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Posts posted by vaida

  1. You know, you people say "who cares if they are appreciated/recognised" or " Axl doesn't care about success" but just think back to when Guns was launched. For four years those five guys, including Axl, worked their ass off to get GnR off the ground and worked even harder during the UYIs tours so obviously Axl cared back then. He acquired legal possession of the GnR name so he must care about that. He spent ~14 years working on an album so he must have cared about it to have spent that long toiling over it... (regardless of how it was launched).

    The thing is that obviously he does (or at some point did) care for the commercial success of GnR. So yeah... why aren't things moving forward? I have no idea because this whole thing seems so random and weird! There is just something off about it, everyone has to admit that. We've had so many stops and starts over the past decade and now that we finally have a stable line-up the band seems to have fallen into a pattern of constant touring?!! I mean, did you ever think you would associated that with GnR? Their gigs have always been famous for an "anything can happen" feel!

    To me this doesn't feel like a crossroad, but more like a dead end atm. The band seemed to be on a set path when they started the tour in 09. The tours have been very consistent over the last 3.5 years but no hint of future recording plans and now they are launching into another European tour... where is this going? What is their end-game? I remain cautiously curious...

    ...cue SCOM "where do we go now".

    Given that Axl's 50 now, and the type of show he attempts to put on, I'd say he has 10 years left max, and that's probably pushing things. Can you imagine a 60 year old Axl performing GN'R songs ?

  2. Actually, they were at the crossroads a long time ago, and they made some bad decisions, as a result they are now a mid tier band averaging 6,000 fans per show, Instead of selling out arena's like AC/DC, Metallica, Van Halen, Aerosmith and on and on. I believe there formula for success Is to stick to what got them here, which Is just straight up Rock N Roll.I would have to say, most of the worlds opinion Is that(judging by the sales numbers) Chinese Democracy wasn't a good Guns N Roses album and wasn't worth 14 years of silence. They need to go back to basics, release a new album ,with at least one or two hit singles, something along the lines of Sweet Child, Paradise City, November Rain and keep there faces plastered everywhere they possibly can, because as of right now America still doesn't accept this version of Guns N Roses, as a matter of fact I would be willing to bet, that the average American couldn't name one other member of the band, other then Axl Rose.

    Axl Rose does not care about that definition of success. He does not care if the average person knows his new band members or songs, if he's matching up to Metallica or not, or if America "accepts" him. He doesn't care to do the same thing and stick to any formula. The path he's chosen is for his own definition of success, which I'd say is making the music he wants to and playing with the people he wants to.

    I'm not sure I agree with your comments. The only reason BF and DJ are in the band is because Buckethead and Robin quit. I doubt Axl would have fired either if he suddenly discovered BF and DJ.

  3. I hope they can hook up (behind scenes atleast) and have some peace. I also would think that Slash will for sure watch Axl's Nu/current GnR play. Kind of doubt Axl will watch Slash. I wonder if any dialogue has occurred betwen the two with regards to the RRHOF?

    slash should be front amd center in the mosh pit with....

    If Slash were spotted by Axl in attendance (without Axl's "official blessing") Axl would melt down. Now if Axl were spotted at Slash's show Slash would probably acknowledge his old friend/bandmate.

    My guess is, Axl will fly in, perform, fly out. Business as usual.

    There might be an hour or 2 delay also.

  4. I think Slash was just as lost in the world as Axl was. You can say Velvet Revolver was a success but Slash needed to do more than that. I think he's finally doing what he always wanted to do without a lead singer holding him back.

    They are both on the right path, just not together, but they can play at the same festival.


    The VR thing did nothing for me, but the Slash + Miles combo is just great. Slash is on fire at the moment.

  5. Slash extended wishes to Axl on his 50th, cool, but this isn't anything new. Slash has tried attempting to reconcile with Axl for, well, a decade at least.

    The fact is until Axl openly declares a current affection for Slash we can assume the situation of division remains the same.

    ..and to add to that: What would you know anyway ?

    Pure speculation, on your part.

  6. This best thread in long time. Axl should do same.

    I would love hear Bucket Finck work covering AFD + unreleased Chinese toons.

    That way 2012 line up could focus their own music and move on from past.

    Gun Rose Fortune Cookies 4 All ^_^

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