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Posts posted by OmarBradley

  1. God damn, there is zero similarity here.

    Other than drums, Billy Corgan played and composed nearly every single note on Gish, Siamese Dream, and Mellon Collie. 1979 is essentially nothing but Billy. Billy is Smashing Pumpkins.

    Axl is nothing at all similar.

    Yup. Same goes for VH, Eddie, Alex, and Mike still wrote the majority if not all of the music when Sammy joined. And the current lineup is pretty well accepted too because it has DLR, EVH, and AVH. New GNR will never be fully accepted as GNR, its that simple. Unfortunate for those who are die hard fans of the new line up, but I really think that it's the truth.

  2. There are videos of Axl playing the Dead Horse intro on guitar on the UYI tour. Acoustic, and that would be rhythm. If he has been practicing consistently, he should be a fairly competent guitar player by now (given that he's been playing for close to 20 years). Who knows? 20 years is plenty enough time to get good at lead.

    EDIT: Just realized this was in Canter Banter and not D&N, oh well, hopefully Marc can chime in with some more info.

  3. Embarrassingly, Ace Frehley was my #1 when I was younger, he's basically the reason I picked up the guitar. I'd say throughout the course of my playing, my main influences have been Paul Gilbert, Slash, Rory Gallgher, Rik Emmett, and Jimmy Page. Alex Lifeson almost makes the list, but 80's Rush really doesn't do it for me.

  4. So pleased to read these posts:

    On a side note...........the song that ruined Def leppard. The success of that song turned them from a hard rock band to a pop band.

    Abosuletly true. And not just into a pop band, it turned them into one of the gayest bands of all time after they kicked so much ass the first 3 or 4 years.

    Finally, somebody gets it!

    Usually when I say that people will go off on what a great song and album it is.

    For a while, Def was one of "the" rock bands.

    Songs like Sugar and Hysteria brought them huge mainstream success. And what happened after that? Multiple albums that really did nothing.

    They kept chasing that pop success instead of just making great rock songs.

    I think the exit of Willis (maybe people don't give him enough credit) was the first hit that Def Leppard's "rock" writing took, and the car accident seemed to be the turning point (between Pyromania and Hysteria). But man, those first two albums alone: Lady Strange, No No No, Rock Brigade, Hello America, Wasted, Rocks Off, It Don't Matter, Overture, It Could Be You, Let It Go, On Through The Night... it was just one great hard rock song after another. Pyro had its moments and was all around pretty good, though it marked the beginning of their demise into pop.

    As for OP, I actually do not think it is that big of a rip off. The verse rhythm is a bit similar, but the melody of that riff is pretty different. As for the chorus, yes they sound similar. I can give you a list of probably 100 rock songs though that have similar sounding choruses, the 60's loved to use A-G-D-A (hell almost every era of rock has this chorus somewhere, Ten Years After, Motley Crue, Buckcherry), but no one claims that those artists ripped each other off.

    One Direction is pop, and pop music generally features simple choruses, which is exactly what this is. It's not One Direction's fault Def Leppard got all poppy in 1987 and wrote a really simple chorus. Now lets say One Direction wrote a chorus that sounded a lot like Lady Strange or Hello America, that would be more problematic.

    As much as I hate One Direction (and I really did not wake up today thinking I'd be defending them), I do not think this is a case of genuine musical plagiarism. If Def Leppard pursues legal action, I will lose a bit of respect for them.

  5. JFK should have beat Silence of the Lambs

    Didn't see Silence of the Lambs. Saw 45 minutes of JFK before I had to shut it off, utter garbage. Stone's film-making (Platoon, Nixon, Wall Street, Alexander, and JFK of course) is dry, boring, and often historically inaccurate. The second half of NBK wasn't bad, but it isn't the great movie people claim it is. Overall, I think Stone is incredibly overrated.

    Joaquin Pheonix, three times, for Gladiator (supporting actor), Johhny Cash and The Master.

    Certainly for at least Gladiator.

    Chastain for Best Actress

    As much is I like Waltz, TLJ for Thaddeus Stevens.

    Best Picture and Director: Basterds over Hurt Locker in both categories.

    There Will Be Blood > No Country for Old Men

    Although The Departed was great, director should have gone to Eastwood for Letters.

    Gangs of New York > Chicago

    As mentioned previously in this thread, Saving Private Ryan for BP.

    LOTR deserved everything it got.

  6. I hope this is good. I'm not too excited for it though, the second I saw the trailer all I could think of was "Well this is Gatsby but 60 years in the future." Maybe Gatsby just left me with such a bad taste it has colored my judgement, regardless I'll still probably see the movie.

  7. Jackson returning is what brought back my interest. Jackson took over as producer but he was never announced as director until 2010 or 2011.

    I am seeing the film on Thursday with my wife. Would have gone tonight but we got hit by a snowstorm.

    Yeah that's what I meant, when he went from producer to director, guess it was later than I thought.

    I thought it was the perfect place to end. But I say this as a fan who has never really read the books. I saw the cartoons when I was young, but the films are really my introduction to Tolkien, and I love them.

    Fair enough, I don't mean to shit all over something you enjoyed. Maybe I'm being too negative. I did think the set piece in the middle with the barrels was pretty great. One of the main problems I had with the whole film though was that emphasis is put on absolutely everything thanks to the framing and the grand sweeping score. There's no balance. Maybe the HFR highlighted this more than the standard frame rate would have. (or it might have been because I was absurdly high when I went to see it :lol:)

    I didn't see it in HFR, and it looked mostly fine. Still think some of the makeup/post production on the actors was over the top, but all in all the film looked pretty well balanced.

  8. i really like blackmores night as well, would love to hear him bust out another rainbow album with doogie white, i thought stranger in us all was a pretty good album.

    I like Night as well, but two words: Graham Bonnet.


    Down to Earth is extremely underrated and the best non-Dio Rainbow album...I actually prefer it to the first Rainbow album.

    Blackmore's Night have put out consistently good to great albums since their inception. I never thought they'd last this long, for some reason but it seems that Ritchie is finally happy with what he's doing

    I agree that it's probably the best non-Dio one.... but I like all of Dio's better. That first album is probably in my top 5 favorite albums.

    Seriously? No Zombies, Yes, and DEEP FUCKING PURPLE!? One of the founding fathers of hard rock and heavy metal? The band behind what is possibly the most iconic riff in rock n' roll? The Hall of Fame is so stupid, jesus christ. I just don't get it.

    Ah well, what happens with KISS should be interesting. Original 4 or bust

    Yup, RRFoH is basically a joke now. There's an Alex Lifeson quote somewhere out there that sums it up nicely.

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