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Posts posted by soon

  1. I earnestly write a fair bit of rock n roll riffs but have been with out a band for ages.  I write a bit of folk music too, but what I'm most focused on sharing with others is ambient, keyboard centred music.  I dont consider it relaxation music by any means but it might be a useful enough description.  Not sure if it would be of interest to many?  Unless you've ever spent a weekend with some quality headphones gleefully discovering the 89th layer of synth, orchestration and Axl's reverb-soaked-breathes on Chim Dem and then isolated that for future listens, I doubt one would care to hear it :lol:

  2. 18 hours ago, 1418Music said:

    @triad & @Slash

    Someone called my name? lol.


    Not sure if anyone wants to see my nonsense but hey, i'll chime in anyway seeing as you guys were nice enough to mention me, thanks :) - these videos are from jams we did totally unrehearsed, so if anything seems different or whatever, well, we were making them up as we went along apart from what we remembered :) - Oh, and I decided to post these two rather than any of the GNR sounding stuff that got posted lol. Hopefully someone will enjoy 'em if anyone watches them :)


    David Lee Roth (well, Talas') Shyboy - with Michael Starr of Steel Panther and Billy Sheehan.

    and Van Halens Hot for Teacher with Billy Sheehan, KoRns Ray Luzier and Carl Restivo (Tom Morello/Rhianna) - dem's boys is pretty good!




    Out of likes, but this is incredible!  You're a rock star!?  WTF?!?

  3. RIP Chuck Berry.  Was really excited that new album was going to coincide with GNR regrouping.  What an incredible parting gift.  Hail, Hail Rock N' Roll!

  4. 23 minutes ago, Lio said:

    Just telling you why I think you're off with labeling poster dangerously nationalist by pointing out he or she was merely stating an objective fact. I hope that's alright with you. Jesus.

    Sorry if that was offensive.  It is true that in part you were speaking for your self so I could've honoured the portions that were on your own behalf.  And to those points Id just point out that I made it clear that I understand Sweeden has great social supports.   

  5. 1 minute ago, Lio said:

    Sweden has been labeled the best country in the world based on social security, education, freedom and other things we value highly, by independent international studies. I don't think estranged_85 is being overly nationalist by saying that. I can say it, I'm not a Swede, no no nationalism here. It's an objective fact. Why do you think so disproportionately many refugees wanted to go to Sweden, even if it's high up north and they have a shitty climate? Because it is a good country to live in, because of the social security. That's why they chose Sweden and not Portugal, for instance.

    Id prefer to let people speak for themselves.

  6. 1 minute ago, estranged_85 said:

    Believe me when i say i don't mind helping people that are in need. Or have anything against other cultures. English is not my native language (ofc) and i try to explain without misunderstanding, i guess i failed. What i meant was that my country taken on a bit more than they can handle which causes segregation. I don't care about some cruiser ships but my point is that there so many refugees that they can not have a normal staying or an apartment because there isn't any more room. And this cost so many billions for the government that School, hospital and other welfare are greatly cut down. It's not like i made this shit up just to bash on some poor immigrants :facepalm:

    and also believe me when i say this; There were NOT any burning cars or throwing rocks at police men, ambulance or fire department on a daily basis a couple of years ago. It's escalated into something very bad. 

    I also wrote: " feel sorry for those who come to our country and actually do good and try to make an effort when there's so many idiots that came with them"  

    Eh oh i didn't try to tell anyone that it's all roses in Sweden? i said that my country were the best country in the world ( economy,welfare,schools,,jobs, crime rate etc) 

    And anyone who give me the "you're racist BS" shut the f**k up. I'm certainly not.

    I apprettiate you taking time to respond and I read at is being a constructive response.  I think I understand you a bit better and that some of what you explain makes me more comfortable with your sentiments.  Not everything though.  I think we still have vastly different perspectives.  I don't believe you plotted to create a narrative out of thin air to bash refugees but I do believe the narrative you embrace is not accurate and that it does in fact bash migrants.

    I think the type of Nationalism that needs to claim to be or have been the "best country in the world" is a dangerous one.  I prefer Italian meatballs, but the boxed furniture is fantastic.  You live in a very fine country.  No more.  No less.  One really cool feature of your country is the impressive social supports.  The financial toll of welcoming migrants is a real issue and Im sure it is happening so fast that it is competing with funding for your countries pre-existing social supports.  I do hope that is resolved and that the international community will share the financial responsibilities.  Because the supports are in place for those who live there.  And the migrants live there now.  Any two-tier outlook on social supports will fuel unrest.  As it should because its unjust and inhumane.

