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Posts posted by soon

  1. I believe a ghost stray cat moved into my place.

    I have a kitten since last September and am very used to the noises he makes - paws hitting floor when he leaps, cleaning self in other room, etc.

    Recently i was hearing him pouncing off his play structure down the hall, but then he appeared from the windowsill right next to me with his "who's here?" expression.  He went right to his structure and looked around.

    Since then, heard a few leaps as did my cat, who always goes to say "hi."  Sometimes he circles me a few times as he does when he wants to lead me somewhere, usually to say "hi" to people who've arrived.

    • Like 1
  2. 4 minutes ago, AxlsFavoriteRose said:

    so can you be considered an alcoholic if you draw the line at drinking some kinds of liquor? like whiskey....i HATE whiskey. it makes me sick *barf* 


    So far as I understand its dependent entirely on which type of whiskey it is

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  3. 14 minutes ago, Len Cnut said:

    I wouldn't cuz they didn't say Bougie and they didn't invent the definition to denote 'stuck up' :lol:

    I could imagine Marx and Bakunin yelling "You're bougie!" "No, YOU'RE bougie!" at each other and meaning stuck up! haha!  But, yes, fair enough! :lol:

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  4. I bought a nice big, cloth-woven laundry basket for my kitten to sit on the laundry.  Not once has he.  He sleeps nearby on a the hard wood floor.  He sits in any other basket, bowl or box.  sigh:)

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  5. 2 hours ago, AxlsFavoriteRose said:

    what is bougie? i make these drinks with OJ concentrate, half and half, cream soda, vodka and ice that i whip up in the blender. like Orange Julius with a kick :P

    i want a McMuffin sandwich maker! :D

    bougie = bourgeois 

    That drink sounds delicious and perfectly suited breakfast with a kick!  Not bougie what so ever:headbang:

    I found the sandwich maker at thrift store!  Definitely recomend it.  Just like at mcdonalds


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  6. 2 minutes ago, AxlsFavoriteRose said:

    i never knew that grilled cheese cures a hangover! but it makes sense, i know a nice greasy cheeseburger works as well!

    i grew up on those processed cheese slices :)  this probably sounds like the strangest Christmas breakfast ever but i make those biscuit egg bacon cheese sandwiches like they have at McDonald's :P

    that bread sounds yummy :drool:

    I have a McMuffin sandwich maker gadget, so every morning is christmas morning here!  I use my homemade processed cheese on it.  

    Pairs perfectly with a caesar or bloody marry.  The only appropriate morning drinks that arent bougie

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  7. 16 minutes ago, AxlsFavoriteRose said:

    i guess they have nacho flavor. my dad used to eat just the plain kind on Ritz's crackers! :P

    i used to use Velveeta cheese in this salad ( Southern of course ) called kidney bean salad. i found out that real cheese is better ( Velveeta is a cheese product! )

    Oh , right, my folks use cheese wiz to make grilled cheese. Its in a jar too.  I dont get why - the melty cheese is on of the few aspects that make grilled cheese awesome.  And there is no cheese in cheese wiz.

    I love processed cheese slices / american cheese. No cheese in those either! 

    I found a recipe that not only has no unpronounceable ingredients but includes gelatin and melts perfect.  Ive made this a bunch.  In recipes it works just like processed cheese products.  So healthy though!  

    1½ teaspoons unflavored gelatin

    1 tablespoon water

    12 ounces Colby cheese, shredded fine (about 3 cups)

    1 tablespoon whole dry milk powder

    1 teaspoon salt

    ⅛ teaspoon cream of tartar

    ½ cup + 2 tablespoons whole milk


    Oh, right; this is booze thread!  Um... its easy to make drunk and tastes good with beer and a grilled cheese cures a hang over!


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  8. 18 hours ago, AxlsFavoriteRose said:

    have you ever had the cheese in a jar? or Velveeta cheese? there are some pretty messed up cheeses out there :P 

    like nacho cheese in a jar?

    2 hours ago, arnold layne said:

    I feel like this is the perfect time to bring up beer cheese soup and beer battered bratwurst. 

    Both are awesome. 

    Beer cheese soup is so incredible!  Have not had the pleasure of a beer battered bratwurst though.  I must!  The does sound awesome!

