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Posts posted by Tadsy

  1. 15 hours ago, beautifulanddamned said:

    That Slither is not bad. I have complicated feelings about Axl's performance, but the band powered through what was clearly a rough show for them.  Horrible sound, rough voice, unfilled stadium, vaguely interested audience-not the kind of show you want to open a leg of the tour with. Hopefully they shake it off.


    Ive just watched that slither clip, and I've got to say, what I saw wasn't all axls fault. 

    That venue doesn't lend itself to good acoustics. It sounds hollow, Tinny and you could hear it reverberating around the stadium. 

    Secondly, crowds in 2018 are shite. Maybe they were just put off by what they could hear, and their reaction of being uninterested was the result of that I dunno, 

    but it's a shocking atmosphere and the crowd didn't help. 

    I know playing stadiums is where the band wants to be but bigger isn't always better, I'd much prefer smaller venues, better acoustics, full crowds and an atmosphere. 

    It just seems to me that a lot of people in this crowd didn't even know this song... make of that what you will, but even if slither was average, walking off in the middle of it (which is what I saw) wouldn't be my reaction if I knew the history of the band and this song? Which brings me back to crowds, generally they are lame these days trying to film a song they are at a live concert at, makes no sense to me. 

    The more I see the more I'm actually prepared to give Axl the benefit of the doubt on this. 


    Of course axl wasnt on as well well but I think there's a lot of things at play that contributed to this type of performance and hopefully it's all fixed by the next show. 

    Just my opinion though. 

  2. I have a couple of questions (probably dumb ones) but I'm fairly uneducated when it comes to technology so here goes. 

    How do I get my hands on a copy of this show? 

    Is it a case of having to shell out big money for a DVD copy on eBay? 

    Or is it possible to rip a copy off the internet by download??. 


    Or is it just a case of having to watch it on YouTube whenever I want to see it? 

    Please help 😬

  3. People on here think they have the answers or the real story, but we dont know what was offered by axl/tb towards izzy, we dont know what izzy offered either...

    all we know is, it didnt work out.... beating it like a dead horse on here is getting really old..

    Id love AFD 5... hell id settle for an Illusion line up over what we have now... but its not gonna happen  in the forseeable future.. so no point banging on about it. and... if u dont wanna see the show, then thats cool too.



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  4. Hmmmm, a small percentage of me is excited, but the rest of me (the dead part) already knows better than that 😂

    If it's one of the big 3, then yeah, I'll be interested, but it depends on what questions are actually going to be asked and of course the answers given. 

    If we get lame questions that dont ask what we all want to know, then it's going to be a pretty pointless interview.

    and realistically, unless it's Axl doing the interview, do we really expect anyone else in the band to divulge anything worthwhile? I highly doubt it. 

    Just my opinion but don't expect anything and you won't be disappointed. 

    • Like 3
  5. I still laugh when people on here get their knickers in a knot every time Adler speaks!!

    hes the drummer on appetite, and is still relevant enough for radio stations the world over to want to interview him, if you don't like it, don't fking listen to it. 

    It always amuses me that people think that a guy who was IN the band should shut up yet they are entitled to sprout off on a forum ad nauseum themselves when they are 50 thousand times less relevant than Adler when it comes to anything GNR. 


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  6. 33 minutes ago, ToonGuns said:


    I've been saying this for years! To me 98-2004 is the holy grail of unreleased stuff. At least with this era we know there is unreleased stuff deserving of a boxset, and I find this the most fascinating and intriguing GnR era. I also love Bucket. And for those that don't believe this is GnR - it was (just a continuation of what came before) and nobody would be forcing you to buy this.

    Where can I buy some of whatever you are smoking? 😂

  7. Is this a trick question? 😂


    Lets break it down! 

    AFD was the best album released by this band! And what they've offered on this locked and loaded release is crap! You'd have to be bonkers (or rich) to buy it. 

    CD is universally accepted (bar 2% of the gnr fan base) as being the worst gnr album released (and some fans don't even accept it's a gnr album till this day) and you think the everage fan would buy offcuts and god knows fucking what in this cluster fuck era of gnr or newgnr or whatever you want to call it?????

    WOW! Just wow!

    lets be clear on one thing!!! For the majority of fans still holding out on some sort of holy grail from the vault, it's not CD era off cuts. 


    Its UYI docos, pro shot UYI shows and demos from 93-96 recording sessions. If any of that even exists. 


    Im done 

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  8. 5 hours ago, action said:

    there is too much analysing going on. people are giving meaning to a lyric on the gounds on what verse it appears in ffs. at the end of the day it doesn't really matter what axl meant with a lyric 30 years ago. We all have said ignorant stuff at some point in our lives, all of us. we all learn and we all regret things we said. To spend 10 pages on something that was written 30 ago is pure insanity. It's as if Axl needs to put out an official statement distancing himself from it, but I guess even that won't be enough for some people. I'm not interested in politics, and I doubt members of GNR do. I see stuff like "it's OK, they probably support the left party". I mean wtf?? really?? that's hysterical! what does it mean, "its ok"? like we're not going to be a fan anymore if they aren't :lol: I guess some people are looking for left or right politics in the GNR brand, in stead of kick ass hard rock music. facepalm to those people.

    Sorry you're so simple. 

    Insanity is reading 10 pages of it when you obviously don't want too and then writing a 300 word response to whinge about it. 

    Good work. 😂

    • Haha 1
  9. 8 hours ago, Tom-Ass said:

    So if you sit on the right you are racist and homophobic? 

    I don't think that is really how you feel but it could easily be taken that way.

    Most definitely not what I meant lol 


    what I was getting at, was the seeming shift in attitude from the band. 

