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Posts posted by Tom2112

  1. I think the general needed an extra tweak. Like the op said, it just doesn't have any lift... Like all the songs so far there is plenty of good in them, but the biggest issue is this copy/paste approach. I guess there's no rule saying a song HAS to have different verses... But I guess we are tuned to expect it, and for the songs to build and add different things ad they go on. Compared to Chinese these songs are quite underproduced, but not in the way we would have hoped.




    The general 

    Absurd (different more traditional Axl vocals this could have been the best track)

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  2. 40 minutes ago, allwaystired said:

    I could be wrong here.....but didn't Slash say most recently there was no new stuff? That they hadn't worked on a new album at all? 

    There's no new stuff that they have collectively worked, but he also said he had material he viewed as gnr specific.

    I don't know what the plan is, but from Slash's words he intends on making a gnr record, and he has been pretty clear that it is separate from the CD era material... At least in his mind. What happens? Time will tell. At the moment I'd prefer if they built the songs from scratch, these new songs just aren't hitting the target. Perhaps has come closest, but the rest to me would have been the weaker end of Chinese beside scraped etc. 

    • Like 4
  3. 15 hours ago, adamsapple said:

    So let me get this straight that dude is a singer but instead of singing himself he rather be a music journalist talking about other singers that actually do sing, right?

    How long until people start making reaction videos to reaction videos? Or is that a thing already?



    He does sing all the time, and puts out records all the time. His opinion is validated by the fact that he does the same job (you don't need to be a famous singer to have an opinion of course). One difference is he has maintained his voice remarkably well from day 1 and shows no signs of slowing down. Whether you like his voice / band or not is really beside the point on that too. The other difference is Axl is much richer and more famous. Similarity both released debuts that were excellent!

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  4. 6 minutes ago, scottish nutter said:

    to not sound like he did when he was 25 is fine, but to sound this bad and charge what they do for tickets is part of the problem.  this would be like watching the world famous Glasgow Rangers and the players miss the ball everytime they try and kick it, and ask £100 a ticket lol

    That's the thing though. It would actually be more like the star players of the Glasgow rangers missing the ball while all the unknown players put on a good show. Axl sings the main hits a bit well, shit... But then he does reckless life or something and he sounds decent. 

    It's not a case of retirement though, it's a case of understanding where his voice is at, and either sculping a set around it OR getting a coach that can help get him over the hurdle. He's not going to sing like a young man again, but he is far from a lost cause.

    • Like 2
  5. 48 minutes ago, AxlRoseCDII said:

    I’m sad to see it come to an end. This was an amazing tour. Axl’s voice is horrid and worse as it’s ever been but literally everything else has been great. Music video, new songs, deep cuts and revamped set, etc. I don’t know what the future holds but I’m glad I was able to see them three times this tour, it was by far the most fun I’ve ever had being a GNR fan, and I really do love this lineup. I wish them the best in their break and hope it’s not the end, although with GNR silence you gotta accept it very well could be.

    Not a chance this is the end outside of something tragic happening... Which I guess you can't rule out. But gnr are here to stay for years to come. They need a break. A year away is a good thing, hopefully some of that is spent sending demos around and recording 

    • Like 1
  6. 26 minutes ago, JAxlMorrison said:

    I might be in the minority here, but does anyone else not care if they release any more 1987-1991 shows? We got the Ritz, ok cool. Let’s see some 1993, 2006, 2010 etc. 

    I would love some well mixed 2006/2010 shows but I highly doubt that stuff is even near the top of any list of things to get done... Laughable to suggest that there's lists, I know.

    I would love to hear the 1993 Chicago show properly released. And it's a crime that the UYI box set came and went without the documentary footage

  7. 35 minutes ago, ChristianGNR said:

    My biggest fear was that Axl couldn't sing the raspier parts of The General and Monster and he sounded pretty decent.
    Still needs to works on the verses, but he'll keeeps improving, for sure.


