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Posts posted by BOSSY78

  1. On 8/23/2017 at 2:48 PM, rocknroll41 said:

    I was thinking about this just yesterday. The whole situation is very strange. Adler claims he was originally supposed to be involved as a full-time touring member for all the AFD and Lies songs, and that he was even gonna get paid more than Frank, but then (according to him, at least) after his back injury the band changed their mind.

    how does it go from that to "we can't pay for your plane tickets or hotel" and "what the fuck is he doing here?" And "only one/ two song(s)" And "you can go to Japan or Thailand but you have to pick one, you can't go to both."

    something just isn't adding up for me.

    I thought the same. But fans will only see it as Steven done dirty when in fact there is likely more to this story.

    Remember Stevens interviews he was giving before the official announcement about how Duff thinks he sucks as a drummer and Slash doesn't believe hes clean? He even said Slash wouldn't meet him for lunch over the years always telling Steven hes busy.

    Many forget that and assume Axl must be dictating. If we're to take what he says at face value it means Duff doesn't like his drumming(cue all the videos of Steven proving he can drum) Slash thinking hes not really clean and lying about it( the band gives him limited shows) flying him in for shows rather then having him tour. Perhaps that's to not risk his sobriety or perhaps theres more to that.

    Also Steven stated 2 different sobriety dates in interviews. I thought that was odd.

    As far as I know hes clean but Im still going with theres more to this story. Either way Stevens own words say Duff and Slash have the issues.

    • Like 2
  2. On 8/23/2017 at 11:11 AM, Sunset Gardner said:

    I think Steven played his cards wrong.  His mothers book was the wrong book at the wrong time and whoever advised him to do press for it didn't have his best interests in mind and maybe had a financial interest in the book.  His interviews were lame, he should've kept his mouth shut, I can't imagine the singer and his enablers at Team Yes were excited that steven was already off the rails having been back in the circle for five seconds. 

    with that said I'm glad he's got the self respect to deny the single song guest spots they were insulting him and us with.  

    clearly slash and duff are sellouts and only care about money and posting pictures on social media, its best Steven stays away, he needs real people and real friends at this point in his life.  not lord axl and what remains of the band he did his best to destroy.  

    Steven was there when it was honest and when it all mattered.  afd and the songs Steven demoed for UYI are the core of gnr.  axl must hate that, and slash and duff must just not care, they're too busy counting the extra money they got after selling out izzy stradlin.  



    I dont understand why people don't hold Steven accountable for his own bad choices. You had it right in that first paragraph though. That book wasn't good for Steven.

    Perhaps he was on a sort of trial basis but at the end of the day he proved why they were right in not offering him more.

    Also is it a good idea to throw him completely back in the tour life and if he relapses having him blame the band. 

    Steven needs to take blame for his own addictions. Just as other band members had to. Addicts blame others a person who truly wishes to change will take responsibility for their own actions.

    Sure others did the same but their sobriety is much more long lived than Steven's. Steven is like a child at times.

    Love the guys spirit but can definetly understand the concern of the rest of the band.

    Oh and Izzy Stradlin sold himself out when he sold his share of the band rights for a huge payout. He has hisself to blame.

    • Like 1
  3. This is one of my favorite covers. Interesting story I played it for my grandma who loved it. She thought it was great.

    Im a fan of the videos myself. I like that they tell a story in a way.

    Everyone always talks about how weird this video is and estranged but there is a story there to be understood. 

    This song really showcases Axl's vocal abilities to me. I think his voice is great on it.

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  4. I'm glad you found one you like. Me personally I like CD.

    I don't understand some of the hate it gets. I always chalked it up to the Axl vs Slash thing. I assumed most didn't like it because Slash wasn't on it.

    Many have said they now like it with Slash and Duff on it so its interesting to hear from those who still didn't like it after that.

    I also never understood some peoples dislike of TIL. 

  5. I don't get why people think he is entitled to an equal share. He decided to leave and was paid an amount he agreed to for his share. He had every right to make that decision. He had every right to worry about lawsuits and things. But the fact remains he didnt want to stand by the band and all the lawsuits etc that he feared. I'm sure back then he felt a huge payout was better for him.

    Those who stuck through what Izzy didn't want to get the bigger share. No matter how much I love Izzy I would never expect them to pay him equally. 

    All this talk from fans saying how they bet Slash and Duff likely want to but Axl the dictator won't share make me laugh.

    Who in their right minds would give up an equal share cutting your own share to a man that was already paid and left the band and all its dealings decades ago? Who in their right mind would say "oh its ok I understand why you left even though I stuck around dealt with things heres your equal share"? 

    Oh come on do it for the fans you greedy bas.... they say. That's not fair and we all know it. 

    I don"t care if Izzy had valid reasons for leaving or not. Hell, Slash left too but he was smart enough to remain in the partnership per se and not sale his rights off to the band. Izzy chose that. 

    Izzy is the one in my opinion who is asking too much by equal sharing.

    You can quote me all his contributions and how important he was and is to the band I don't disagree with you. What I disagree with is his right to equal loot and the demonizing of the others for not giving it.

    Go on and tell me how much money they're making and how they can afford it now lol. They owe it to the fans. We made them lol.

