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Posts posted by BOSSY78

  1. 22 minutes ago, kiwiguns said:
    1 hour ago, Powderfinger said:

    Man, Izzy left in 1991, 25 years before the current tour kicked off. Slash left in 1996 = 20 years, Duff left in 1997 = 19 years. 

    You gotta hate Izzy for those 5 years he has on Slash.... 

    Izzy left that band having sobered up. Surrounded by alcoholics and drug addicts, while you are trying to stay sober is a tough situation. Izzy played on through this, he didn’t leave them “without” a guitar player. He waited until a break in the tour and resigned in Aug, it wasn’t announced till Nov.... 

    Talking about a band, you can’t really say “songwriting and being a founder member does not apply here” what is it you think you would be seeing on the stage if A) No one founded the band & B) They didn’t write any songs. Quiet gig... 

    Izzy is reliable enough in a touring situation to have done it while a junkie, homeless, dealing drugs and also while stone cold sober with a band that partied hard around him. “Hey Izzy ya want a line” while he’s at rehearsal.... He can survive touring, don’t worry. 

    This was a chance to be a band again, split the loot equally for the tour.... Izzy, Slash, Duff all back after 20+ years. But they are greedy fucks so they couldn’t split it evenly. There is no band mentality with guns. It’s every man for himself it seems. They probably don’t care about songs that are 30 years old and who wrote what part of what song. The fans care but I don’t know that the band (Axl) does. 

    Guns Could have done a Rolling Stones type of thing where Jagger fucks off and Keith plays 2 songs. It would have been cool to see Izzy and the band do 14 years & Dust N Bones on the 

    All great and dandy but again I refer back to the legally binding partnership of Slash Axl and Duff. Izzy sold his share in it to the others in the band. His decision. If you haven't looked up the contract on the partnership you should check it out. 

  2. 1 hour ago, downzy said:

    Izzy’s sobriety is very important to him. 

    Adler, not so much. 

    Make what you will. 

    This, so much


    It is right along with what I was trying to say.

    You can tell by how Steven is still putting blame on others for his issues and struggles with addiction.


    Sometimes It's hard to get people to understand that.


    To comment on other posts I think people forget or don't seem to think Izzy giving up his rights in the partnership have any value on this all. I mean Izzy made his decision and he chose to sell his share of the partnership years ago. Again we don't know if he was offered a fair share only he wanted equal loot. Slash and Duff left the band but not the partnership. They stuck around for the lawsuits Izzy specifically said he feared. Izzy thought the band could go bankrupt over lawsuits. He decided to take a payout. At the end of the day that risk didn't pay off for him today. At the time he thought it was the best decision.


    I have no doubt that the partnership played a factor. He is a founding member but he received a payout. Facts is facts. For all we know he was offered fair share on tour revenue minus merchandise fees advertising etc which is protected by a contract and partnership. It's legal and has been in place for a very long time. When the partnership is together as an entity it sets out how monies should be split. It's been so long since I have read it I can't remember the exact verbiage and numbers. It does mention Izzy's share and how that was spread I believe.

    The three have went to court and fought over different things over the years because of the rights in that partnership and how they deemed them.

    No one is denying Izzy should be there and no one is privy to what he was offered we can only go by what we know. Arguing Izzy being a founder doesn't change a legally bound contract.


    Song rights are different and they have all maintained their respective rights there including the ones Axl gave Steven with those millions he received.

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  3. On 10/29/2017 at 12:45 AM, AxlRoseCDII said:

    Respect your opinion but I was curious, what do you in particular think is the reason they keep adding more CD songs?

    I know you didn't ask me but I think its for a few reasons. 1 being most bands if not all play songs from their newest album Chinese being the newest album. 2 Axl has always played them and it seems Slash and Duff wish to as well. Slash seems to enjoy giving his own twists to some of them. 3 is rather us long time fans like it or not there is some people who are younger and became fans of CD. There may not be as many as the long term fans but there is definitely newer fans. This forum has some in fact. I mean newer as in CD newer. And finally perhaps so many peiole who complained before about not liking the songs cause Slash wasn't on them might actually enjoy them now or give them a second chance.

    If a band wants to stay fresh they need to keep growing fans. That means target other age groups.

