssanta: Shows that he's impressing people who don't know him by reputation.

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