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Posts posted by G-Money

  1. 17 minutes ago, SerenityScorp said:

    Imagining Izzy open His locker or something N' hearing loud crash N' saw kid around His age being chased by teachers wonder what happens after that, N' I want to hear the story of how They become friend

    I believe that was the story of Steven and Slash becoming friends. I can't remember where I saw it, but I think Axl and Izzy met in a defensive driving class, then played in a garage band together, where Axl was afraid to sing, and Izzy had to convince him.  I'll see if I can find that interview.

    Ah. Here.

    Izzy, first meeting: I remember, the first day at school there was this big fucking commotion. I heard all these books hit the ground, yelling, and then [Axl] went running past. A bunch of fucking teachers chasing him down the hallway...[Classic Rock, 2001].

    Izzy: I thought, well, here's a guy who's completely crazy, he'd be a fucking great singer. We had to coax him a bit [and] it didn't go so well in the early days. Sometimes he would just come over and stand around, like he was embarrassed. Or he'd start to sing and then he'd just leave. Walk out and I wouldn't see him again for like three days! Some things didn't change, huh? [Classic Rock, 2001].

    Izzy: I met Axl in drivers' ed. We were long-haired guys in high school. You were either a jock or a stoner. We weren't jocks, so we ended up hanging out together. We'd play covers in the garage. There were no clubs to play at, so we never made it out of the garage. Axl was really shy about singing back then. But I always knew he was a singer [117 Degrees, biography and info, 1998].

  2. The funny thing is that Izzy, without meaning to, may have lit the fuse that will drive him back to the band. The guy, as Duff stated, "doesn't like lights and cameras very much," and he obviously only has Twitter to refute claims on this whole thing. With ONE tweet, he's got articles written about him all over the internet, criticizing the move to not join the band, he's got thousands of rans tweeting him, which he won't read, but it blows up his inbox.

    1) He keeps Twitter, he stays in the loop to see what's being said about him (he obviously watched the Fantastico interview), reaches his limit, and he decides to show up and finish the thing.

    2) He deletes twitter, retreats to Tattooine, bites into an avocado and realizes that it's quiet... TOO quiet... and lonely. Crap. Gotta go do the show.

    3) He deletes twitter, retreats to Tattooine, bites into an avocado and realizes that it's quiet... and I should write a song about snow or monkeys or hitchhiking.

  3. Here's what's sad to me.

    The fact that Izzy is mad about the pay and Steven has played as a guest means that Axl DID (at least in some capacity) try to get the original AFD lineup together, despite all odds. The only two members to consistently show interest in a reunion of the original group are the two with the least say in the matter (though I AM happy for Steven to reconnect with the band). Alan Niven has raised all sorts of concern about Izzy being left out. And Izzy quit 25 years ago, before anyone else quit.

    So what more could Izzy possibly want? Yes, he may have been the heart and genius behind it all, but Axl is the commitment to GNR (even if I didn't approve of NuGNR), and Slash and Duff are the monetary value.

    Marc Canter, Dizzy Reed, and Axl have all made comments in recent months that indicate Izzy can be really flaky, and I think this is ultimate proof. It's like he wanted a perfect, unrealistic picture, or no picture at all.


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