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Posts posted by JimiRose

  1. 4 hours ago, evader said:

    He's suggesting the guy is what Americans call a "sucker" - that he's easily duped. If JimiRose wasn't flat-out trolling, I take what he said as a compliment.

    Yes. That's what was done. But it wasn't only from Rockband isolated vocals. Some of those 15 layers were from snippets of vocals isolated from AFD or UYI tracks.

    That's actually BH and Finck. Finck stuff is from Rockband. The BH stuff is isolated from a few songs in his monsterous collection. Cant remember where I got the solo, but I barely changed a note from the original.

    I'm sure many would disagree, though I was trying pretty hard at the time for my own personal amusement.

    Good guesses. Seriously. My suspicion is that you'd change your tune if you heard the "isolated" vocals. Then again, I don't know. They're kinda awesome in a Frankenstein sense.

    I promise you it is neither a genuine leak, nor is it the first half of the song. The cellphone clip was almost certainly from the latter-half of the song, and I just added/duplicated the outro chorus (soft part) after the screaming section because it made sense from the clip.

    Question for mindray11 - had anyone even suggested this was The General before you heard my ludicrous take on it? When I got it, nobody had a clue WTF it was.

    Lol I assure you I am not trolling - I just cannot believe a take of this quality was made based on a phone recording. Granted I haven't actually heard the phone recording (if anyone has it, please feel free to send). What programme did you use to take the rock band vocals and retune them into this song? Are you actually playing any of the instruments or is it completely 'frankenstein' as you say in how it has been put together? Lastly, if this is all your own work, would you legally be able to put it on YouTube as it is an interpretation and would not be a copyright issue?

  2. 35 minutes ago, scottish nutter said:

    Iv tried listening to tool a few times after hearing people say how good they are, i just couldnt get into anything i was hearing, each to their own though

    The aenima album is fantastic start to finish, i'd just listen to that several times. Though lateralus is my fav song. If you like your riffs in D, and progressive, then there's no greater band ha

    • Like 1
  3. Tool are great live but i totally get people who wouldn't enjoy it. It's an immersive experience with the screen displays matching the music. Maynard stands behind the drum kit and the band do not interact with the audience or each other at all. It's one of those, if you don't like the music, you're gonna hate the live show. I took a mate to see kiss live having only ever heard one song and not being a fan at all. he said it was the greatest show he'd ever seen and he didn't know a song. If you go to a tool song without knowing a song, you'll struggle :lol:

    • Like 1
  4. 'The new chapter' ONE new original (that wasn't even played) and 3 Illusion songs from 29 years ago, plus the exact same songs from NITL. £100 a standing ticket and £170 golden circle. Having seen the reunion shows twice in london in 17 and at download festival 2018, there is no way that's enough to justify seeing them again. Minimum 4 new unreleased songs and 4 different illusion songs, I have no problem with them playing a core 14/15 hits at every show, but it's the same 25 sadly. They've looked bored since 2018 too. 

    • Like 2
  5. 8 hours ago, hudsonsaul said:

    I agree with OP.

    It took me years n' years to shake GnR from me. I now clock in here once in a blue moon to see if there are any specific updates, and sometimes not even that - it's a quick google search for news.

    Wish and hope the band has success with new music, but I'm over waiting for  - or even expecting - anything worthwhile anymore. Once i finally shook the GnR 'addiction' it was a blessing. 

    Seen them countless times across eras, and now wouldn't go see them again. I have doubts now that even if there was a new record, it'd be average at best. None of them a pushing themselves musically, and can't see them going back to a traditional rock sound and instead more of an overproduced cliché of themselves.


    I am at this stage too. But as you say, they were such a big part of my upbringing. They shaped my musical influences, my personality and how I made decisions. I don't feel that's wasted, but I feel sad that I'll never replicate that feeling. Axl has managed to destroy the soul of his biggest fans. That is his current legacy. I just wanted too feel that excitement of seeing them for the first time in 06, the chinese democracy release. but I'd say it started to die around 2012 when new music didn't come, the setlist didnt change and no originals rejoined.

    2016 gave hope but somehow the biggest reunion in music, they have managed to sour. Even the casuals are miffed. If you look at every non south american comment on socials, it's mostly discontent and new album requests. It's sad, but thus, we move on. GnR are never my go to listen anymore. that'll be the clash or the beatles. age 12-27 I would never have said that or thought that possible.

    • Like 2
  6. 19 minutes ago, DurhamGirl said:

    Just wondering what you are doing here when there is nothing you like about GnR, seems rather strangee.  Anyway I think what you are saying is a load of crap...'doesnt flow'...out of place'...nothing to open the show with and the rest.  What planet have you been living on and most bizarley what are you doing here?

    He didn't even mention the best show opener in the world 'welcome to the jungle' :lol: although rock n roll train is a banger


    • Like 1
  7. 12 hours ago, W. Axl Kev said:

    I pose a question to the forum: is it time to let go?

