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Posts posted by cbgnr

  1. There's been either some serious hacking on the poll in favour of Rush or all the sudden everyone started voting against Gn'R....smells fishy to me... :max:

    I hate to tell you this, but this contest is extremely flawed. Any contest that allows people to vote multiple times is a bit of a joke. A small group of people can vote a hundred times each a day - which completely makes the voting process a joke.

    Rush beat out all the other bands they were matched up against to make the finals...........so why would it be as surprise for them to beat GnR? All they need is a group of Rush fanboys (just like the few we have on this forum) and a few guys from their facebook page - all voting from multiple accounts all day long.

    Hopefully people realize that this is just some random website having an online poll. It doesn't really mean anything in terms of any band's worth or popularity. The winner of the contest will be which band has a group of 50 nutswingers who are willing to vote 100 times a day. It has nothing to do with which band is better, more relevant or more popular.

    Pretty much, let's just say that any serious statistician would not think of these polls as indicative of anything lol

    I especially like how people here think Rush fans hacked the poll just because they are getting more votes. Considering how many people in the comments are baffled at how GNR was able to beat Zep, The Beatles, and The Stones there are probably way more people who think GNR fans hacked the polls

    The poles are not hacked but its pretty obvious up to this point it was fans voting for their favorite bands and now there just an assault on Gnr.Its kinda funny ,people just love to hate on GNR old and new,they have always been a polarizing band.
  2. I'm particularly interested in how the albums were perceived by those who became fans around the time of AFD, ie the old school fans.

    What were your initial thoughts when the album came out in 91? Did you feel it was a worthy follow up to Appetite or were you disappointed? How did you feel about the inclusion of two cover versions and the absence of Adler?

    It's well documented that some purist fans didn't take too kindly to the introduction of pianos and synths to the GNR sound, was this a common opinion around that time or just a minor gripe of a select few?

    Finally, has your opinion on the albums changed over the years or remained the same?

    I was in love with them

    Appetite was the first album I ever got

    When the Illusions came out, I was in love with them

    I played them continually throughout the mid- late 90s when Guns N Roses were no longer cool

    I would get made fun of because I still listened to Guns N Roses in like 1995 1996

    Now 20+ years, I really dont care for any of the songs on the Illusion albums, if you ask me I think they are very dated and dont stand the test of tiime, Appetite on the other hand...

    I'm with yah on this,some of my favorite songs from Gnr are on these albums,but some other songs that I really liked when I was younger I've lost interest in, esp off UY2.
  3. I can't believe that people still buy the excuses for Axl not getting his ass on stage like a professional.

    Do U2, with their massive stage production that far exceeds the few pyros added to the GNR production, have the same complaints about their stage times from their fanbase?

    I'm pretty sure the U2 production took weeks to set up before the show they played in my area.I don't think they setup and tore down and drug that whole production around for multiple shows a week.
  4. In the two videos of Rocket Queen, 2012 sounded better

    I agree.And its been said a thousand times before just watch jungle from the recent Tokyo show,it sounds the same as 2010,he could sing" Mary had a little lamb" the same way if he wanted, he has just changed his style or techniqe,probably so he doesn't destroy his vocal chords and some songs believe it or not sound better in 2012 without the heavy rasp.ie Catcher in the rye.Also the 2010 November rain from Montreal imo is an example of to heavy on the rasp and I would prefer some of the recent performances.The only part of the NR performance I don't care for now is when he goes high voice on the "If we could take time to lay it on the " lines.
  5. The only people that'll be a bit disappointed with a current GnR gig will be the ones (like myself) that have seen them back in 2010 the heyday year for Axl's vocals.

    Other than it's the best rock show out there...no doubt about it.

    The jungle from this show vocally is on par with 2010 and sounds no different,its actually probably better than some 2010 performances.So 2010 was more like the heyday for people who wanted Axl to sing pretty much every song like he sings jungle which he still can if he wanted obviously, but doesn't.Best rock show out there for sure I agree imo.
  6. Yeah the romanticizing of 2010 is constant, but really it isn't all its cracked up to be.You can see why Axl would want to take it a little easier or use a different style because he looks like he has to push so hard in some of these older videos that he is about to take a coronary.

  7. I think Better was the perfect example of how Axl is using the 'rasp" as needed... he sounded pretty freakin awesome in parts.... I think its time to get his red head ass in the studio! and get the next album out!

    Thats like when they were doing TWAT and he was doing the "I would do anything for you" lines a little easier people were like his voice is gone,well I don't think so.
  8. Put Gnr against Motley Crue in any arena,etc. anywhere in the world with no touring partners or opening bands and I would put money on it that Gnr outsells Motley Crue hands down anywhere.And wasn't it brought up dozens of times that the 2011 Motley Crue tour was actually billed as Motley,Poison,NewYork dolls tour,same as the Kiss Motley crue tour?

  9. The band says very little about the next album, probably so they don't set any expectations.

    When they say nothing, everyone complains. When they say what they can, everyone complains.

    The moral of the story is that everyone is going to complain no matter what.

    is there any other band in the world with such a high percentage of whiney bitches as fans?

    Perfect name for a new section "Whiney Bitches Fan Section"A place for whiney bitches to unite and whine endlessly from now until the end of time.It's got a nice ring to it.
  10. Might as well just make a new section called "Ashba Bashing Section".Personally I like Ashba"s sound.He makes mistakes,they all do.I would say Richard would get the same bashing from people here if he was playing the parts Ashba does now,it seems to come with that particular position.ie Robin Fink took the exact same shit kicking.

  11. Listening to it now, after merely reading the setlist last night. Axl sounds great on some songs, he sounds winded on others. He seems like he can really ace Catcher now so I hope that appears more often, however on TWAT he seems winded. What was up with Ashba last night? Was he drunk? He was stumbling on notes left and right :( I always look forward to Ballad of Death but it's not the same as it usually is.

    I think he might have been because its usually good.
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