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Posts posted by OmarBradley

  1. 1) Rory Gallagher. Most underrated guitarist out there. Never heard more passion in playing. Irish Tour '74 is a masterpiece, especially Walk on Hot Coals.

    That version of Tatoo'd Lady is probably in my top 5 favorite songs.

    Deep Purple's MK III was also relatively acclaimed; Burn's a hell of an album and both Coverdale and Hughes can roar.

    Love the Deep Purple album Come Taste The Band...probably my fav Purple album of any incarnation

    Yes. Love both of those albums. As long as Ritchie was in the band, good music was being made. I'm not too familiar with Morse's Purple, but what I've heard I've liked.

  2. Unclear about Saul, probably a defense contractor, possibly an NGO. Either way they made it clear he was making more $ at it and it's private sector.

    I liked the finale, it was quieter than the previous two finales. I don't know how I feel about Brody being dead, Lewis's acting was a big draw to the show for me. I'll still watch S4, but now I'm hesitant.

  3. Probably the best album of the 80s after Thriller.

    Rush's "Moving Pictures" is pretty hard to beat.

    AFD is easily better than Moving Pictures, and miles better than thriller.

    Counterparts > Moving Pictures btw

  4. These are excellent points and I cannot disagree. It's strange because I normally hate movies and you are right in every way but I still enjoyed it.

    My concern is that when I watch these movies in sequential order, if will be unbearably long. The Hobbit may be my favorite fantasy book ever and although these movies are fairly good (I didn't care for the first though), I won't be able to watch them in one sitting. That is my problem with Peter Jackson. The only reason why he splits these movies up is because he's a whore and it's too bad because I just want to watch The Hobbit, not some pretentious, over the top cinematic bullshit. With that said I did like this movie. I just wish he made one movie and not three. But I can't blame the guy. He obviously loves to eat and these movies help pay for the lobster or whatever rich people eat a lot of.

    Most Tolkien fans want as much theatrical content as possible. If you are interested in a single film Hobbit, I can direct you to these two productions: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Hobbit_(1977_film), http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Hobbit_(1985_film)

    I don't think he splits these movies up "because he's a whore." I think he does it because there is a lot of content in the books, and he probably enjoys making the films too. And there's no doubt that the LOTR/Hobbit films have made Jackson some seriously decent money, but he's directed other films too and would still be pretty well off had he never adapted LOTR/Hobbit.

  5. I like Do a lot, like Gospels even more. This is some really great stuff, the only thing I'd like to hear in it that isn't there currently are some Slash/Jimmy Page style solos. Checked out the YouTube page, I definitely like the newer stuff better but some of those '09 songs were pretty good too. When's the album dropping/where can I get it?

    Also, I'm not a fan of music videos in general, but Gospel's was pretty cool.

    • Like 1
  6. The jewel of my collection - I've played on a bunch of Gibson Les Pauls but this one was most definitely love at first play; I love this guitar... :)

    The video says 1996 Custom Shop Les Paul Standard. Was that a limited run of LP Standards done by Custom? The name "Custom Shop Les Paul Standard" sounds contradictory to me, but Gibson has done so many limited runs I just might not have known about it.

  7. There was no way of repotting it?

    Perhaps it was meant to be unpotted, It was a vintage style PAF, right? Older PAF weren't potted, if I recall correctly.

    I have no idea honestly. My technical knowledge of this area is limited. It was supposed to mimic the tone of a vintage PAF; I could be wrong in what I said, it's possible the tech said something about potting and I misinterpreted it. Regardless, he and Fralin agreed there was something wrong with the pickups. I still have 'em sitting around somewhere, when I have more $ in a few years (hopefully) I'll experiment with them some more.

  8. http://www.tvguide.com/News/Homeland-Morena-Baccarin-Morgan-Saylor-1074697.aspx

    Could not be happier. The family has been the worst part of the show throughout the duration, especially when Brody wasn't with them. While I thought the daughter (Morgan Saylor) was a very good actress, her mother (Morena Baccarin) was not so good. Great news, can't wait to see what season 4 (and tomorrow's finale!) holds in store for us.

  9. WB, eh? Never heard of them. When I put my eye on your axe I was: "hey, that's no burstbucker, SD or Dimarzio and it's definetely not an EMG. Gotta ask about it". I was expecting something more conventional, tbh :lol:

    Btw, habanero? that's the name of the brand of pickups Grover Jackson started using on his new axes. He started the GJ2 guitar company, something similar to what G&L was to Leo, I guess.

