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Georgina Arriaga

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Posts posted by Georgina Arriaga

  1. 24 minutes ago, Italian girl said:

    Meegan in calling herself "wife" in some posts... Did They secretly get married?

    In one of the post put "hubby"....maybe...his divorce is final?


    4 hours ago, killuridols said:

    God bless Meegan for being around with her camera. She's the best that happens to GN'R in a long time :headbang:


  2. 34 minutes ago, purplestargirl said:

    Axl apparently hates to be filmed. I'm wondering why he would enter Slash's waiting area though...has he ever done that before?

    Inmediately she turns the camera to the other side.

    We don't know if he did that before...

    Meegan is a blessing, did you see her stream of the soundcheck? at the end of I's so Easy, she says that there is something that is top secret and end the video...could be new material? I don't want to be enthusiastic , but I can't help it


  3. 11 minutes ago, killuridols said:

    yeah... and like when he helped that waitress victim of racism.... that was very LOL :ph34r:

    I like that gesture, it was nice

    I love the cook class of rabbit sausage, all you remember that? I only aware of his twitter recently, but he has only 248 tweets so it was an easy read...jeje

  4. 46 minutes ago, MillionsOfSpiders said:

    I find his father and particularly his brother just as bad, to be honest. His brother is just beyond creepy, imo. 

    Yes....his brother really post weird things...I think they call Art, I don't see the Art at all


    46 minutes ago, MillionsOfSpiders said:

    It was a silhouette picture and it was a young child being hanged by the neck from a tree.

    I'm glad that I miss that image....

    But...what about Axl's shirts:facepalm:???  someones are horrid

  5. 23 minutes ago, MillionsOfSpiders said:

    Yeah, and then about 188,000 over it. You can combine Axl and Duffs amount of followers and it's still nowhere near the amount Slash has :lol:

    I don't like Slash's account... too much porn...


    12 minutes ago, Andy14 said:

    I'll give him a little more time and then I'll make my own Axl's tweets :devilshades:

    Please do

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  6. 14 minutes ago, killuridols said:

    Main TB are Beta, Fernando and Vanessa.

    Then you have their respective spouses and children, plus the eldest son of Beta with his wife & children, and other Beta relatives who could be assorted as the entourage or TB extended family/assistants. This includes nannies, domestic help and bodyguards.

    Truly sorry for Axl, truly sorry

  7. 28 minutes ago, MillionsOfSpiders said:

    They, TB, must also like the 'celebrity status' they get from these suck up fans and do encourage it. Seen lots of "we love you Beta" and shit like that. Never seen anything like it with any other band, ever. 

    I hate, truly hate the "I love you Beta" thing, when Beta put her abhorrent tweet thanking Melissa, Dizzy, Fortus and Frank for Appetite and I dare to complain, I begin to receive a series of messages about how rude I was, that she has right to put that, and that she has said nothing wrong....and they were tagging her...like I could care less for that lady..

    By the way, TB is Beta, Nandito, Vanessa, Vanessa's husband...who else? 


    I think this is band politics, basically...... TB has this kind of relationship with all those super fans and people who run important websites or forums. This is something that's been done way before the reunion.

    To be fair Slash's Management do things that I do not like: when Slash says Thanks to some Twitter fansite about him and he thanks for SMKC support! I know, I know...he has his band...but I don't like it! Give me bad vibes about GNR continuity....and some of them are also entitled.

  8. 1 hour ago, MyPrettyTiedUpMichelle said:

    Guns Rock in Rio 91 is one of my favourite videos to watch partly because the crowd really makes it and you can see Guns thrive on the energy.

    When Axl in his intro of Welcome to the Jungle denounce the murder of homeless people in Rio in hands of the Death Squads from the goverment, it was very powerful. Every Latinamerica country has suffered that kind of violence.

    Gracias Totales por los videos de Soda!!! @killuridols

  9. 58 minutes ago, MillionsOfSpiders said:

    just either Axl or Slash, it's a bit stalkerish and they clearly think that they owe them for what they "do for them" when really that's all on them, no one makes them spend their money. 

    I read in Twitter that Margoth put something in the lines of "See what we do for Axl" it was cringeworthy....why in the world Axl need something from fans? He receives love after Paradise City.... I want to hug them, because they did an awesome job....but frankly I pay for that..and I'm sure they understand that...of course if I get the chance I would love to meet them.....but I think only say Hello and thanks for the music and the show...

  10. 23 minutes ago, MyPrettyTiedUpMichelle said:

    I know they love their rock in that part of the world

    This is you answer, we love rock!!! 

    And is not just Guns, ask the Rolling Stones, Queen, etc.

    We have a very rich culture in what we called Rock en Español, some are not good, but some are sublime, Argentina, Mexico, Chile and Brazil have the best exponents in the genre...Soda Stereo is the main exponent (and they were fucking awesome!!!)

    Culturally comes from social and political expression against repression and dictadorship (bad goverment, lack of basic civil rights, extreme poverty)...you can express your anger with Rock!!!


  11. @dgnr thanks for posting that video! I really wonder what is happenning...why he looks so happy and content....He was very chatty last night and even said that when members of the band are trying to concentrate he speaks through that channel that only them can hear and made jokes.......

    what is going on!!!??

  12. 40 minutes ago, Asia said:

    C'mon what do Steven and Izzy got to do with it? Why would any of them blame them when they weren't even there while this happened. It's obvious he meant Goldstein and some other people that were around at that time. And that they blamed it all on others? Well, I guess Duff already hinted at that in his book and it was a safe and smart option. Better than quarelling once again who was more at fault,which would take them nowhere. And most importantly, it worked. Also it's not totally untrue, a lot of people had a lot to do with driving them apart. 

    The way I see it, managers are necessary, but they have reach an agreement where those people don't let them dictate what to do with the band, is the other way around. TB, Duff and Slash's managers accept this way of work and until today apparently has work well.....never thought of Steven and Izzy..

  13. 57 minutes ago, Andy14 said:

    Slash: :ph34r:

    "When it was firing on all cylinders, I like to consider it a great rock 'n' roll group on its own merit. It wasn't because of gimmicks. Obviously, it was highly volatile. Now that we're back together, without getting too much into it, we're able to talk about it and identify people who got in the way. It's great to be past all that without having to listen to anybody's input—not managers, not business people. We just do what we're good at, and it's nice that it's been well received."


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