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Posts posted by CoolRanchDressing

  1. Everyone has a favourite waste of time. This is currently mine, I could watch some crap tv but this is actually more entertaining and I am kind of communicating with real people in a roundabout way. I like that I get to know people from other countries albeit behind a screen persona, broadens your horizons slightly more than watching reruns of Friends.

    I guess you're right about Fat Axl & the NuGNR being marginally less depressing than reruns of Friends. Never thought of it that way before.

  2. I know it's a harsh move by Erin Everly; but we shouldn't pretend not to be fascinated by these items. Potentially the biggest news story of 2013.

    It is not a harsh move, it is beyond sick to be honest, and it will not enamour you to the Guns camp in any way whatsoever if UK Subs is trying to set up a channel with them

    Of course, I would expect mygnrforum to roll with this, it is what people like here, but it is about where you want to draw the line.

    Of all things in the world, this is not good, this is very very bad.

    Yeah yeah yeah. Even if it is, in your worst case, a horrendous betrayal, does it really matter? Just because Axl is crazy sensitive and paranoid about stuff doesn't mean any of us or the forum at large have to follow his example. At the end of the day, it a bunch of corny old letters from an old rock star to his old flame. The abuse stuff is poor taste. But I can't for a minute gin up any outrage. There's real shit worth caring about in the world I think. Don't be a drama queen. Besides, if it wasn't this pissing off TB and Axl, it would be something else like dr pepper or bad vibes or dr Eliot Maynard.
  3. P4A I agree people can change there minds however Axl is surrounded by people who do not want slash back. They would need convincing as well.

    Also it's dragged on for so long that IF it were to happen, Axl would come of looking weaker that he is giving in or it could be seen as he had the problem or made the mistake. It's going against everything guns has achieved since 2001.


    This 'axl looking weaker' bullshit is the kind of crazy jibberish that counts a great deal in the microcosm of obsessive online Axl fans, but means nothing at all to normal people in the normal world who love sweet child, think slash is cool and are blissfully unaware that songs like riad exist.

    Who cares if Axl 'betrays all he's accomplished since 2001' when he's accomplished so pitifully little?

  4. You assholes always freak out and accuse people of lying when they share stories from behind the scenes. That's why I don't bother sharing most of the shit I hear. Just the other day, I posted the most harmless and innocuous story about Axl being a cool party host. And I was challenged by groghan and several of his epic dumbass essays. You assholes would fucking meltdown in nerd rage if you actually had to digest real stories about what happens behind the scenes, with Axl or anyone else in the industry. Maybe one day the mods will try and run a forum that reflects reality in some small way, instead of feeling the responsibility of providing an online refuge for fifteen fanatical weirdos. Normal people with worthwhile thoughts to share leave. And the only people left are those like MSL and wfuckinga who only stick around to cupcake the imminently trollable fanatical weirdos.

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  5. I love it, personally. I'd be even happier if he went the extra mile and got a curly wig to hang in his eyes. Slash rules. The more the replacements look like real members, the easier it is to pretend when I'm drunk at a show.

    I like how rock fuel cut around DJ's face in the trailer. Lots of side shots and wide shots of top hats and les Paul's. smart move. They showed a lot of fortus though

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  6. I think he looks and sounds hilarious. People only bitch if they cling to false promises from decades past.

    You think he looks and sounds hilarious on the video I posted? How does he? I think its a great performance. I don't get why you're here then. Why post on a forum about a band who's singer you find hilarious?

    I like to laugh. Why does anyone like comedies?

  7. Rio 2011 was the show where we watched Axl's Indian spirit leave his body.

    I feel like you can see the moment it happens. In November rain, when its become obvious to even him that he's blown it... He kinda looks around all child like and overcome... Sad desperate eyes scanning the crowd... You can just see it on his face... A man who just ran out of illusions to use.

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