    From what I've observed at the show I saw or others telling me fans overall at the concerts are enjoying the CD songs. We have to remember GnR has many many more fans outside of this forum and Ive heard other Countries really enjoy CD.

    I also want to add why wouldn't an artist wish to play music from all his CDs? Do you know how many concerts ive attended where bands only play from the newest album? Plenty bands would play newest album and only throw in a song or two from previous. Guns is mixing it up.


    • GNFNR 1
  4. On 11/6/2017 at 10:38 PM, Tom2112 said:

    Is there a 'Duff' side or a 'Slash' side? That's sick... Really once you've paid to get into the put it should be one price and then up to you to get whatever position you desire. This paying for a better position shit is ruining concerts, when I first started going to concerts in like '03 you literally got handed wrist bands for the pit based on who got there first and in my case I was young and small so the main crowd was too rowdy for me so security upgraded me and my older brother. 200-500 or whatever just to get closer to the stage:facepalm: I'll not be paying for anything like that, and balls to the bands taking g advantage of fans like that.

    I believe both sides are priced the same. The Slash side just fills up quicker I guess.

  5. 1 hour ago, RONIN said:

    Nah. Illusion 2 was a better Axl solo record.

    I think your liking of Chinese probably rests on how much you liked the direction Use Your Illusion II was going ;)

    Not a bad assessment once I thought about it. I have been a fan of GnR since day 1 but love both the Illusions albums. Of course I'm a fan of albums that can hit every mood or serve more than one purpose. I'm likely not getting my point across with that last line I'm tired lol. I guess I'm a fan of artists who have a broader talent so to speak. I enjoy most of the CD songs. There are a few songs that were like "eh their not bad" but most I like.

    I don't see Illusions as a solo either.It's like trying to say the ballads were all Axl solos yet GnR became very popular because of them. Most of the band didn't want to do those ballads yet they are a huge part of GnR. Rather people like it or not CD is GnR.

    As far as CD goes when I was in Cleveland the other day the crowd was excited and singing along and dancing to the songs played. I didn't really see too many acting like they had no idea what it was. 

    Something a little odd though that I never thought about was my boyfriend is more into heavy metal but I'd consider him a casual fan by what most deem casual and he thought the CD songs were heavier and really enjoyed them. In fact, after I bought him his very own copy of the CD at the HOF. They had only 1 copy left. They said they stocked up on cds by GnR knowing they would sale with GnR in town. I also picked up another copy of Appetite which left 1 copy left, Illusions 1 was sold out and Illusions 2 and Lies had 2 copies left each. Spaghetti had 3. So many GnF fans were walking around the Hall of Fame.

    I also don't think that basing albums sales is a good indicator because most people these days stream music. I looked at my boyfriend like he grew ten heads when he told me he could just add them to his playlist. I told him that's fine but he needs proper albums now as well. 

    I also don't understand why fans would expect a band not to play newer music and only older music. I also have seen many fans on this forum say that they prefer the original versions of some CD songs rather than Slash's takes TIL being a good example of that.

    I also believe no matter if the band broke up or not we would have gotten some of the songs on CD either way. Many fans seem excited on here to see CD songs played. On each thread they are wondering which CD songs are gonna be played.

    I spoke to a few fans in line one in particular who has been to just about every GnR performance within a couple hundred miles since day 1 and he said he liked CD as well. They wanted to hear Street of Dreams and said it would be a dream come true if they did. They wanted The Seeker cut and more CD songs added or Appetite songs added.

    The guy next to me was a different case. He first heard GnR when he heard Chinese and went and bought the album and he was a fan of Slash's from velvet Revolver. He said he went out after hearing Chinese and bought the rest of the CD's then bought the books to find out why they broke up. Now He has his two favorites together Slash and Axl but doesn't like all of Slash's renditions of the Chinese songs. His mom said it's GnR 24/7 in their house. There was a 13 year old cancer patient who only wanted to see her favorite singer ever Axl sing with her favorite band GnR. Listening to the different fans tell their journeys about how they became fans while waiting in line or for the band to come on was awesome.

