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Posts posted by Pedrolg

  1. i think axl looked happier here than he has in a long time and seemed to be thoroughly trying.

    that's why this performance particularly stings, imo. in the past, a lot of people have written off bad nights as flukes, or as him being unmotivated. tonight, you could tell he was really honored by the whole thing, and i think being forced onto a very small stage in an intimate venue with an original bandmember may have even brought back some nostalgia and memories (who knows?). all i know is, i could see it in his face, he was totally into it. and he still couldn't really deliver.

    props to the guy for trying, but something needs to change. maybe he's just too old and done too much damage to his voice, and if so, fair enough. but certainly i'd imagine not wearing a million layers of clothing and doing a bit of cardio to get in better shape would work wonders for stage presence and vocals.

    not hating, not being an internet whiner or the people axl doesn't perform for, just saying this as a fan making observations.

    That is probably very accurate.

    It's a mix of both, I think. He is getting old, and I think there is more about damage to his voice, possible surgeries than we know about.

    At the same time, that could be balanced out if Axl placed himself in the optimal condition to get the best of the tools he still has. He doesn't do that.

  2. On a positive note, it was visible that Axl was acknowledging that he was not managing to pull it out. We also have the videos being blocked. Maybe - just maybe, a big maybe - that makes him reflect about getting in shape and training his voice a bit more.

    What are you talking about ? There are still lots of videos on YT. I think BS said that the videos by Revolver were made private, that's all. You can still watch the whole show on YT.

    Someone posted saying they contacted Revolver and were told that the videos were made private as per GNR's management request.

  3. Having TIL follow Better without a breather and including YCBM and KOHD were incredibly poor setlist choices for Axl's current voice. I can see why they'd want YCBM and KOHD to pick things up and not be ballad-centric but they're just too taxing for Axl these days. A few little things here and there like DJ being handed a correctly-tuned guitar could have elevated this from disaster level, but not past mediocrity.

    I envy your positivity and diplomacy.

    On a positive note, it was visible that Axl was acknowledging that he was not managing to pull it out. We also have the videos being blocked. Maybe - just maybe, a big maybe - that makes him reflect about getting in shape and training his voice a bit more.

    It's a slim hope, but you never know. Though I think the only thing that would make him give a shit ever again is either a new album and the label 100% on board or an apology from Slash. Not trolling with that comment.

    I did watch it all live....except I muted it at some points and was browsing the forum more than watching as it was so cringeworthy. Can you tell me specifically where you can see Axl acknowledging that he can't sing?

    I can't be precise, I'd have to rewatch it. I remember seeing that yesterday - his insistence in going for rasp and stopping, and his body language while doing so. The pat on the back from BBF. You could feel he was struggling and not happy about it.

  4. Having TIL follow Better without a breather and including YCBM and KOHD were incredibly poor setlist choices for Axl's current voice. I can see why they'd want YCBM and KOHD to pick things up and not be ballad-centric but they're just too taxing for Axl these days. A few little things here and there like DJ being handed a correctly-tuned guitar could have elevated this from disaster level, but not past mediocrity.

    I envy your positivity and diplomacy.

    On a positive note, it was visible that Axl was acknowledging that he was not managing to pull it out. We also have the videos being blocked. Maybe - just maybe, a big maybe - that makes him reflect about getting in shape and training his voice a bit more.

  5. Also, to whom it may concern, please stop cluttering the thread with useless and possibly negative photos and or comments that provide nothing useful to discussion. Thanks. :)

    Also, to whom it may concern, please stop cluttering the music scene with embarrasing performances that provide lot of easily-trolled material to the Internet. Thanks.

    I like Highvoltage. Blacksabbath, not so much.

    I mean, if you're going to have a nuthugger be a mod, at least Volcano is over-the-top funny and less obnoxious

    Volcano for Mod 2014: The Campaign Starts Now

    Nuthugger? Hardly.

    I'm assuming Jordan is upset because I made fun of his "This is heartbreaking" post last night, so naturally he is now an enemy.

    And you were originally eye-rolling because of my positive comments towards some of the performance last night, but then I locked your unnecessary thread and that crossed the line in your book. So I've made two enemies today it seems. How sad.

    I've openly criticized Axl plenty and still will when I personally think it's deserved. I almost threw in the towel for various reasons after I attended the Brooklyn Bowl gig in 2013. Last night wasn't perfect, and it probably won't ever be again. But, it definitely wasn't a disaster.

    Axl could have performed like he did in 2010 last night and people on Blabbermouth and YouTube would still bitch and moan. It's natural for people like that at this point. Not everyone, but I'd say the majority of common viewers would still complain because Axl is an asshole and ruined the old band.

    It was not a disaster, but c'mon, it stopped just short of one. Axl performed poorly, even by this tour standards.

    This, from last week, is much better than yesterday already:

  6. Axl really seemed to be going for rasp in places, but unfortunately ended up mostly Mickey.

    Terrible setlist decision with Better followed by TIL by YCBM. I love all those songs but it's murder for Axl to sing those 3 in a row with no break. When I heard Better, I thought, "Yes, he's a bit breathy, but he's pulling it off for the most part." Then when they went straight into TIL, before Axl even sang the first note I thought, "Uh-oh". Missing a verse was inevitable. YCBM was suicide. Axl still managed some rasp in the breakdown, though, good on him.

    As loathe as I am to defend DJ, the SCOM intro sounds like he got handed a guitar that was tuned incorrectly. All his other mistakes are inexcusable, though. Please, please, please fire him. Bring back Finck, Slash, settle for Fortus and Bumble, anything other than having him in the band.

    Did Axl wear a Pharrell hat as a nod to comments on the forum?

    There were a handful of moments I was happy to see flashes of the old Axl, and I was reminded of why I'm a fan. But the rest was heartbreaking. It shows how low standards have gotten on this forum that people say it wasn't a disaster. This will complete the Axl Rose Disaster Trilogy on YouTube, as much as it pains me :( I'm guessing for the 90min broadcast Better and TIL will be cut, for the best in the case of the latter.

    The big KOHD scream was pretty good.

    Nicolas Cage was the highlight of my evening. Thank you, Nicolas Cage, One True God.

    Amir, as much as I think you are a very reasonable poster, a skilled guitar player would have either stopped playing or adapted to the tone of the song in seconds.

  7. FFS, I've been here for a short while. I got into arguments with Nosaj Thing and magisme, I've defended Axl performance in SA shows. I actually think he did great in Fortaleza last week.

    There is no way this was a remotely good performance. It was horrible. Everything was in line for a statement performance: bands before them were shit, the crowd was fired up to see them, it was livestreamed. The result was horrible. If he sang well, without rasp, just like he did on the latest SA shows, it could have been a statement. Instead, it was a reminder for the casual fan that GNR is dead. Weak voice, winded, lackluster perfomance no matter how you look at it. The worst of 2014 so far, even Axl himself seemed to acknowledge that with his body language at many points. It was bad, particularly bad for the band at this point, it's a death sentence. It will take 2010 level performances to rebound from that in the eyes of mainstream media, and let's be realistic, those aren't happening ever again. It was bad. It was really bad.

    And DJ Ashba...fucking DJ Ashba...regardless of friendship, if my best frient worked for me and had such a performance I'd fire him on sight, at the very least to preserve the friendship. He is just not good enough to be a guitar player for GNR. You don't play in GNR and fuck up the starting reef of Sweet Child O'Mine. It's like the pope flashing his penis at the christmas eve mass.

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