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Everything posted by Nick85

  1. Fawk I hope The General drops soon. That lil clip is intense, even with the awful quality.
  2. So do we have the foggiest idea yet as to when Perhaps & The General will drop? 🤔
  3. This just triggered a thought that, hypothetically, we could be days away from The General being added to the set. Wild times!
  4. While we’re dreaming, I’d sure like this EP to drop Friday… Perhaps Oklahoma Soul Monster Atlas Shrugged The General
  5. They won’t, but man how great would it be it the next EP (or whatever this ends up being) drops all at once? 😱
  6. Some people speculated that, but with The General popping up on the set list it looks like they’re wrong. We’ll know for sure soon enough!
  7. Because the riff Slash is playing fits perfectly over the orchestration we’ve heard and now it’s appearing on the set lists. Seems pretty cut and dry to me.
  8. http://sndup.net/dnt6 So it’s appears they *were* sound-checking The General back in October. 🔥
  9. Jokes aside, hearing The General will be quite surreal for me, and will truly be the end of an era. That’s always been at the top of my “wishlist” of unreleased tracks.
  10. So I guess now the question becomes how are they going to roll out these tracks. It’d be awfully cool if they dropped Perhaps, The General & Atlas Shrugged all on the same day…
  11. Another reason I’d love it to drop sooner than later now. Imagine hearing a GNR song that hasn’t leaked years prior to its release. 😆
  12. This is key. And after Axl described it as the lyrical sequel to Estranged you know it’s gonna have some great Slash magic on it.
  13. Wonder if they’ll drop the entire next EP all at once, or parcel the singles out again. This is pretty nuts either way. I dare not guess when.
  14. Yeah as bananas as The General being on the set list pic is, a chunk of me wants to remain in denial. What have they done to us?! 😆
  15. I sure did, though no one seemed to agree at the time though! 😆 Good memory my friend! Apparently after 20+ years we are finally on the cusp of hearing THE GENERAL! 🔥
  16. GNR fan gallows humor is my favorite kind of humor. 😆
  17. Agreed. The multiple singles/EP approach might have worked if they did it in a timeframe that made sense, but it’s been two years already since the last round. Doing a couple more now and then dropping two more in like 2025 would be pretty fucking goofy if they’re already in the can. Time to put out the rest of what’s been completed, however they can. Hopefully that’s what this is.
  18. Why do we think that set list pic is real again?
  19. The recent uptick in posts in this particular thread shows the various coping attitudes for when this tour starts and the set list inevitably confirms no new music releases on the horizon are in full swing. I imagine this will peak on 6/1 when Axl introduces Absurd as a “new song.” ☠️
  20. You’re definitely correct in a logical sense, though both Absurd and Hard Skool were released after that tour began. Which only shows there is no coherent marketing sense to how/when the spirit moves Axl to release new music. Which unfortunately only serves to make it somewhat of a non-event if they do, no matter how good the track(s) may be, which kind of sucks. It’s why Hard Skool only has a few million listens on YouTube despite it being a killer track. No real effort was put into supporting it.
  21. So, hypothetically, if they’re still planning on dropping new tracks for this upcoming summer tour, when does that happen?
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