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Posts posted by StrangerInThisTown

  1. 14 minutes ago, k12 said:

    go look at this link, look at the bottom left corner, that is as clear as anything as the Vegas shows are the first time anyone is able to see the "New" Guns N Roses http://www.axs.com/events/306247/guns-n-roses-tickets


    and I almost bought the Coachella, but I was holding off "in case" there was a show or 2 before that, once the Vegas shows were announced, and they were billed as the first time anyone was going to see them, I knew I had to be there



    Read it again. It clearly states "when GUNS N ROSES regroup for the first time..." This is not Guns N Roses. This is not an official Guns N Roses show obviously. This might not even be the official Guns N Roses line up youll see at Vegas with Fortus and Ferrer, this might be a one off of the AFD 5, which legally is not Guns N Roses. Everything they stated will still hold truth when the guys take the stage as Girl Rock School.

  2. 10 minutes ago, KiernanProud said:

    That's the weirdest part about this. If you go on their Twitter page, they're counting down to an event on April 1st. Like literally saying "4 days left" and "2 days left" as recently as yesterday. But there's no mention of it anywhere. 

    Am I an idiot? Because to me it looks like they are counting down to April 2nd. They posted the 3 days left tweet on March 30th.

  3. 3 minutes ago, emybdc said:

    Yep, it could be.

    Found another interesting thing on Facebook. Rock n' Roll Camp For Girls, which was the closest thing we could find for "Girl Rock (school) showcase" has events on Facebook too. There is one for April 3rd but guess what? Nothing for April 1st - and definetly not at The Troubadour:


    ye we ironed that out a few pages ago, the rock camp for girls is definitely not related to GRS. They dont know anything about any event on April 1st

  4. It would be a really big coincidence if this really was a private event, too many coincidences with the other stuff we've gathered. Perhaps it's worth to take a look at the bands slated to play at the whisky and iron out a possible hoax band

    Maybe someone could just call the troubadour and ask if it's a private event? I'm sure they can tell us that?

  5. 8 minutes ago, emybdc said:

    I did. The thing is the agenda at The Whisky was kinda tricky because there is always more than one band playing so I couldn't figure out anything. But it makes sense if this is happening at The Troubadour, specially with how suspicious this Girl Rock Showcase seems. Again, besides no one finding out anything about them (?), there's no event on The Troubadour facebook page for that shows. It's the ONLY show without an event.

    Good find!


    Look at that page guys. No eventpage for GRS on April 1st, even though it's sold out. The thick is plottening further...

  6. 5 minutes ago, gunsguy said:

    All the forum CSI's are looking into why it IS GNR, anyone gonna try the other way to prove why it is NOT GNR?

    Seen this many times in the past, heck once we had people going to a place that turned out not to be GNR at all, that night this forum was packed

    There is just too much evidence that suggest it is GNR that there's no point in trying to prove why it should not be them. People actually looked up this Girl Rock School thing and it simply doesnt exist anywhere near LA area, that alone is a BIG give away. This whole GRS thing (sold out - lol) reeks of shit

  7. 4 minutes ago, emybdc said:

    Omg. I went to bed at page 7 and now we're ate page 14 of this investigation. Good job, guys hahaha

    Ok, so remember how I said before I wasn't supposed to give out other details? Fuck it. The first time I've heard about this warm up gig it was supposed to be at The Whisky. When I asked when it was supposed to take place since The Whisky was booked for all dates previous to Vegas. My guy then told me one of the bands didn't actually exist and it was a hoax just holding the date for GnR.

    Despite my information being about The Whisky, it adds up with what you guys picked up about this Girl Rock Showcase.

    Were you curious enough to check the bands that were listed as supposed to play at the Whisky? I assume they took that band off the bill by now

  8. 3 minutes ago, SerenityScorp said:

    This is reminds Me about Their secret show before They're worldwide famous

     I read that on Reckless Road


    *They are using different name, I forgot what it is. Anyone could tell Me? I'm really curious*

    the drunk fux?

    3 minutes ago, Kasanova King said:



    that picture is from like 1988

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