    Anyway I think that there is definitely reason to play CD songs and I think that people enjoy them. This I love and Better are both played on the radio stations here regularly now. I also think many forget there are so many fans that aren't on forums that aren't just casual fans.

    I'm not sure if I agree with my boyfriend's assessment on CD yet about it sounding more heavier overall.

  6. 7 minutes ago, Pishy said:

    Yeah I really didn't get the Axl vs slash thing and didn't know it existed until I got on this board and read an old thread of I think Axl answering some questions . I knew the media was harsh on Axl, always calling him crazy and mocking his appearance . I feel bad for the guy , they were ruthless. There is some weird fascination in the US with elevating someone then wanting to see them crash and burn . Frankly , it freaks me out. 

    Im equally disappointed now, lol! The 3 decided to keep Izzy and Adler out . I thought they were all great all the way up until the reuinuon. After learning Izzy and Adler were not going to be in the reunion, I was put off . You're right , I wish I didn't have any idea because it spoiled some of it for me even though these people are strangers . It just looked so bad how they can do this to these two, I would feel that way about any situation that was unjust . I also felt like a jerk going to shows when I knew 2 people were being mistreated . I also thought maybe they would join the tour. Hope is a crazy thing, can borderline delusion , haha!

    Yea the Axl vs Slash was a crazy time on the boards. I didn't understand how one side would tear down the other based off words of another that may or may not be true. I'm a fan for the music and that includes all members of GnR. I wished Axl would have defended himself long before he did but no matter when he did people still didn't believe him or trashed him and ice versa.

    As far as Steven and Izzy go we may never know the whole truth. It would have been great to see Adler tomorrow in Cleveland but again I only know what's been told and it's not enough for me to say who's right or wrong. It reminds me of my friend growing up who hated her mom because she wouldn't get back with her father. All she knew was what she thought she saw but her mother had her own reasons that she found out many years later. Typical adult stuff you know.

    On Izzy it sounds like it is more of a financial agreement which all three would have to agree to I assume. For all we know the money offered was great per show for him. Then again it could have not been great. It's as much Izzy's fault in this as the others. He wanted equal they wanted to honor the old deal of his payout of his share. I can't say I blame either side. It just didn't work out. Axl mentions Izzy a lot at shows and most assume they play wish you were here for him as well. 

    I hope that Izzy is on some new songs though. That could still happen. It would be great.

  7. 27 minutes ago, Pishy said:

    @BOSSY78 Not a literal producer .  He set the rhythm and everything kind of hinged on him and his unusual style. The others found their rhythm and footing,  through Adler. I think all but Slash, were self taught so Adler was like the anchor . It's kind of crazy but  I think that's one reason they sound so good, they were put together differently. You may like this if you have not already read it. 



    i think you misunderstood some of the things I said. I'm not saying you have anything to gain financially from the band , I meant you were seeing things from the point of view of money. I know that's all the 3 in the reuinuon care about but they would have made millions and could have had everyone there.  No one is asking them for free shows or to do things for fans. I see this a lot "they don't owe fans anything ". It's used so much that it crops up inappropriately. I was saying between the band members, it shouldn't be all a business and hinge on money.  But it is and the music is not really relevant at all and that's lame .

    there are ethics and common decency and there is the music . I'm talking about what should be happening amongst the 5 of them. I think we all have a pretty good idea how crushed adler was and Izzy was clearly upset , the call to rolling stone and the twitter comment ? It's pretty obvious he wanted to be part of it, equally . 

    And there is a timeline with the comments you cited. Adler said duff and slash didn't like him I think before the reuinuon  I really don't care what duff thinks , he is a businessman wanna be now . Adler is sentimental and Just wants to play . 

    Also, adlers mom's book came out after Adler was not included on the tour . None of these things are the reason Axl/duff/slash kept adler out, who cares what his mom said? I heard Adler say a few times it wasn't GnR but his addiction . The mom can say whatever she wants . From what's been said , it didn't seem she was the greatest mom , who knows what her reasons are for saying what she did and who cares! 

    Gnr was 5 guys . Axl using the name he turned into a brand to do solo projects , doesn't mean anything . He could have been called anything . 

    I appreciate you explaining more of what you meant and respect your opinion. I do hope they work it out somehow.

