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Posts posted by Alja

  1. I sometimes photograph local acts for fun with my beloved mirror-glass; concert photography is a tiny subgenre. There are some actually really ugly folks and half of those acts and people are boring AF... but soon you can learn how to make them look at least decent and show as something you would be eventually sad you missed. The thing is that it's after all it's always really repetitive, even if acts change - not just one act again and again. Some angles just look good and some almost never and then there's not much place for further creativity. Ask me about how many from thousands pictures I made I take as really good/creative/... and I can pick really few. Local acts with mirror glass and major bands with toy camera. From some shows there is just none like that. For me it's fun, I don't make money from it. After few shows each and every band is mostly repetitive and predictable; also they won't line up the way it's good for composition without any stuff (or staff in major acts) in your way just because you wish. Miss half a second and flying Slash is back on the ground or like million things break any attempt of solid composition, or it just doesn't work anymore, focus didn't work properly, definitive picture is blur, just doesn't look as good as you thought in the moment you pressed the trigger... It's not possible to have one killing shot per show, that's how rare they are. 

    Flock of professional pit photographers who publish next day in news also have pics that are 99% boring and repetitive; random fan with toy camera will be probably the one to get the shot of the day. 

    As far as I know from interviews, published pictures (at least his portraits for sure) must be approved by Axl in person to be published. 

    You cannot compare quintessential photographs in most dramatic situations which happened in time of our ability to photograph with daily bread of some celebrity photographer. How many stars have those defining pics which always come in your mind - like Jim Morrison portrait? Few. It also has a lot of with marketing and stuff... There are killing shots that a lucky photographer makes once in the lifetime. Be it famous person magazine cover or award winning war or disaster picture. 

  2. By the way, there's other photographer with free pass, there are other photos apart from Kat's ones which could be done only from the gap between the stage and fans - I saw a man taking pictures there during my shows. They are standard good quality rock photos, but don't have that extra feeling Kat's ones often have. Guns din't have photo-pit like most other bands do for the tour, as far as I know. 

  3. 11 minutes ago, janrichmond said:

    i did.

    Good for you!

    I really like photographing, it makes me focus on different aspects of the show and personalities, I also use mine (raw) for a "reality reference" sometimes; the thing I really love on Kat's photos is her observing abilities and the relationship she can establish, the sense of people's flows; you can have thousands technically great, detailed, color overflowing photos with currently available technique, but few photographers have this ability to kind of catch the air around a person, also kind of make them look dignified; I am talking not just about GNR, but also other people in her portfolio. You cannot fake it or make it up in graphic program, it's how deeply someone allows the photographer to look inside. Those people are photographed by many, after all, but just few photographers can catch that sparkle. 

    This one, when I look at it longer, that one also looks "resuscitated" from blur. It would look awful in colors. 

    There's that charming smile that matters.

    Still, it's not some anonymous model who you can doctor to the extent no one would recognize her on the street. As a pro, Kat has to maintain recognizable style, too. 

    I don't love all her photos, of course, but most are good and some are of my very favorites.

  4. Dp-hgwKU4AAHwXJ.jpg

    Before dissing Kat once again try a closer look, there is an object left down, most probably car, she couldn't go further to the left to get Slash into the picture. Most probably Kat was just passing around and saw an opportunity to take a quickie. 

    Axl slouches, and, as he aged, his shoulder muscles went more robust, he is not long-necked skinny youngster anymore. So it became kinda difficult to get a photo with him having long neck. He must have had been aware of photographying and slightly pose with chin up and without that scarf, but it's quickie, after all...

    Photo is then contrasted (nothing you couldn't do in old-school lightroom) and selectively additionaly shaded a bit most probably, but not much.

    Buy a ticket, go front row and try possibilities and your photo abilities, okay?

    • Like 3
  5. * Some of my life lessons learned:

    Trust your gut instinct about people. You may like or dislike anyone independently from public opinion. Major assholes can act like smooth and servile and nice people and people looking like assholes can be actually deeply kind and sensitive. (also follow cats, dogs and toddlers go, they smell it). 

    Even more important life lesson: 

    It's just your decision what you do with time you were given, if you spend it with someone, it's your decision and you should not call for anything in exchange: then it's trade. My coma recoveries have very poor memory, then don't remember anything you did for them, it's always pure present moment. You can earn trust after some time, that's all. But that's not what is caring about. People will come to your life and they will go and it's not about anything you invested into the relationship. People are not vending machines to put out what you think you deserve because you feel like you payed for it with your feelings, time, care, whatever.   

    For me is Perla too much of everything, Meegan is way more classy and decent. 


