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Posts posted by BangoSkank

  1. In fairness, these people demanded for years and years that Axl & Slash reunite. Now it's finally happened and it's called boring.

    I agree the setlist needs shaking up and new music should be getting made (unless they're just not feeling it - and if that's the case then just don't force it), but complaining about too much Axl & Slash touring seems odd to me, especially from an outlet like Rolling Stone.

    All this said, I probably won't go. Money is tight for me right now and the setlist is the same, but I will just never be bummed about them playing together again.

    • Like 2
  2. This is so maddening because on one hand, I get that a band would not want their unreleased songs out there for free.

    On the other hand, they should really try to use this publicity to their advantage and release something - spin it into something good if it's really so bad.

    If they professionally mixed these and made them digital downloads I would absolutely buy them again.


  3. 21 hours ago, WhazUp said:

    He definitely isn't to blame for everything - I am sure Slash and Duff were at times hard to deal with due to being high and/or drunk so often and probably had their moments of being irrationally hard to deal with or just in general people who were having a difference in vision.  Based on what we know about the breakup though, in my opinion Axl was a lot of it though :lol:


    I think it was a complicated mix of egos, mental illness, drug addiction, creative differences, hangers-on influencing people, shitty representation, and having way too much success.

    • Like 1
  4. 3 hours ago, ax1 said:

    Interesting, so here is a tiny glimpse of the VMA rehearsals I wasnt aware of, pro-shot video certainly exists....I would definitely want to see the whole thing out of my own curiosity how it all went down especially being that I experienced the TV event back in 2002. Just out of historical purposes and being a big GNR fan, I really hope this comes out now more than ever.


    God, I remember when this happened - I was 15, just got into Guns N' Roses, and was so psyched.

    Then I bought tickets to Philly. 

    Whatever, still want this footage and still want rough mixes 2 so I can further dwell on what might have been.

    • Like 2
  5. 1 hour ago, parisrocks said:

    This is the Axl Rose show for sure.  But, it's not nothing to have your pic through 30 unreleased songs and choose which ones you'd want to work on.  A few current band originals would be really sweet, but that's a stretch.  


    Also - I don't think the opinion that Axl doesn't wanna record vocals still stands.  He obviously recorded way more than we thought back in the day and I'm not sure when that This I Love remix was recorded, but those vocals are great.

    Yeah - I think he's open to singing on it and Slash is open to playing on it and Duff is open to anything. 

    And Slash laying down guitar work on already recorded Chinese-era stuff would be awesome, I've just always been under the impression that he does not care for that style of music - wondering how that's gonna play out.

    • Like 1
  6. The thing that makes me think there's no new album on the near horizon is that there is so little info. out there on it.

    It's impossible to keep secrets these days - something always leaks out that shouldn't. Example: a song, a picture, inside info., etc.

    Apart from this reddit post I don't know of any other info. that has leaked on this. Band members have said in interviews that they're working on new material, but that's par for the course.

  7. 21 hours ago, lame ass security said:

    This reminds me of an Elvis story.  Elvis' stepbrother, David Stanley, used to work in the touring entourage.  One day the crowd was outside the hotel and some were being a little loud, just wanting to get a glimpse of Elvis.  David opens the window and tells them to shut up or something like that.  Well, the press got wind of it and wrote about the incident.  The next day Elvis slammed the newspaper down on a table and said "do you want to explain this?"  Before David could get a word out Elvis proceeded to tear him a new one. He said don't you dare ever disrespect the fans, they're the reason for everything I have.  Then Elvis didn't speak to him for a week, message received loud and clear. 

    Yeah - I have to believe that Axl has no issue with calm, normal people talking to him. He may not be aware of the extent that TB does this. Really makes me think of that video of him meeting fans at a hotel and Beta trying to move him along, but he says, "No, Beta, this is important."

    • Like 2
  8. 12 hours ago, rocknroll41 said:

    Care to share?

    Context: @rocknroll41 asked me to share a story about a personal encounter I had with Fernando.

    It was brief but rubbed me the wrong way. It was outside of the Brooklyn Bowl when they played in ’13. 

    I missed the ticket on sale, but live close by and was just going to go to try and get a ticket either outside or on a drop. Two of my friends were inside already.

    I also wanted to try and meet Axl, shake his hand and say, “You’re awesome,” or something. He’s one of my favorites and I’ll likely never get this opportunity again. 

    It’s not hard to figure out where the talent entrance is, but I see a guy who works for the venue, looking official. I ask him is there any way you can tell me where Axl is coming in from? I let him know I'll be cool and I’m trying to look as chill as possible. I ask it quietly, I have no merch to sign, just want to see Axl come in.   

    The guy leans in like he has info. and says they’re actually letting him out over there. And points to a spot across the street by another building. I’m with the maybe the most harmless looking fan from South America too. 

    So we wait over there, thinking this is odd, but sticking with it because we had word from an official source this is where it was happening. 

    Well, of course Axl’s car pulls up in the original spot where we were and we race across the street to try and see him, but the door shuts and we miss it.

    I look at the dude and I say, “I thought you said he was being dropped off there?” He shrugs and starts walking away. 

    I then ask him, “Do you know if there are any extra tickets at the box office?”

    He says, “Uh, yeah, there’s some! I’ll be right back!” 

    Of course, he never comes back. 

    I find out from someone outside that this was Fernando and after researching it a little, it’s confirmed.

    Now of course he doesn’t want fans bombarding Axl as he goes in or ticket scalpers trying to up sell on the street. But I was very obviously not that. And he could have just said, “Sorry, can’t help you,” instead of giving phoney information and treating me like an annoyance. I’m there to support the new GN’R project, something that has been critically lauded and made fun of. Don’t be hostile towards people like me, try and make more of us.

    Pair that with story-after-story of TB getting hostile with legitimate fans and it rubs me the wrong way. It just seems like they don’t know how to differentiate between fans who love the band and hostile scalpers. You have to watch out for the latter, but don’t alienate the former.

    So it’s not what, but how. Again, I in no way felt I deserved meeting him or a ticket, but also, don’t be a dick about it.

    Luckily I eventually got in because I bought a ticket off of a guy who was being thrown out - only missed four songs.

  9. 53 minutes ago, TheSeeker said:

    Bob Ezrin signed on to the project in October 2000

    I'm guessing the "Rough Mixes" CD's were compiled in November 2000 for him so he could hear whatever was close to finished at the time he joined

    Maybe this is the guy who did the rough mixes? -


    George Marino died in 2012:


    Interesting, so they were recorded at Rumbo, but brought over to and leaked from Village. I mainly ask because if these were recorded at Village then we actually owe Ezrin something. 

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