    Disclaimer: I absolutely anticipate this will be merged or swept into another topic because it doesn't contain a new piece of info but this part of the forum is called "Discussion & News"

    I joined this forum in 2005 at the same time as @Axl_morris because we were obsessed with the mythology of GN'R; who Axl was, where he's been and what comes next with this amazing rock band. 15 years later, I've seen them 8 times (on both sides of the Atlantic), I've arrived at a record store for opening for Chinese Democracy, I've flown my girlfriend to North Carolina to see them, I've bought merchandise, I got some lyrics from Locomotive tattooed on my ribs (9 years ago when I was younger, in my defense) and I've been here for every leak, rumor, new photograph, fake photographs and my all time favorite moment; when a forum member claimed he was hiding under a desk at Geffen Records secretly recording 'IRS' which resulted in a forum member driving for 6 hours to buy the recording, only for it to all be a scam. Hilarious.

    Those of us still here wish our lives away over more new music, leaks (Cock-a-roach soup, anyone?), more tours, raspier voice, Steven Adler, Matt Sorum, Izzy Stradlin and, Lord save me, Robin Finck.

    Few fans of few bands have ever had so much fun chasing the pursuit of happiness with a group. I'd argue bands who have more albums (Metallica, Aerosmith etc) have burned out rather than stood out. We follow a group who have confused us, frustrated us, let us down, "wowed" us but ultimately always left us wanting more. Maybe that's good enough? Maybe we reflect on how great this has all been rather than all living as if a new album and tour will come out next month and we'll continue this journey from 1995.

    Again, I expect this to be swept into another thread but this isn't a "general musing", it's a topic for debate (which is what forums are all about, right?).

    Is it time to let this go? Would love to hear your thoughts.

    Kind regards,


    It's over for us Kev. As you have, As I have, we have given so much, but I think the ride is over. The band now is a sham. Between 96-2010 it was an exciting sham, there was still hope. Now, we've lived it. Time to let go. 

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  8. 10 minutes ago, DTJ80 said:

    I could get behind that statement if we actually had something to compare against. If they released a single that was plain shite then yeah - you’d worry that as a creative unit they are finished.....but we can’t make that call until we hear something. I really wish we had something to bloody listen to. 😖

    Sadly it's purely in relation to the fact there is nothing released. I'd rather have a bad album and be able to say, at least we heard it, it wasn't up to scratch, let's move on and celebrate what we had before. But having heard hardschool, atlas, state of grace, the general, perhaps etc we know there is some at least semi decent stuff just sitting there gathering dust. That's almost worse. They might not release a song as good as jungle or NR, but who cares. Songs half as good as those would still be great songs!

  9. It's embarrassing that Slash is going to release his second solo album, duff has a solo album, dizzy has a solo album, even ferrer has a fucking album ALL since this version of GnR reunited. And still there is no new album, no sniff of an update about where it's at and no release date. Creatively GnR are a spent force. It's a shame, coz I was listening to state of grace today and thinking, wow a slash solo between the final verse and the screamed outro would be incredible. Instead we're going to get generic cock rock from smkc and radio silence from GnR. 

    It's at the point now, where even if GnR did release an album, we'd get no music video. No axl interview. No special events to attend for the release day and bare minimum radio play. It's just a nothing band now. 


    • Like 3
  10. 17 hours ago, Free Bird said:

    You're a Lie and Driving Rain are both among the worst songs on their albums in my opinion. Also I think Slash's solos on LTD are well structured and full of emotions, everything but boring :shrugs:

    You like generic, I like exciting :lol:

  11. WOF was good, bit too much generic filler but overall a good album. AL was great, it had a bit of sleaze, and their 2 best songs (you're a lie and anastasia) Slash and friends is my fav - it made slash write a variety of rock to fit the vocalist. Living the dream has one ok song - driving rain. The rest are just generic, myles lyrics are shite, slash's solos are boring and the songs are just meh. It's not 'Awful' it's just bland. SMKC are prob finished creatively an slash needs axl and duff to get his best work now.  

  12. The band don't care, I doubt they're even aware the vids are being made and put online until they're up. We know Team Brazil is incompetent (that's being generous) and there's no pride in any work they do. We know Axl doesn't give a shit about fans and that the fan base have confused laziness for axl being a tinkerer who only wants to release the absolute best product.

    In 2006 he gave an interview in which he said about CD 'You'll like at least a few songs on there' sure it may have been said in jest, but anyone who thinks he takes the ultimate pride in his work is crazy. He hasnt kept in shape for 10 years. His live vocals for the most part since 2011 have been terrible, and yet some people believe he is working his ass off making the perfect record!? I've been past his house in Malibu. If I lived there I would do fuck all to, he's already living the dream and when it comes to new music, he has zero motivation and is lazy. 

    • Like 4
  13. 5 hours ago, JohnnyUtah said:

    How do you know what they've had to do? How do you know the record isn't finished? Ozzy released his album before the pandemic, ACDC haven't released shit yet, and Taylor Swift? Lol. Why are you so anxious? They will release music when they want to, are you holding your breath?

