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Posts posted by CoolRanchDressing

  1. Once again;

    You guys are more than capable of making your arguments without insulting each other. Both sides of the fence need to stop resorting to name calling.

    Or the mods could simply ban the two people who are trying their hardest to cupcake the same stupid arguments over and over and over again. But the mods would have to grow some balls. Good luck.

    In the meantime, people shouldn't be stupid enough to reply to wfuckinga.

  2. People claiming beta wouldn't fuck up her meal ticket by pissing Axl off seem off base. To me, it seems like Axl is far more emotionally/psychologically dependent on her than she is financially dependent on him. She can find another job. But can he handle life without someone to tell him he's right? She already threatened to leave him and was rewarded with the management position. I think she's got more power than he does in the relationship

    If you believe the story about Axl throwing beta out over Doug, remember how that ended... Axl taking her back and rewarding her with a promotion.

  3. Wait... She threatened to quit as his assistant unless she could be the manager? And Axl folded? Jeez... Axl's even more spineless than I thought. For fucks sake, it can't be that hard to find a new housekeeper/assistant

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  4. It's possible. Remember Beta threatened to leave if Axl wouldn't let her manage.

    That was amazing to me. Amazing that she did it. Amazing that it worked. And even more amazing that she wanted to share that with the LA Times.

    Thank god I have a real mother who wouldn't abandon me over money.

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  5. Sad that the mods are cool with their forum being used as a playground by an admitted and celebrated cupcake who gleefully spreads false information at fans' and the band's expense. But at least the cupcakes get their weird 15 minutes in this weird microcosm. Super weird that the mods then think they're entitled to a relationship with the band and management.

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