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Posts posted by Pedrolg

  1. I wonder if the good performance in Curitiba was enough to mildly blow his his voice. Maybe it is true after all that stronger performances and rasp destroy his voice.

    A solid performance like Curitiba results in a few bad shows. Epic rasp like 2010 results in years, or even permanent damage.

    I guess the Duff shows will clarify things a bit.

    Edit: there is no rasp to be found in 2014. The rasp is a lie.

  2. Compilation of some reports from media, Brazilian foruns and a friend who was at the show:

    - Axl sounded slightly better than on Curitiba. It`s a consensus that he has improved with each gig, after a weak start at Rio.

    - A dude was proposing to his gf, and the couple got invited to go on stage by Axl. They did, and the dude requested Nightrain. Axl gave the dude his mic.

    - A miscellaneous cover band opened for them, getting a bit of criticism.

    - Both media and fans seemed do have noticed the difference in vocals in the last two shows. Some of the fans, specially Rio ones, are angry now. One of them on a forum is even taling about a lawsuit for his money back. It is cuntish to use shows in the 2 biggest cities in Brazil to warm up your voice, considering the exorbitant prices involved.

    - Some Curitiba guys claim to be responsible for the inclusion of Nice Boys in the setlist. It was kept for this show.

    1980029_650486015018115_2026227002_o.jpg- In summary, it was a good gig. Apparently there was rasp too, not sure in which moments as videos are scarce right now.

  3. Indeed. I'm not even saying it is decent, or passable. I actually found it amazing, a very high level display of extremely difficult singing. Regarding the infamous "rasp", he does not hold it trough the whole thing, but throws it in at some very high pitched moments. With this and Duff, we might be in for some nice moments of GNR ownage in the near future.

  4. Kiedis is ripped. Funnily, I've been to many an awful live performance by him, including the infamous RIR 2001 where Axl was slammed.

    Kiedis sounds much better on studio than he does live. He often struggles to sing the more melodic RHCP songs. Also, Axl of today sodomizes him in terms of both vocal range and power. He is a talented individual for a myriad of reasons, but he is not and will never be half the singer Axl Rose is.

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