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Posts posted by cheesecake

  1. 9 hours ago, Whiskey Rose said:

    Also, @cheesecake..re Axl's stomach..I think this could very well just be a digestion issue..alot of men in their later years get this "gorilla" type stomach, that can actually be firm to the touch! It's a result of a depletion of the necessary digestive enzymes, due to age, improper food combinations, even allergies. It results in chronic gas and bloat. It's possible Axl may have this issue, if he took off his shirt we would be able to examine more closely :P Anyway, I bet if he started taking some enzyme supplements it would help that belly.

    First of all, I still want to derail the thread a bit lol and hope it's not too tale, Happy Birthday @MillionsOfSpiders. Hope you had a good one!


    Thanks Whiskey Rose. Funny I've never thought of it from that angle, considering yours truly also suffers from multiple foods intolerance and allergies and has to take enzymes to help deal with it. ;)

    Yeah I guess he may have issues with his digestion and I hope he gets that checked out and tries incorporating digestive enzymes into his diet. 

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  2. 14 minutes ago, SerenityScorp said:

    Other things beside Slaxl cute moment, I want to see Slaxl do yoga with Duff as Their trainer. C'mon Duff! Just drag Them N' force Them to do yoga with You!

    What a coincidence. I'm in the midst of incorporating more yoga regularly into my life at the moment and was just done watching a power yoga video lol

    Seeing Slaxl performing yoga is good, but it would be great if I get to perform yoga with Axl alone  :ph34r: Okay... enough with making readers here puking their meals :lol:sorry guys for that.

  3. I'm sorry to deviate from the past a bit (Kurt-Cobainy-Axl-related-issues), and I'm about to raise a petty question here, but this is the Women's thread after all, so....


    I think we've all noticed a trimmer and better looking Axl this SA tour, but I can't help to notice he seemed to slimmed down overall (even now sporting a handsome neck and chin *drool*) but his midsection is still visibly pushing against his Tshirt (though to a lesser extent). 

    I'm not asking for an argument or answer here lol... just something I noticed. I hope he continues to take care of his diet and physical down the road and keep it as his lifestyle.

  4. 8 hours ago, MillionsOfSpiders said:


    Does Stevens girlfriend remind anyone else of Katy Perry? 

    Awww what a sweetheart... she must be special enough to have changed him to be a better person and leave addiction for good (we can pray so!). Btw, isn't she (I thought) his wife? Or really just his girlfriend? 

    • Like 1
  5. Just now, MillionsOfSpiders said:

    Well I just watched the OTGM video and Axl sounds a bit helium to me, I'm going to say that's why they knocked My Michelle on the head too. :( I think vocal issues is understandable at this point. 

    They could still have let him play other songs, but that's his section and I don't think they've practiced any plan b with Steven. Sucks for him and us, but I feel it wouldnt have done Axls voice any good to do My Michelle. 

    Of course this is just my opinion. 

    If that's the case, if that was truly the reason, of course it's not fair making Steven play on songs that he had never rehearsed, impromptu kinda thing that will result in a disaster for the band. So I would understand that. 



  6. 10 minutes ago, MillionsOfSpiders said:

    to be honest I couldn't care less if Adler is at shows I go to, I don't want to see him just pedalled out for one song.


    I've never bitched (to my best recollection) about Steven not playing on some shows.

    But what they (I also don't put the blame on Axl alone) did there was awful. To add fuel to the fire, Steven himself looked baffled when Slash started playing WYWH. Doesn't that say something? It's clearly pretty humiliating for Steven if you ask me. I truly sympathize with him in this debacle. 

    Though I'm willing to give the band the benefit of the doubt if they were to come up with a plausible and logical explanation as to why that decision was made (for the best of the band).

    • Like 1
  7. Why oh why oh why???

    If it's because of money, I don't think Steven cares if he's being paid with literally peanuts and soda as long as he gets to play more songs. He's happy performing for fans for goodness sake.

    This show tonight leaves me with a heavy heart inside.

    I want to hear from @killuridols on this.

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  8. 54 minutes ago, MillionsOfSpiders said:

    I hope so, apparently it was really cold the last show and fairly cold the one before. The AC/DC he didn't do well at in Europe was also cold. Killuridols said it's hot tonight, maybe his voice is affected by the cold? 


    Yeah I remember his voice was everywhere during the European tour with AC/DC on one or two shows where the weather was quite cold. So we know Axl's voice is always affected by cold weather.

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