    I appreciate you not reducing my statements to an accusation of generalized racism.  I do.  But I also think its worth pointing out that I've never felt a need to end a statement with 'don't call me racist for the things I've just said.'  

    If I could I'd invite you for a Fika (which I believe is a coffee break with a more intentional kinda tone?).  

  7. 4 hours ago, estranged_85 said:

    Enrich? haha please... wish the evil would stop in the middle east ofc.. but NO, more immigrants will not enrich. Just have take a look at my own country (which is/were the best country in the world).. some places i can't even recognize anymore. riots and burning cars, rapists etc.. I'm lucky that i live in Northern Sweden were it's calm and nice. not so calm in the southern region anymore, i don't feel like walking alone late in suburbs of Stockholm or places in Malmö or Gothenburg. feel sorry for those who come to our country and actually do good and try to make an effort when there's so many idiots that came with them. Sweden allready taken in too much immigrants past few years. We have them packed even in hotels,camping villages and cruise ships because there's no room for anyone.

    I've heard Swedish death metal and black metal, so don't try and tell us that everything is roses and you historical Swedes are unified, well adjusted products of the "best country in the world."(sic) 

    Im a white person with a euro centric heritage and cultural perspective and I have rioted and burned stuff too.  Lots of us have (this is a GNR fan forum don't forget).  I believe my work for liberation has enriched culture greatly.  Like maybe not more then occasionally dressing up in medieval clothing, but close.  

    The rapist comment is beneath you, I'm sure.  You, like every one, knows that rapists sadly come from all backgrounds.  

    War and intolerance are major factors that create refugees. Hint: interpersonal fear and ignorance will not stop the war machine.  In fact its a necessary factor to let the war machine continue unimpeded.

    It is, I will grant you, completely unacceptable that you should be with out your cruise ships temporarily so that other human beings might be able to stay alive.

    • Like 1
  8. This is so difficult!!!  I love them all, but I can play.  Okay, I would remove Somebody Knockin'.

    I actually really like the song, but ones gotta go I guess.  For a few reasons I guess.

    One is that when I first heard the album I thought it was lack lustre for an opening track.  I don't think the anymore but I was always concerned others felt the same and contributed to it not doing as well.  This was the days of listening to full albums in order.

    It reminds me of something that would fit nicely on the Kinks album Misfits and I love that album dearly.  But part of what reminds me of that album is that its so up the middle.  The dynamics of the arrangement feel smoothed over to me. None of the following tracks feel that way to me. The arrangement features aspects from pretty much every song that follows.  Such as including an acoustic guitar, a brief half time feel with melodic guitar, a rhythmic riff breakdown.  I suspect it was a good intro to all these sounds but that a production decision was made to not kinda give up all the bells and whistles right away.  Like introducing themes with out really indulging in any of those features magic. 

    Again, still love it.  But one last thing would be that as a title Somebody Knocking feels fairly derivative of Cant You Hear Me Knocking by the Stones.  And it begins the trend of Izzy singing about mundane features of life - which can be perfect when ones in the right mood - such as "yeah Im walking down the street."  On the other hand, it dutifully continues the lyrical trend of paranoia.  It would take Axl decades to sing about the Federal Authorites with such a tacit familiarity, In IRS.  



  9. 14 hours ago, tajandreas said:

    I don't see anything wrong with it personally, just a day at the pool. He doesn't see his daughter in "that" way. Interesting to see the basketball hoop in the back. I wonder if he invites Axl/Slash over for games of 21? Probably not lol.

    Thanks, I appreciate your input.  I definitely didn't wonder about incest, to be clear!  Just not a family dynamic that i was raised in I guess.

    • Like 1
  10. Izzy's comments about how he and Axl both wrote a similar song always stuck me as Izzy being sarcastic.  That he believed Axl was scheming somehow and Izzy was being patient or just going along to get along / get an album out.  