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  9. 1 minute ago, AxlsFavoriteRose said:

    hahaha that's cute! i grew up on it. it also works with chicken fried steak and fried chicken but i do not fry my own chicken. i have been burned  ( literally! ) by it too many times :) 

    Ouch! Well, thats a good reason to stop

    Every thing from the Southern US that I hear about food and cooking sound so incredible to me!  looking forward to learning more southern dishes

  10. 2 minutes ago, AxlsFavoriteRose said:

    i don't have much faith in the baking one. it was hard enough before i lived in high altitude. what's weird is if i try and bake like chocolate cookies they're a disaster ( and they were one thing i could bake before moving here ) but if i buy a roll of that already made cookie dough they are perfect!

    the one thing i can make almost as well as my mom could ( and she made almost as well as my Grandma ) is biscuits and gravy. the gravy i just do by look. i keep what looks like 2-3 tablespoons of grease in the frying pan ( sausage or bacon ) then put enough flour or milk that looks right, season it with salt and tons of black pepper stir stir stir and voila! we called it granny gravy when i was growing up and that is how i think of it :)

    altitude, wouldn't have thought of that.  Must be frustrating.

    granny gravy sounds like something I must try, thanks!  Ive never had a gravy from sausage or bacon.  My life has had no purpose until this revelation!

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  11. 31 minutes ago, AxlsFavoriteRose said:

    i am no expert by any means. i am horrid with cakes and i would kill if i could have just one more of my mom's coconut cakes. she made the seven minute frosting and it was soooo good! she hated it when she'd take it a smidge too far and it got this kinda candy like texture ( i guess it's supposed to not be that! but i LOVED it. )

    maybe my mom is participating too :)

    May we one day bake and cook as good as them!

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  12. 5 minutes ago, AxlsFavoriteRose said:

    i follow that on my FB but i guess some people got butt hurt cos they changed it it food COMA :facepalm:

    now that it's almost spring time i really should make a lemon meringue pie :)

    I didnt know about that drama!  lol

    Yes to lemon meringue pie!  My Gran is basically participating in this conversation - she was a baker and that was her flag ship.  Im terrible at that stuff, but hope to get the hang of it.

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  13. 7 minutes ago, AxlsFavoriteRose said:

    the only homemade butter i've ever had was something that came about through what my mom called her dinner party from hell! she made some kinda pie and was whipping the cream for it and somehow she mixed it too long and it became butter! i really want to try it. and homemade mayo, though this food writer i keep referring to says a good mayo ( i used best foods ) cut with just a bit of fresh lemon juice is pretty close!

    thank YOU for the tips :)

    Outta likes.  Butter on pie sounds good to me!!

    I have failed every time I've tried to make mayo - same with hollandaise.  I will try adding some lemon though!

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  14. 1 minute ago, AxlsFavoriteRose said:

    you make your own butter?? you're amazing! :)

    Sometimes. Im motivated by cost savings and controlling ingredients. Its really easy with a good blender or food processor.  Like, really, really easy and fast. Depending on the cream one uses, its often cost saving where I live too.  Almost in all cases.  When i get it just right it is way tastier!

    Culturing it is one good reason to try it out, IMHO.  Other then that I would mainly only make it if I was hosting and planned to serve bread.  Theres just something about it being fresh and homemade.  Maybe add in some fresh herbs and ground sea salt.  A simple loaf of bread, carton of cream, ice water and herb from the window box are transformed into a thoughtful and indulgent offering in no time. 

    Or, if whipping cream is going bad and you've got 10 minutes, make some butter! 


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  15. 3 minutes ago, AxlsFavoriteRose said:

    have you ever had/made rosti?? it would probably kill you if you ate too much....so much butter! but so good. oh and speaking of butter i finally tried irish butter and OMG it was like so much more delicious than the butter we make here. expensive so i use it sparingly :)

    Ive never had rosti, which is a shame.  Sounds delicious! When ever I go into a big city I think about getting one.  Next time.   I've never heard of Irish butter - and my black-Irish-Catholic Gran is turning in her grave, calling on St Adelaide :lol:

    But I just looked it up, and I guess Adelaide had been guiding me, I sometimes make cultured butter, which I gather is similar to Irish butter.  Yeah, its delicious!  And when you make it at home the live culture remains active and is healthy for us!  Still gott try the real stuff.  Thanks for the tips!

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