    You're right about Adlers mom. The book was released right after his last show but they likely would have known what was written before hand. I'm sure there was discussion and honestly it could have nothing to do with how things went down. It's something that we as fans aren't privy to because it's between the band and they haven't us. Perhaps it's for the best they don't as we saw how it turned out last time. Fans were split. I mean wasn't that whole AXL/Slash thing fueled by things being said in the media?

    Someone can be sentimental but we aren't there we don't know their reasons we just know our opinions.

  8. 13 minutes ago, Pishy said:

    Not a literal producer but yes!


    I read what you're referring to that Tom said. In the end it seems like he's complimenting the band more than Steven honestly.

    :You know it’s funny, because Steven couldn’t even keep time very well. And there was no software in ’86 to fix that. But Steven was the foundation of the band, and the producer, Mike Clink, knew how to get the best performances out of him. And that’s the greatest secret to Appetite for Destruction: The record doesn’t sound out of time only because the band plays to Steve Adler’s best performances. It sounds tight as fuck because the band follows his imperfections"

    I love Stevens drumming but it does remind me of Steven's own comments about Duff and what Duff thought. He mentions Duff thinking he's not good enough. It's been discussed many times on here about how Steven would do with the progression of GnR songs. It seems like Steven admits he thinks Duff feels he couldn't do it long term or good enough, again Stevens words Duff as far as I know hasn't given an opinion. It also seems as Tom is saying the band had to get used to his imperfections and play up to it which may not have been easy. Do you remember all of Stevens videos he was posting not long ago of him performing GnR songs?Kind of makes you wonder why he felt the need to practice a song for so long and post it. To me it showed he was trying to prove a point.

    Then of course you have this, "Well, think about it like this: While the rest of the band was living in a squalor at the Hell House, Axl had a room with a padlock on it that was pristine. He stayed away from the chaos and was sober as a church mouse and overthought everything. But that dichotomy worked because Axl would hear the work, sing through it, and make the changes. Everything had his final say on it. But initially, Izzy had a lot of the ideas. He was the primary creator of the Appetite sound, Slash’s monster guitar riffs were the icing, Duff’s complex bass parts were played like a lead guitarist, but every word and arrangement had Axl’s fingerprints all over it because he was the band’s quality control."

    I would love to hear an album with Steven on it for some songs as well as Matt but I'm more and more convinced Matt will not be performing with Guns in this lifetime lol. I really think we are gonna get some new music in this lifetime though.


  9. 14 hours ago, colonizedmind said:

    Hmmm I get what you're saying, re-reading the lyrics but I just think it's more likely to be about some chick....
    "So now I wander through my days
    And try to find my ways
    To the feelings that I felt
    I saved for you and no one else

    And though as long as this road seems
    I know it's called the street of dreams"

    I lean towards a combination. I'm not sure if it's about Slash but perhaps part of it is and parts are about other people. It reminds me of a poem I began as a teenager and finished as an adult. It ended up being about a mixture of people. I can definitely see where the idea of it possibly  being about Slash comes from. 

    When my mom passed away I found it in an album of hers and realized I had never finished it.

    On the song sorry though one line in particular stands out. "You know where to put your shut up and sing". Those who remember the Axl chats will remember that line. I also think Sorry is about different situations and people.

  10. On ‎10‎/‎23‎/‎2017 at 2:01 PM, Pishy said:

    No kidding it wasn't all axl, duff and slash conspired as well , both back when they were an actual band, and again during the reunion. I thought that was made clear  when  I wrote duff is a liar and backstabber.

    kept what business afloat with blood , sweat and tears? GnR ended 25 years ago. You actually think axl kept GnR afloat? How exactly , by using the name for his rotating circus? He ran it through the mud, made a mockery of it. 

    Izzy wasn't going to be treated like a stage monkey , he wanted to be treated as an equal. Izzy wasn't going to make appearances when axl summoned him and thrn have coins tossed at him. Apparently , you worship money so much you can't understand what he meant . To you , money = smarts and money = success and well "guess who is laughing all the way to the bank!"