    For example, writing lyrics like OIAM, it's so easy, and recording yourself having sex with your band mates girlfriend, compared to wearing women's march singlets on stage (duff) and tweeting your displeasure for the current president ect, 

    it does seem a major shift in attitude from the band members took place in their 40s/50s 

    i guess my point in not condemning OIAM is because it's basically just a snap shot in time if axls attitude to something (rightly or wrongly) and in the end to me, it's a song, nothing more, nothing less. It doesn't affect my everyday life and nor should it. Is it regettable? As a fan I would say no, is it for Axl? Maybe so... I'm sure it's affected him more than it will ever affect me. 

    But it is part of GNR history now and trying to scrub it from the record isn't the right thing to do imo. 

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  10. Look, you either like the song or you don't. 

    Its 30 years old and represented axls feelings at the time. I have no problem with that. 

    I don't think he's racist, and I don't think he's homophobic in 2018. In fact Axl and the band seem to sit on the left these days. 

    People change, times change and I highly doubt 25 year old Axl would think the same as 55 year old Axl. 

    I like the song. It was ballsy to release it and caused all manner of shit but it was 30 years ago and the band has evolved so not playing it is a good choice. 

    Erasing it from history is wrong though, as someone else said it's part of the chain of GNR evolution and striking it from the record won't happen even if they try. 

    • Like 1
  11. I don't want to spoil anyone's fun, and I'm sure the people parting with the 1k are super excited about their purchase but I'm really miffed about what's so exciting? 

    Wtf am I going to do with a guitar pic? I don't own a guitar. And if I did, I'm sure I could buy a GNR guitar pic for about $3 bucks on eBay! 

    Temporary tattoos? Where do I go with this one? It's on par with belt buckles and bandannas. 

    Appetite remastered??? Well I can sort of see why some people are falling over themselves for it. I consider myself a bigger than casual fan, but my ears like AFD just the way it is.. maybe I'm not that picky I dunno. 

    SOYL has been cleaned up nicely but the lyrics are crap and the video was lazy... maybe they've completed their contract with geffen now?? If so... then who knows what the next plan is. 

    Overall, if you've got the coin to blow on all this then lucky you. I've been a fan as long as I can remember and with a 2 yr old and another on the way I don't have that cash to blow, but even if I did, this box set still wouldn't get my money. 

    Id much prefer something that was limited edition (not 10,000) and it would need to be personalised. Rather than all the swag, I'd have preferred a pro shot DVD or blue ray of something rare or semi rare rather than a tattoo or flag or guitar pic, 

    i hope they do something for illusions such as pro shots or the documentary that is rumoured to exist, that might get me far more excited than what this has. 

    Sorry if I've pissed on anyone's parade, just my op

    • Like 2
  12. Firstly, my guess is its old vocals with slash coming in and reworking a new solo, and bits and pieces added to it. 

    Basically, they've taken an old shell of a car and put some new parts on it . Bits and pieces over the top, but it's still a 1980s car. But it's been cleaned up well. 

    I don't know what to think. I'm caught. 

    The guitar work is good, and Axl sounds fucking great. The lyrics are dog shit and the film clip is lazy. 

    Id give this a 6.5 out of ten overall. 

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  13. 2 minutes ago, scooby845 said:

    Hahaha $1000? Y'all suckers fell for it.... you should have pre-ordered while it was $650...:lol:

    On another note - what kind of a fucking joke is that? To not include all the unreleased tracks on the 2 CD version? No November Rain and other rare stuff?


    Oh that'll be coming in the next round, at the small price of... wait for it... another lazy $1000


    getem while they're hot! 😜

  14. I'm going to sound like a bitch here, but in just not that excited by this. I dunno if I'm in the minority cause there seems to be some excited people but I can't get my head around the following: 

    1. All these demos/unfinished versions of songs never made the cut for the original record so why is it so expensive? 

    2. AFD is fine the way it is (just my personal opinion), I don't care that it may sound "dated" when I turn my stereo up it sounds rad. 

    3. From what we've garnered so far, most people have listened to most of this so far on YouTube at some point or another anyway. 

    4. The booklet and the box is probably all pretty cool, but I've already got canters book as a centre piece on my coffee table and there's plenty of cool pics in that anyway. 

    5. The SOYL version that I just listened too was "ok" but nothing to get too excited about. 


    The only thing that redeems this in is in my eyes Is that if this counts as fulfilling their contract with Geffen, then it may open up doors for new music to be released with less road blocks. 

  15. 1 hour ago, Fross said:

    All i wanted from this kind of thing is UYI Tour pro-shots,i know they recorded every single show and considering some parts who exist on youtube that's  fucking gold.Wembley 91,Hartford 93, and many others.

    I hope they release pro-shots in the future,i have no interest in these "new" songs.

    I'm with you there brother. 

    The unreleased pro shot illlusion tour shows are the holy grail for me! 

    If they did a box set of 5 for $300 bucks, they would get my money! 

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  16. 12 minutes ago, FalconYoung said:

    Haven't been able to follow this thread for the last day, and there is like a million pages since i last checked. Those prices mentioned, are they legit or just rumours? And do we know SOYL will be a single? And where is that locked and loaded video from? Thanks! 

    Yep I'm the same as you, havent been on in a day. This thread was at 22 pages then I log in and it's 108 pages! I can't be arsed trolling through them all so if someone could give us a basic recap of: 

    Whats in the box (rough explanation is fine)

    whats the price? 

    When is it available? 

    Whats the deal with the truck? 


    I logged on to the GNR.fm site to listen to SOYL and got nothing!!! No sound! 

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