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Posts posted by jimisbatman

  1. On 5/21/2024 at 6:27 PM, jamillos said:

    It's just yet another "we have to ask him" / "I can't tell you anything" bit, nothing to see here. Last time I remember something of value was him saying they haven't gotten to writing new songs yet, just working on the old Axl demos. 
    Obviously, he could just be deliberately obfuscating, because he knows as soon as he'd drop a bombshell like naming some brand new GNR song, he'd never see the end of the constant questions ensuing. And since Axl got butthurt regarding all that pre-CD "promises" and delays and shenanigans, the consensus here is that he's told the guys to keep it under the lid until he is ready... 

    This is the most likely scenario based on their history. I'll revert back to 'nothings coming and if I'm wrong, well great', type of thinking. 

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  2. 34 minutes ago, jamillos said:

    I remember him saying working on new music (just him) some years back, but I don't remember him ever using the term "new songs". 

    Thanks. Could this be a publicity headline grab? Hope it's true though and something results within the next 2 years. But then again, I've been waiting since 2008 for a follow up. But with saying that, content with leaks and creating our own makeshift boxset. 

  3. 1 hour ago, Rovim said:

    just my opinion, but this album never takes off. I don't want to be too negative so I'll keep it short, but I have no interest in listening to any track from this album again. doesn't sound inspired or interesting. a few moments when it felt like to me it was going to go someplace interesting but it fell flat.

    glad that many seems to like it around here though.

    Totally agree. It was good listening to it, and makes good back ground music but won't ever put it on to "listen" to an album going forth AND he may well get a Grammy for one of these covers. But, imo, Slash alone has had half dozen magical highlights outside of GNR, but his true magic seems to be when he has chemistry and is pushed/feeds off. He was one of the Gun's in the Rose and without that/the supporting chemistry, his work is not as great as his name, imo. VRs Slither was one of those highs imo, yet without that particular drummer/singer/rythem guitarist, slither wouldn't be the monster it is. Afd owes so much to Steven for a portion of its chemistry imo. I was conflicted listening to it as I love Slash, but when I asked myself if I would like it if his name was not attached, I thought, hell no.

    Glad every one likes it though. Lol, just discovered Bucket head's Jordan track 😂 

  4. 17 hours ago, Gibson87 said:

    Totally agreed! I'm working hard to become that person now. I think what has me feeling that way is I found my friend and someone I'm comfortable with but she didn't respect certain boundaries and was unfaithful towards the end of the relationship.

    It's a tough one when one is unfaithful, sorry dude. Character is a massive attribute and it's easier said than done but needs to be on any list for potential relationships. I learnt through a series of relationships and it became something I started looking for in a partner. 

    • Thanks 1
  5. 3 hours ago, Gibson87 said:

    Has anyone else become jaded towards relationships and dating? I shouldn't have this mindset at 26 but the whole process is exhausting. I almost prefer staying single at this point and continuing to build my life

    Nope, not becoming jaded. Just gotta find your friend. Someone you are comfortable with. Sounds like you haven't found it the first time, but hang in there, it will happen. Some old guy once told me, Become the person, you want to be with, ie, if you want a smart, generous loving person with a j.o.b who is well presented, you need to become that. 

  6. On 4/13/2024 at 9:48 AM, Gordon Comstock said:


    Nobody should still be 'waiting' for GNR songs lol. At least we've got this Slash record to look forward to - so far it sounds like it'll be his best album in decades.

    One of my favourite artists dropped a new single today, another announced their album and put physical copies up for sale, and another hinted about a release next week. There's too much good stuff constantly being released to wait for Axl's 20+ year old unfinished ideas... The General really cemented that.

    Here here.... Well said. I move that we lock 🔒 this thread. 

    • Like 4
  7. 9 hours ago, Barlog said:

    solo album confirmed

    I thought this, but the rational angel on my shoulder reminded him not to expect any music. However, the wishful thinking child in me would love more bucket/Axl tunes...... Are they mates? Did bucket leave on good terms? 

  8. 4 hours ago, Rindmelon said:

    The bridge in "Elvis Presley and the Monster of Soul aka The Soul Monster (working title Leave Me Alone)" which will no doubt end up "Soul Monster". I think it's our most Black Sabbath moment. Sang it on a Christmas eve. Imo the meanest section of anything I've sung to date. Which having said that I'm sure when it's heard others may disagree but we felt it was a Christmas card of unadulterated venom so to speak. I felt a lot better afterwards. (Axl Rose , Here Today... Gone to Hell Forum, Dec. 2008)

    That's so rock n roll. Love EP title. Thanks 

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