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Posts posted by rocknroll41

  1. I think he had a moment at too where he realized he fucked up and should've practiced. You can see him in a daze near the end of patience when he sees the 1992 banner. He's probably thinking wth am I fucking doing to myself? I had a great operunity in 2002 and blew it since then.

    When does he see a banner from '92? I just watched the cut of Patience from Rio 2011 and couldn't find a banner anywhere.

  2. Can't wait to see this in theaters! Couldn't care less when it comes out, just as long as it's good!

    I am fine with the "delay." It is clear that there were/are some issues behind the scenes, Ardnt just left and Abrams and Kasdan are taking on the story and script. I am a little bummed since Ardnt is such a wonderful writer but also psyched that Kasdan will be writting the plot (or at least with Abrams). He is the man who wrote The Empire Strikes Back, after all!

    Either way, we should still get some casting news by February if they are shooting this spring... the wait is slowly killing me =(

    JJ says that Ardnt's draft is still being used, he and Larry are just polishing it up. Re-writes happen in the big movie business all the time.

  3. Vh1 did a Guns N' Roses Six Pack thing over the summer too. I remember I caught it once. From what I remember they were just showing all of the classic music videos like Jungle, Sweet Child, Paradise, Patience and I guess two others but idk which ones.

  4. Idk if this is the right section but whatever.

    So yesterday I went out to a Halloween party and on my way back home I was pretty drunk and I saw a guy dressed as Slash and I was like "What up, Slash!" and him and his friends cheered in applause. It felt so good that I was hoping I'd see another Slash...and then I did and this version was with Axl. So I went up to Axl and I was like "Dude, you need to get your shit together and call Slash!" and he said with a straight face "Not gonna happen."

    Then another costumer showed up and Axl was like "this is Steven Adler" and then he pointed to a guy down the road and said "that's Izzy Stradlin" and me being my drunk self, I started running down the road screaming "IIIIIZZZZZYYYY!!!!" and Iz ran up to me and we met mid point and embraced. Then I was like "Izzy, you wrote all the songs!" and he was like "Thanks! It's nice to get some recognition for once" and then I said "Dude, you shouldn't of quit the band in '91. That was the beginning of the end!" and he said (out of character) "Yeah, well, we're just trying to keep the spirit alive that was around before the break-up."

    So the point of this story of getting to meet people dressed as my favorite band while I was drunk leads to me getting back home and bumping into a random dude and telling him "Dude, I saw some guys dressed as the original members of Guns N' Roses" and he goes "Cool, one of my high school teachers used to be Axl Rose's personal assistant. His name is Jackamo."

    I googled "axl rose jackamo" and didn't find shit. Can anyone shed some light on this for me? Was this kid just bullshitting?

  5. I love the UYI's. Neither of the two of them are masterpieces the same way AFD is but they are still amazing records nonetheless. However, I feel like the whole project would've been better off as just two LP's sold in one set. In order for this to work, tho, you would still need to have two CD's cause the total time would still be above 74 minutes. They could've still be sold in one package, tho. It would've been a bit more expensive, but I'm sure it still would've sold a lot. And they could've just used a handful of the songs that wouldn't of made the final cut as b-sides.

    UYI had to be 2 albums, I really beleive in order for a band member(s) to get a song on it they had to give ground and let another member(s) song on the album. I guess what I mean is there are Axl songs, Slash songs, Izzy songs. In all honesty the albums where very fragmented with songs going in all directions due to the struggles inside the band and there passion for THERE own ideas. Is that a bad thing NO!! They pushed each other and got the best out of each other.

    To me UYI I is my favorate of the two. Coma is just a killer song, everyone even Axl at one point said it was Slashs baby but with out the badass lryics and vocals Axl laid down on that song it would not be what it is. This comment is not pro slash or axl is just shows how the pushed each other to get the best

    UYI II Again a solid album but really could do without "Get in the Ring, Don't Cry (alt) and MY World" I also wish they would have recorded KOHD stripped down without the back up singers and such, and recorded more in the AFD style, Ritz 88. Civil War is just spine tingling.

    The 2 albums where heavy on ballods but at the time those songs where very big hits for the band and masterpeices by both Axl and Slash. Of the 3 in the trilogy Estranged is IMHO the best ballod GNR has ever put out, it doesn't get the recongnition it diserves by the masses, I mean come on Don't Cry and November Rain are very good songs but Estranged is a step above.

    One thing I have always thought was badass about GNR they could take a cover song and turn it into a hit, LALD and KOHD they where probably bigger hits for GNR than the orginal artist and I thought some of the songs of the TSI where very good covers.

    very well said. Regardless of my opinions towards UYI, I have to admit, this was very well said and got me thinking that maybe the UYI's really aren't so bad as two records

  6. I love the UYI's. Neither of the two of them are masterpieces the same way AFD is but they are still amazing records nonetheless. However, I feel like the whole project would've been better off as just two LP's sold in one set. In order for this to work, tho, you would still need to have two CD's cause the total time would still be above 74 minutes. They could've still be sold in one package, tho. It would've been a bit more expensive, but I'm sure it still would've sold a lot. And they could've just used a handful of the songs that wouldn't of made the final cut as b-sides.

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