    Yeah WB stood for Will Bogs, the guys name. This axe never had conventional pick ups in it (under my ownership at least). I bought it used, because you'd have to be insane or very well off to buy a brand new custom shop/historic Gibson from a retailer. Before the WB's were in it there were some PAF clones wound by some mildly reputable winder, don't recall his name. Anyway they sounded pretty good but they weren't potted correctly, or something, and any time I brought the volume on my head past 4 or so, I'd get a terrible screech. Brought the guitar into my local tech, couldn't figure it out, he send the pick ups to Lindy Fralin, he couldn't figure it out either. So long story short, bought a new set of pick ups for it, and I think the WB's sound better.

    Didn't know about those other Habanero's, the premise behind the name is that they're a fairly hot bridge pick up, that is for WB at least. The PG in the neck just has this great fat tone too though.

  10. Beat me to it as well!

    I was going to start a thread with all the updates from Axl on the new GNR album but I am having trouble finding posts on facebook or twitter. Any help?

    Hm, that's weird. I can't seem to find any either. This must be a technical bug or a communications misunderstanding. I'm sure if you contacted Team Brazil they would rectify this with all deliberate speed.

  11. Aw, that sucks. How much did you pay for it?

    Nice axe, Omar. What are those Zebras?

    *Reverse Zebra's. :P

    Both are WB pick ups. Neck is a Peter Green, bridge is a Habanero, out of phase in the middle position. Both wound using wire from 1967. If you're not familiar, WB was a small company (1 guy basically) who started winding pick ups in 2005? or so. All done by hand, had a few big name clients: Brad Whitford, Frank Hannon, and a few others. He eventually got too many orders and basically shut down without telling anyone. Or I think that's how the story goes. Anyway, a lot of people got f*cked over by him, and it exploded into a scandal on MyLesPaul forums (WB's were big on there for a while). I bought mine used so I never dealt with him, though I did buy them while the company was still operating. Don't recall the exact story, but it's something like that.

  12. I really wanna see DOS tonight. If there aren't any parties around here, I think I might go. Did anyone see it in 3D? And special edition 3D theater glasses? I got the green ones that say "The Hobbit" or whatever on them last time around.

    Also, I think I'll be getting the Collector's Edition of the Hobbit book and the 50th Anniversary collection of the all-in-one LotR books for Christmas.

    3D is okay. The only reason I saw it in 3D is because it was IMAX also, would have much preferred non-3D IMAX, but my nearby theater's did not offer that. The glasses are annoying to wear, and there's no discernible increase in picture quality due to 3D. In fact, I'd argue the opposite, scenes in which a lot of movement occurs (fights, etc.) get sort of momentarily blurry (not significantly, but noticeable). All you get for 3D are a few orc heads flying at you, and a bat under the mountain. Did not receive special edition glasses.

    I went to the midnight showing last night and unsurprisingly loved it. I am not a fan of CGI over kill but I can honestly say I was astounded by Smaug, I do not remember another time special effects have left me so speechless. Cumberbatch was magnificent and the Gandalf vs ****** was awesome

    Agreed, Smaug was a highlight of the movie. Cumberbatch is always great, his voice was perfect for Khan too.

    I was surprised by the amount of deviation from the book, but it did not really hurt the story/enjoyability at all. Still don't really get what Evangeline Lilly is doing in this movie, or why her character was necessary, but again, not really a huge complaint. Well it's actually more of I get why she's there, I just don't see the necessity for it.

    I do think they went a little overkill with Orlando Bloom's makeup, at times it almost looks like Legolas had plastic surgery.

  13. Better check your math again there Groghan. Just one ablum since 1991? Really?

    Okay... so Spaghetti Incident, Live Era, Chinese Democracy, and I'll even throw in Greatest Hits for you. So a covers album, a live album, a studio album, and a greatest hits. I wouldn't really count first two or the last given the context of this thread and GNR in general as the three non-studio albums have more to do with music business than music itself (maybe not SI, but you get the point). So yes, it's just 1.

  14. I completely agree. The only thing holding him back though, is himself. For whatever reasons, the guy operates on his own level and from what it looks like, he does not have much of a professional life anymore other than touring/playing shows.

  15. A reunion.

    New music would be cool, and I'm sure I'd like it, but I don't see how it would restore my "faith" in GNR, as GNR ended in the late 90's. But realistically, a nice step would be the hiring of a proper management team, and some press statements that say more than "we're thinking about making a statement."

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