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Posts posted by cbgnr

  1. Try a little experiment with people that aren't big gnr fans.Play something from the old Tokyo shows or other old gnr live vids on youtube from the old band,then show them some of the vids from this show.Any guesses to what most of those people would say sounds better vocally?

  2. I'm on the fence after this video. SCOM is one of the very few songs I don't hate when he uses the clean voice. Need to see what he does with other songs. Ron's solo was good.

    Edit: Thanks for the vid. :thumbsup:

    This sounds like he adjusted the clean voice maybe a bit lower don't you think?To me it sounds quite a bit better on this performance of SC.I really like this vid.
  3. Guns fans are usually divided into one of two categories. Those that should get off his back and those that should get off his dick.

    You left out the category which would be the majority,that hear GNR are coming to town,go to the concert,hopefully enjoy the show,go home, and that's about the extent of the thought they have of it.It will be the fans that pretty much fill the shows in Australia, for example.
  4. Yeah, dude's insane. I feel sorry for him. When you ask a simple question and the guy gives you 4 answers then you need to start thinking "there's something wrong with this person".

    When someone needs to barf out multiple paragraphs of nonsense to convince THEMSELVES that they're right about something, there's a severe problem there.

    Ironic last sentence as I scroll through the posts.
  5. Why are "Most" of the people complaining about getting new music the same people that spend their lives here whining,crying and bashing the new band on a daily basis?You would think they would be happy if they never heard another note from the band.

  6. Is there a way to allow the malcontents here to ONLY be able to post in the sections that deal exclusively with the former members of this band?

    It's obvious that they only care about those lineups, and can't let go of the fact that it's not 1987 or 1991 anymore, so let them go live in fantasy land and let the the rest of us who actually want this band to succeed be able to post here in peace without having to see posts by people who don't like this band anymore.

    How does wanting the band to release a decent show from 2010 over this awful show have anything to do with the old band? Oh yeah, because it doesn't...

    The inmates have taken over the asylum, and it's beyond irritating when every thread degenerates in to the same handful of people reminding us over and over again that they don't like the band.

    We get it. Find a creative outlet for all of that frustration.

    Maybe a box of crayons and a coloring book might help.Or maybe a jolly jumper and a etcha-a-sketch would do it for them.On second thought,better not, they'd probably eat the crayons and lord knows the damage they would do in the jolly jumper beating their heads into a door frame all day.
  7. So no new album? I thought they were supposed to be in the studio late last year according to insiders. lol well shit

    He's actually said something about Atlas Shrugged and the General, and you're still just trying to provoke arguments about the same old shit?

    It IS confusing though. Fortus said they were working on NEW songs with hopes to have something out by 2013. Now Bumble is saying nothing new has been worked on, not to expect anything new in the near future, and that if Axl did release anything soon, it would be leftovers from the CD sessions.

    If something new was being worked on, wouldn't Bumble, one of Axl's lead guitarist, be apart of it? Or even at least know about it?

    Which is it?

    Its a confusing,perplexing, mystery master plan set up to keep people guessing until the final moment.And than BAMMMMM!Hits yah right in the nuts when your not expecting it,and you kinda wanna cry but your laughing to while your trying to catch your breath.

  8. I'd like to see these same people that post all the shit have to sit in the room with the member's of the band and say what they post here on a daily basis face to face,record it,and post it here so we can watch all the little anoymous pussies cower,put their tales between their legs and be the biggest ass kissers in the world.Guaranteed some of the biggest dicks would be the biggest suckholes out of all the members here.

  9. Here we go with the pre tour doom and gloom,no ones going to show up blah,blah the same as the start of every tour in the past few years.Sorta this wierd pattern of bashing that starts like there is some sorta crybaby button that gets pressed, and all the sooks come out in full force like some kinda crybaby, sook combination army.

  10. Do you ever get really,really worried that there are billions of bitter ex-gnr fans out in the world right now ready to rebel and create havoc and chaos from every corner of the world?I do.

    Sadly no. Like Axl and Slash they are all getting on a bit and are too bogged down with family and working for the man to have the energy to partake in any kind of uprising. It's slippers, pipe and an early night all the way now.

    Thanks.That makes me feel a little better,and I might get some more sleep now.
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