    Which brings me to my next point:

    The bitternes and paranoia in Izzy's lyrics is somehow, and likely shamefully so, very grounding


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  11. 4 minutes ago, IncitingChaos said:

    Forgot Donnington, 2002 Philly no show, Axl fighting his neighbor, Axl hitting guy at LAX, Slash and Duff cussing/drunk at AMA's, GNR plane being checked for drugs after SA show, Duff getting knocked out by bottle at show, and I'm sure I'm missing countless others...these guys are nuts 

    We really need Axl in here to tell some stories. I'm sure it only gets better 

    Definitely those too!  And another that comes to mind is when the band was in Venezuela during a coup.  They at least had to leave quickly with much equipment and a few crew stranded behind, or by other accounts Axl was forced to take the stage at gun point.  Or Slash and Curtis in that hotel!

  12. So, about West Arkeen's passing.  It was always my impression that he would be an ongoing collaborator.  He wrote with Axl and Duff in separate capacities and one of those tracks opens every show on NITL.  

    I would imagine that as the band was struggling to find its way in the mid 90's it would've felt like a serous blow to loose a member of the writing team, a member of the GNR family.   

    There were more lawyers and managers then original GNR and their larger gang. That cant be good for creativity either. 

    When a new album of original music final came out under GNR moniker there were in my opinion outside writers on it.  West was an insider and a friend with original GNR members.  Pete Scaturro and company was not.  Yes he was part of the Brain, Bucket, Melissa camp - but his appearance on the album to me is as an outside writer.  I actually really like the songs those writers are credited on, but their presence in writing process is not the same IMHO.

    So GNR has always benefited form collaborations from non band members and then they lost a key one at a critical time.  I think its a piece of a big puzzle.

  13. Im not entirely clear on the criteria of being a poser, but in saying that I don't mean to criticize the OP or any comments so far.  I get the question and am interested, just not sure how to answer, if that makes any sense.  But I guess Ill speak to both fashion and less physical, existential stuff.

    On fashion.  Being intersted in fashion is a pose, i guess?  But I don't know that it ought to carry any stigma.  I'd feel like a poser if I tried to get with fashion trends but I know for sure that for many embracing fashion is natural and is a part of their true identity.  

    In the interview with Axl and Robert John, promoting Johns Photographic History book, Axl talks about wanting to wait for that era to wind down before he revisits his fashion and revisions his presentation.  To me, this makes it seem that yes Axl is into communicating via fashion and that he sees fashion as a living aspect of culture.  I personally only understand fashion as commodity.  But its cool that some can be in touch with it as a rich and relevant form of creativity and expression.  So I see him conveying the pretence of an artist, but without being 'pretentious' in the more common, negative use of the word. 

    On existentialism.  Self-mythologizing is what any good poet does.  And I believe thats precisely what brings us to their yard.  I hope theres a distinction between self-mythologizing and posing.  For instance, its been said by many including Axl himself that he relives the emotions and memories of the songs he's performing live.  So when he ends a song starring into the sky with a mysterious and intense look before disappearing into the darkness, I believe that its true he's been through something to give us that performance and I also believe that he wants to clearly convey that fact through grand gesture.  Im grateful he does.

    Often in interviews - that metal show especially come to mind - Axl speaks as if everyone has been following his every move and knows his inner thoughts.  Like, he states something as if its the continuation of a conversation when its not and the interviewer has to ask for, or offer, clarification.  This to me is a sign that Axl truly lives in his own grand mythology, believing somehow that any thing he says is the continuation of one long conversation between he and the world.   This aspect I find sad and silly.

    (One pose Axl doesn't strike is standing with his legs spread apart, a low slung les paul, cigarette, shades, hair over face and under a top hat.  To be clear I love them both as artists and performers!)

  14. Theres a few key guitar bits that I would call main riffs, would you be able to post the section you're speaking too?  As newbie myself Im not sure how to do that, but hopefully you do!

    One thing I've noticed on this tour is that we can hear the rhythm guitar play some of the harmonies in the lower register.  They are on the recorded version, and often were audible during nuGNR live performances,  but I don't believe they've often been audible in live performances with Slash before.  Changes the sonics a bit.

    • Like 1
  15. "It took 15 years for Guns N’ Roses — with only Axl Rose remaining from the classic lineup — to release ‘Chinese Democracy.’ Expectations were high … or low, depending on how you felt about the long delay. Either way, it’s a better record than the last one — the creaky covers record ‘The Spaghetti Incident?’ — and tougher at times than you’d expect. And despite the decade of recording that went into it, ‘Chinese Democracy’ sounds remarkable cohesive."

    Definitely underrated IMO, but I don't think it is "tougher" than I expected.

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