    They owe me as a fan a good show if I attend. They don't owe Izzy an equal share of something he gave up on and was paid an agreed to amount for it. 

    But we won't get Izzy if they don't give him that is what many will say. Well that's on Izzy. He said Equal. He has no right to equal accept that.

    But Axl is an arse and a dictator and Slash never really wanted him around is what will come up next. 

    Axl was spending a lot on videos.

    It also amazes me that many who claimed Slash was a saint and Axl the devil now claim Slash is a liar. Before it was always Axl is the liar and the proof is Slashs own words in his book. Duff said it too. Now its Slash Axl and Duff are all liars Izzy is telling the truth all the time and in the right. 

    Noone could understand Axls fears of being surrounded by junkies overdosing but they understand Izzys. 

    Round and round.

    I can't speculate on the amount offered to Izzy and if it was fair. I can only comment on Izzys own Equal share comment. 




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  6. 10 minutes ago, ironmt said:

    That Is a shame really. It took them 26 years to get back to St Louis since they were there last. I am pretty positive they will not be back 26 years from tonight. Happy Birthday.

    Yea I'm in Ohio so a little distance to travel but it was on I was willing to travel for. Thanks for the birthday wishes.

  7. 8 hours ago, Tom2112 said:

    He's 100 percent taking the piss when he said big appetite (but, might even be a jibe about the big man's gut for all I know). If you follow the darkness or go to their shows he's always making very dry English jokes... That may or may not land. 

    As for the rest of it, I assume they were put under restrictions... But I've never read or seen The darkness say anything much, negative or otherwise about gnr so I can't explain that.

    He's also spot on about those Sankey guitar solos. Totally unnecessary, and it drags the overall show down. Yep, including the godfather, extended RQ, Johnny b Goode, wish you were here and whatever else I'm forgetting. Love the t-shirts though?

    I guess I'm one of the few who can understand why Axl who is moving around and sweating his arse off may wish to change his T-shirt from time to time.

    I think allowing others to have a solo helps as well because it gives them stage time. Slash always liked to do his solos as did Sorum and Steven etc. 

    So to me its the best of both worlds for them, Axl can have a break to change etc and other band members get to do solos. While fans might not like it I'm sure they all do.

    Not heard of much from this band but the interview didn't seem too negative to me. It seemed more like he was trying to make sowm jokes like you said.


  8. 34 minutes ago, PirateRadio said:

    If Axl was in high gear, like he was for a small handful of shows since 2011, this show would be highly regarded by the attendee big wigs who have loud voices in the business. If it was 2010 or 2006 Axl, things could've gotten interesting after this. IF the SOB could've just pulled it off like he did with AC/DC.... Why, my man, why.... Most of AC/DC is easier to sing for a screamer, Guns material is 100x challenging imo, but why in the hell doesn't he just scream GNR like he did in 2010? Sigh

    It's 2 totally different things and No artist is gonna risk their voice because fans on a form or fans in general think they should. Axl once commented about how hard some of the songs were to do live because of how he did them in the album version. That was back in his prime years imagine now. I think he sounds great and I'm not gonna be upset if some songs aren't the best. I also doubt he is purposefully doing it cause he doesn't care and care s more about AC/DC like some have suggested. Axl is GnR I doubt he would half arse it.


    35 minutes ago, fanfzero said:

    Seriously, It would have been cool to listen to Axl playing some verses of In the end or Crawling with the piano, but just that, not doing a full Linkin Park cove

    Its not exactly easy to rehearse something you never played and learn it in a matter of hours.

  9. On 7/18/2017 at 4:10 PM, nonok said:

    True, but it's still just an opinion. Whether they or the team GNR regard the UK as part of Europe or not, the fact remains that it is. Well, until Trump brings the nukes over here. 

    So that tweet is either lack of basic geographical knowledge or a biased opinion. But hey, whatever, it's their account and they can say whatever they want.

    Or it's like my great Grandma would say, back before the mid 80's it wasn't considered to be a part of Europe but more of an Island(at least to those from there). I believe it's Uk, Ireland and Iceland that aren't considered what they call "Continental Europe". 

    It's been an argument for ages that likely started with war and the fact The British  controlled a big part of it at one point. Throw in the fact that the Islands were hard to conquer and they're culturally different and you can see why you get terms like Mainland Europe or Continental Europe. 

    Perhaps it's a sense of entitlement perhaps not. I see it as them aknowledging them how they wish to be aknowledged. 


  10. 4 hours ago, 2414225 said:

    fortus statements are so american...


    if everything is so awesome between them then why is nobody except him giving interviews?

    Because just like everyone is doing now they tend to dissect and over think every thing said by them so just imagine if Axl, Slash or Duff gave any more interviews.


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  11. 3 hours ago, 2414225 said:

    Is Axl trolling Randy Orton with his out of nowhere moves? 

    BTW. Pink is/was an Axl/GnR fan. 

    Don't know what to think about this appearance though. It makes no sense. He surely is a Joel fan since he is into Elton, but I don't understand why he spent so much time creating an industrial nu metal album when he is clearly into classic rock and piano pop. 




    Perhaps its like me he's into various types of music. There's nothing wrong with it and its quite normal.


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