    They didn't play monsters though? Just the general. I thought he sounded pretty close to the record, and I thought he wouldn't manage it

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  8. 2 hours ago, MaskingApathy said:

    What happened? I haven't been keeping up with the show threads lately, has she not been there?

    Who, Frank or Richard?

    Word on the street... I mean come on. 

    The word on the street probably stems from the one or two shows recently that Frank seemed checked out. I doubt there's much legitimacy ti this speculation. Melissa? I don't know, there's more chance of her leaving. No 1 she's young and she has solo aspirations and doesn't just want to be forever known as an additional musician for gnr, no matter how much of an honour it is to be given such a huge gig. No 2 she's clearly been having a very tough on this past run with the death of her friend right around the start of the shows. I would be surprised if Frank left or was replaced but Melissa is more likely to want out of these long tours. She might be completely happy with the tours and love the foundation it affords her, who knows! as far as he sickness, wishing her well and hoping she gets to at least play one of these last nights.

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  9. 6 hours ago, ShadowOfTheWave said:

    It's not just that they should have announced the delay before the last minute. They should have had their ducks in a row with the mix before they made it available to pre-order back in August. Hell, per Slash these reworkings we're done during 2020 and they were still listening to mixes in June of this year while on tour. Insanity. So I don't have any sympathy for them on this either. Is it wrong to release someone else's content without their permission? Yeah, but not to the extent that I have to feel sorry for them in this case. They've had years to work on getting this right.

    Years to get it right true... But that doesn't factor in that bad pressings of vinyl happen, and by the time it happens it's not exactly a case of "we'll have it fixed tomorrow" you have to wait your turn. 

    I 100% agree that everything should be a whole lot more organised though.

  10. 11 minutes ago, Lethalis said:

    I can see a new album being released, but you'll probably won't like it. Because it's more than likely just more CD stuff. And even new stuff will sound more modern / different.

    Well if Slash is writing it will instantly sound more traditional. The music he's recording on right now is a predetermined outcome, he can't change the chords he just gets to add some Slash sauce on top of it. Slash's solo material with Axl on top is basically what most gnr fans want. Whether that's what the collective of AXL, Slash and Duff want? Is questionable 


  11. 10 minutes ago, JimiRose said:

    Well, unless you believe the tin foil hatters who think TB and Axl leaked these themselves... :lol:

    I have little sympathy for TB or Axl about these leaks. You beat a dog enough eventually it bites back. GnR fans are mistreated and not cared for at all by them, Axl is worth $300m and TB run a management company (poorly) so at least you know, talk to us occasionally or even better, release new music semi regularly when you say you will. 

    Well... That's kinda bullshit. I get that we're underserved with new music and info and treated with a bit of contempt (well this forum) but when the band is actually putting stuff out and they are just trying to get the quality of the finished product up to their standard AND then someone leaks the tracks? I think that's a bit shit of whoever leaked it.

    Yes, they should have announced the delay earlier than the day after the original shipping date😄, but whatever! A few extra weeks is no big deal. We want it all yesterday. When we had nothing it was "I'd just like to hear anything" then we got one song, then it became "when are they releasing more". Underserved but we're also insatiable.

    Anybody still hoping for gnr to suddenly be this slick operation that hits all the targets, nope. That is never going to happen. Would be great, but no. 

  12. 3 hours ago, jackparker123 said:

    It's funny to think that they could have released Soul Monster right at the beginning of the reunion in 2016, or even earlier obviously!

    In 2016 it would have been massive news, and people would have taken the reunion way more seriously, rather than a cash grab tour.

    How much more seriously can people take one of the single biggest tours of all time🤔

    The reason they didn't release music straight away was they had no idea if the honeymoon would last. Why they waited so many years to start putting bits out?? That's beyond any of our individual or collective thinking abilities 😄

    • Like 4
  13. 32 minutes ago, Blackstar said:

    A better example would be Think About You and Don't Cry. Aside from the solos, there are no significant differences between the versions with Tracii Guns and Rob Gardner (that can be heard in the 1985 interview) and the released versions - they were the same songs as far as structure and arrangement. However, Slash and Duff (and Steven in the case of Think About You) got credits.