    All these cliches about Izzy and adler are so tired but you feel they resonate because the propaganda that's amplified gets the 'benefit' that the sheep will hear their bell and nod in unison. What's this with "adler doesn't know how to kept his mouth shut?" It's so cringe and vomit inducing when another persont regurgitates this cheap bs. So adler needs to behave for you? Wtf does that even mean? As I recall, it's axl that talks 24/7 and went on tv to announce that "oh you know , Izzy is such a character , changes his mind on a whim , haha". And "oh yes, adler , he is playing" . Both pathetic lies. Those 3 blocked Izzy and their idea of adler played, was 1 song.  

    Adler can speak what he wants . A lot of you demonstrate this vicarious authority over adler . News flash, worshipping axl doesnt make you axl , but I guess that's how cults go. How do you even allow yourself to discipline adler and then recount what he shouldn't have said? None of the things he even said are problematic . And nothing he said has anything to do with why he is not in the reuinuon. 

    Izzy found that band, Izzy wrote a lot of the music. Adler was the producer , which is how those in the music industry that helped our appetite together , described him. They said without adler , it would have never worked. I think there is one large , glaring exhibit that demonstrates that point , Frank! But axl rather have the bigger team , like a child , and let slash know the band is his, and these are his people , slash is only a guest. Axl doesn't care what duff thinks as long as duff agrees to everything. This tour would never exist without slash , there is plenty of historical evidence for that as well. 

    There is no GnR. It's a business now, you got that correct. Duff thinks he is bill gates because they both have a home in Seattle . Slash is afraid his ex wife will take half and he has some compulsion with accumulating wealth beyond what any human needs. The only ones with any integrity , dignity and who stayed musicians , are Izzy and Adler, and THAT is why they are not in the reuinuon. 

    Your opinions don't make things a fact. In fact Axl Slash and Duff have said nothing on most things. It's your opinion that GnR ended 25 years ago and that Axl made a mockery of it. It's your opinion now that Izzy was going to be treated as a stage monkey when in fact noone knows how involved he could have been only that he wanted an equal share of the loot. His own words. Fact is that he sold his share of EQUAL loot years ago. His own choice. That's a fact.  I don't worship money I just am realistic in knowing that a man who sold his share is not gonna get equal share of the loot with guys who didn't.

    It's not my authority over Adler just my opinion on what happened but Steven said Slash met up with him and spoke with him. Steven also claimed he was to perform half of the show and Frank the other half. Steven should know better to allow his mother to release a book and use the GNR name on the cover and blame the band for his drug use in interviews and in the book. I mean why did it take a interviewer who knew better to get him to admit he used before GnR? Instead he would allow his mother to make it seem GnR was his reason for his addictions. I mean it's clear if people are gonna believe Stevens words as gospel that something changed to take him from half a show every night (he did a more specific breakdown of what he was to perform) to a few songs here and there. I commend his mother for writing a book that may help other families of addicts but she clearly tried to capitalize on the GnR name and put blame with the band at points rather than her son the addict not to mention she implied Axl was a junkie. I'm sure that went over real well with the band. I mean for all we know the band may think the road isn't a very healthy place for his addictions. We don't know because they're not running their mouth about things.

    It's my opinion that the band may have a lack of trust with him and or his sobriety. I formed that opinion based off his own words about Duff not liking how he played and how Duff thinks he isn't a good drummer and Slash thinks he isn't sober. Steven's own words. Again since no one else has spoken on it I have nothing else to go by. I still don't believe half of what comes out of his mouth. 

    Sure Izzy helped found the band and wrote or co wrote many songs to which he still gets royalty but he still sold and received money for his share in the equal loot. You nor I know what they were willing to pay him or how much he was asked to play so why assume and accuse. All you know is Izzy wanted an equal share to which he isn't entitled to legally or morally. He specifically mentioned the band being sued and how he thought they would lose everything. He thought he was making a good decision unfortunately he wasn't Facts are still Facts.

    Your problem is you think that because Izzy is a founding and important member that they should give up their money for them, do it for the fans. Izzy didn't want to be there during the many lawsuits and whatever else despite what the fans wanted.

    "I don't really know what to say about Izzy," shrugged Rose. "It's like you could have a conversation and think it's one way, and the next day it's another way. And I'm not trying to take any shots at Izzy. It's just his thing is kind of his thing, whatever that is."