    No one from Guns N' Roses have ever said that a "new album is imminent". Quite impossible and unreasonable to live up to made up promises, don't you think?

    Fernando? Is that you? How do I know the album isn't finished? Well.. Because it's not in my hand fernando. If an album was finished it would be released. Thanks for dropping by, now please drop back off into Axls rectum. 

    • Haha 3
  14. 9 minutes ago, Tom2112 said:

    If that's how you meant it, then ok. I Agree, if there's a record ready then yeah covid has no definitive restriction on a band at least releasing an album... now, if the album isn't completely finished, or if the record is more 'idea' than 'reality' then that's where covid throws a spanner in the works, at least in the beginning of all the pandemic stuff. 

    Why I would say getting a record started or just recording in general is possibly tricky, is that in order to go in and record they need engineers, producers, assistant engineers, techs, load in crew... that's not even getting into the band members and management... there's a lot of people to navigate around. NOW, of course they can navigate all of that stuff AND 'maybe' they are doing just that but they are remaining tight lipped about it. We know absolutely nothing about this next record really, so it's entirely possible nothings ready, and it's equally possible the whole thing is in the can ready to go. We just do not know one way or the other, no point being bent out of shape over it.

    Also, Fernandos kool-aid... I resent that, no need for low blows, we're all friends here! 😄

    If it is in the can, release it. I can't see why they wouldn't unless there is nothing there. Apologies for the fernando comment, that was indeed too far and should only be saved for the lowest of the low!

    • Haha 1
  15. 3 hours ago, allwaystired said:

    That's the old argument - "why bother because no-one will be interested", which is fine if A) you want to only be a nostalgia band and B) you don't spend years and years constantly telling fans a new album is imminent. 

    The reason 99.9999999 per cent of musical acts still "bother" even though they have a classic album in their past that they probably won't live up to is to stay fresh, interesting and because they don't want to be constantly trading on past glories. Even the Rolling Stones, who I clash as the very definition of a band trading on their past, have managed covers albums in recent years and even brand new material over lockdown. Is it as good as 'Exile'? Definitely not. But they 'bother' because they are musicians. 

    No one is going to 'shoot themselves in the head' if GNR don't release any new material ever again, but in a band forum forum about a new album, you've got to expect a bit of a lively discussion about a new album! 




    You are a god, thank you for putting it slightly more eloquently than I. Now, back to GnR not releasing new music. Motherfuckers release some new music! 

  16. 3 hours ago, dario27 said:

    I don't get it honestly,

    Why are people asking for new music in such an agressive manner?, like desperate, and insulting and all? is everything good at their lives?

    I want new music too but i'm not gonna shoot myself in the head if they don't. They must have their reasons.

    In all fairness the music industry is in full fast food mode. In order to stay relevant you have to release new music every week/month to make the headlines. Is just the way things are and Axl is not known precisely for releasing music just to please others.


    I will support them whenever i can, will go to their shows as i have been doing these last few years, but my expectations on new music are flat. Cool if they release something if not, bummer, but not going crazy over it.

    Maybe they know this?. I mean the world was waiting for Chinese Democracy to release, everybody was in expectation of what was that going to be, even as Rock was not important anymore. But this happened 12 years ago, they blew it and the world is 100% different. Even with the reunion, the world doesn't have the same interest as before. So why bother?

    You realise this is a GnR forum right? You must be in the wrong place. This is exactly the place for people to moan about the fact there is no new album. One step further, this is actually the new album thread. If I came here and vented about My mrs buying me american rice when I wanted basmati, then this would not be the place.


    29 years ago GnR last released an original album containing Axl Slash and Duff. 12 years ago we had the first album of a supposed trilogy. Nada since. As a fan who has been to countless gigs, supported through merchandise and been let down time after time by this band, I and we as a group have a right to moan. If every band went with the attitude 'The world isn't interested, let's not bother' there would be about 4 new albums every year in all of music. There is massive fervent interest in a new GnR album. 

    • Like 1
  17. 3 hours ago, Tom2112 said:

    Have you been living under a rock? They haven't played more than 1 show because the entire worlds concert industry is shut down, there's this thing called covid 19, you should wear a mask outside. 

    Also, they absolutely wouldn't need to have done something before for it to be a possibility in the future. Where us the logic there?

    And... it's 5 years at a push... officially it's 4.5yrs since they got back together, definitely not 6yrs considering 6 years ago nugnr were still touring around now.

    My oh my🤔🙄😄

    You've clearly read this wrong - they have only played 1 show this year - meaning this is the perfect time to record a new record. they havent had anything else to do except finish off / write and release new music. Not sure what covid has to do with releasing new music seeing as ozzy osbourne acdc taylor swift and every other band in the world who wanted to release an album have. Have you been drinking the fernando kool aid? it'll be 6 years before we get anything from them. ashba quit in summer 2015 and slash and axl had mended fences by then. There is obviously no release this year. 


    My oh my..... 

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