    Same with Hollywood Rose songs that became GN'R songs (probably with the exception of Anything Goes and maybe Back Off Bitch).

    I see what's happening with the credits now as a repetition of that.

    I think it's the healthiest way to structure your band business to give out shares all the main stakeholders. Still doesn't make it accurate, especially when we go back to the press release "first original music written by Axl, Slash and duff in 20+ yrs" it's a bit disingenuous.  

  14. 8 hours ago, WhazUp said:

    I can't speak for other people's thoughts, but for myself I really have enjoyed most, if not all, of Slash's additions so far (the most controversial being I like his Perhaps solo).  So for me, regardless of who originally crafted the song's basic ideas first, I think Slash's presence gives the material a sound that I have missed for quite some time in GNR land

    Slash and the AFD lineup "GNR-ified" the previous existing Hollywood Rose material not all of them were a part of writing initially.  It's So Easy was originally a West Arkeen open E tuning acoustic tune before Slash did his thing with it.  So for me, taking songs Axl still wants to work on that he did with other writers, and Slash-ifiying it, is a great blend of some old with some new (or rather, "new" as of 2002 lol).  And perhaps his additions adds some of that "classic GNR legitimacy" to it in the eyes of some

    I get the legitimacy factor. Agreed too, with Slash's guitar  (And Duffs bass) these songs instantly sound more like GNR.

    However, the comparison between ISE and the songs that they have overdubbed is not a like for like. Now, I like a decent amount of the things Slash added to the songs, don't get me wrong! BUT in no way do I think he should be a credited writer. It's like the Timberland/Cornell album, they had a few songs re-edited to make the rock version, does the guitar player who plays on that get songwriting credits? nope. The only way Slash deserves credit is if he makes a new riff or arrangement idea that takes the song off in a new direction and changes it from the original material. His and Duffs addition to the credits was politics and Axl playing nice.


  15. 30 minutes ago, WhazUp said:

    To be fair, even if you may disagree with this, adding a guitar tone and presence to music from the nuGNR era, does change the overall sound.  And since for many people a lot of GNR's whole thing is Slash on guitar, it makes sense that people would be more excited hearing Axl's songwriting with more of the sounds and guitar tones of the guy from 1987-1993 on them

    So I don't think it is ridiculous at all, all you need is "Monsters" to hear the results.  Some great Slash licks that blend his tenure in classic GNR to Axl's songwriting to make it more "GNR feeling" to most people

    Agree or disagree, I think that point of view should at the very least be respected - no matter what "classic GNR purists" people you have argued with in the past regarding your own preferences


    Well it depends on the song. H\For example he did sweet FA to Perhaps. But end of the day, his guitar on a song is one thing, but the song is already formed and written BY the people these people hate, so there is an alternative reality for a lot of people... Including Slash and Duff for thinking they deserve writing credits for those songs.

  16. The only song off the village leaks that really wanted to hear a completed version was State of grace. I could have lived without all the rest, but I am glad to have heard all the new songs with Slash/Duff despite not being totally blown away by it (Perhaps being the strongest offering so far).

  17. 3 minutes ago, Miden34 said:

    was just gonna say the same the song is registered as "the general and Monsters" not "The General" and "Monsters". 

    literally, the legal paperwork entitled "The general And monsters" came out so this isnt debatable. its one song. lul

    It sounds like pt I and II, sort of thing they are definitely linked

  18. 1 minute ago, Bucketdude_666 said:

    Even Madagascar has the same depth to Axls voice and his highs are clean but signature. The first song in this leak is to messy even in the music.

    Also, im a guitar player and audio engineer, it has too much sloppiness

    I don't think there's even a question of authenticity. It's very clearly GNR. I will agree that Axl has never sang like the way he sings on The General on a released track, however there's plenty of examples of new vocal approaches we hadn't heard from Axl on CD.

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