    Bulls--t. They didn't want to split the loot equally. Simple as that. Moving right along.." Izzy's tweet back.

    I see it as Axl not being rude and telling the world their financial discussions when put on the spot and asked a question.

    As for the rest of your comments I'm not money hungry I just happen to understand reality and that selling your share of equal loot and washing your hands of the bands dealings good or bad for 30 years to an agreed upon amount doesn't equate to equal share of the loot. In fact I gain no money from the band I spend money on tickets and such. How does that make me money hungry?Just like if you owned a company and sold it you don't get equal share. I'm certainly not some crazed Axl fan I am a normal fan I have been a member here for many years now but post when I have time in my life.I am a fan of the band as a whole which includes Izzy and Adler and Sorum in fact but I don't expect anyone to sale their selves short for me. I hope they come to an agreement all sides are happy with soon. I'm not going to trash the other members because they won't do it for the fans though. Izzy knew there could be consequences to what he did. I do wish Sorum would have ben back for some as well. Understanding reality doesn't mean I am in a cult lmao or worshipping anyone.

    It's sad fans expect bands to give into their whims to appease them. It's just common sense to me.

    Oh and Adler a producer??? 



    • Like 1
  11. 14 hours ago, Pishy said:

    Duff just doesn't have a personality nor is he much on principles . He is all about the money so he is easy to handle . He has no issue with lying and backstabbing either, just smiles and keeps on.

    Going by talent and contribution and who axl himself wishes was there (if he could control him)? Izzy for certain.

    But again, all 5 are important to everything GnR did. All 5 should be there.

    People that put Izzy and adler down and continually dismiss them, are the axl bootlickers who are fascinated with axl's fame and want to cling to him. The music is irrelevant.  Or the ones who started listening to GnR after the band broke up, often it's a combination of both.

    You can't tell me that if you owned a company and one of your partners wanting out and you paid him a huge sum that years later you'd allow him yo have an equal share in your company. Keep in mind your ex partner was afraid of the lawsuits which you stayed and handled. Fast forward 30 years and your company is booming again.

    I think many people are just realistic. Rather we as fans like it or not its a business. When it comes to business there's no way Im buying out a partner who wanted out for whatever reasons and giving him an equal share after I sweated blood and tears to keep a company on top. Nope. And its no diss against Izzy its called reality. Izzy said equal share of the loot to which he is no longer entitled to due to getting a payout for his share in GnR. It doesn't mean I dont love and honor his contributions and him being a founder of the band. 

    You also assume it was Axls decision alone. Im sure Duff and Slash both didnt want to split their loot with him equally.

    This is why interviews aren't given because who wants to explain and try to remain diplomatic when people think you should split your hard earned money to appease them. Its a lose lose situation with the band.

    As far as Steven goes again love the guy he has such great energy but people believe his words aa gospel even after he admitted he didn't remember his drug years and asked for stories from friends. I mean I knew to take much of what he recalled as possibly not true. 

    People forget those interviews he was spouting during reunion talks about Slash thinking hes not clean or lying about bis sobriety length. He also said Duff didn't like him and thought he wasnt a good drummer. He said no words about Axl during those interviews.

    Steven's problem is his own mouth and of course his mom basically called Axl a junkie when everyone even when they disliked him has always said he wasn't. Im sure his mothers book didn't help. She blamed his drug use on GnR and the interviewer got Steven to admit he was using before GnR.

    As far as them and new music I think its coming. I think they are getting along better now that years and age has passed. I can't wait.


    Oh and I've been a GnR fan since day 1.



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  12. I am a big fan of Robin's version. As far as the different takes I've heard of Slash there are some good ones but not comparable to Robin's version.

    I think many people assume artists don't have respect and integrity of others work. I believe Slash has respect for Robin's version. There's no need for him to duplicate it rather he can make it his own in a way.

    Slash likes noodling.

    I happen to think its a very beautiful song. Me personally I love when I can listen to a whole album and find a song for every mood. I found most GnR albums to be that way.

    People give Axl sh** for the ballads but most of those ballads rank at the top. 

    Of course I don't think anyone can do Slashs parts like Slash. I feel the same about TIL and Robin's.


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