    I think that even more than in the past, Axl is genuinely lovable weirdo. He has his traits he knows, he is now in peace with that and act according to them without causing major damage: and being intensely private is a part of it. He is extremely keen and it's not something which you can easily turn off, so he has his own ways how to control inputs. People like that usually seek for a kind of environment with not too many different inputs, but rather synchronous - and a show can be one of them (like, have you seen him make the crowd to be like one man? That's it. He can even unite with the crowd and to feel the connection he can establish is magical). "I like to be real private; you don't always want everyone around you - even when they like you."  Backstage it can be hard, like, there are many people who want your attention and are doing overall asynchronous noise, the environment is clamorous and overwhelming for some people. You can turn down your super-sensitive antennas by some calming substance; or get ready, practice it just rarely in a controllable environment and with back door open. As far as I've seen, Axl really has eyes everywhere. 

    One extra question is if Axl wants to drag major attention on Slash's own band performance, which would be almost unavoidable. Axl would outshine poor tasteless Myles onstage even if he held back far more than during AC/DC shows. Remember, Axl unintentionally outshone Mick Jagger.

    Me, I am kind of old school in this, I really don't need to watch my near ones' life in internet stream to be sure that we love each other and care.

  6. He doesn't look mad. He has power of his own, he's focused like cougar and, different from the others, he looks directly at the photographer/camera and is aware that he's photographed. It's basically a pose and statement. He's going to a trial and he's not going there guilty or to loose. 

    • GNFNR 1
  7. Slash had been in conspirators for so long, there was work in progress before GNR happened and Slash turned on a spot back to his home band... Even in his bio he marks GNR as home and that was during the cold war in the band... Slash just finished what they began some time ago when Axl-Slash together didn't seem to ever happen, and now they tour it. SMKC is straightforward rock'n'roll Slash likes (I laughed hard when Rolling Stone  advised Slash to find more... sophisticated lyricist next) and why not to keep some friendships and stuff? Axl is way more challenging and versatile as a songwriter (at least) than Myles and even if you like it smooth and simple from time to time, you eventually return to a challenge. Years passed, they are not that bunch in a Hell house which put together Appetite, they split their time to many things and projects. 

    Remember how Slash talked about how he sought after Keith Richards and gave him a big hug after Slash stood on the stage with Axl again? All those lovable details and connections... Keith is one hell of a wise man...

    Me, I'm not going to SMKC, even there are two shows dirty near; I poorly channel Slash and I can't stand Myles's lack of versatility.

    Long time ago, when rock'n'roll was the new crowning jewel of music industry, there was a band, Big Brother and the Holding Company. That band was somehow semi-amateur and sloppy bunch, they just happened to have this miraculous, outrageous, sometimes pain-in-the-ass-bitch singer Janis. Promoters pushed Janis to solo career, but she never wanted to go solo. She didn't feel like that, she wanted to be a part of a band. Disowned by her own family, the band was her only actual family. After some time and much tension 'Big Brother...' broke, guys were basically forgotten and Janis was leading bunch of hire-hands with the weight of the band solely on her shoulders. No, not happy. Even seasoned pros, they never clicked as tight as her original band. I was just thinking that, at the end, Axl is deeply humble guy and maybe he just wanted to be a part of something, not odd sore thumb. He could promote himself as some kind of Axl Rose and his Melody Boys, he just never wanted it that way.

    Back then he was bunch of pain, mess, and insecurities in very volatile package - with junkies who could OD any day around - and there would me massive legal battle for rights on material if, like, Slash died or anything. 

    Just sayin'. 

  8. 1 hour ago, ChristmasFnatic said:

    Yeah. The moment I get in and see the large one, Ill go to Slash’s side. No desire to be in Duff/Fortus side. Lol.

    European stage, Kat for reference:

    As far as I know, for the tour, major bands have two identical stages, because it needs some three days to build one and one other to remove it. Probably it's just adjustable bottom for whatever reason, like, safety? I have no idea. Honestly I don't get why the stage is not descending towards front, it's atypical, maybe because of short catwalk. @Mango I don't think they should have it any bigger, one of great things on GNR is that the stage is all full, it won't happen that the band is stuck for long somewhere far or you made it to some distant part and no one ever comes there. Or that the band is for long turned backs to too many people.

    Googled AC/DC River Plate, it was also damn high all across. In Europe with Axl/DC the same, high. (same venue as GNR and Stones photos in the post)

     Image result for acdc river plate

    Queen (& Adam Lambert) had luxuriously low one (meter for the lowest), Stones' goes to circa 150cm in the lowest part (down).



    6 hours ago, ChristmasFnatic said:

    I did once. Let the girl insert beside me. But didnt all the time. Im a bit tall. I will end up far back if I always accomodate. Lol

    I met different kinds of big people, some are cooperative and keep the gap at least, some try to take advantage of their size and try to make it to the front...  Little women have that special kind of energy, we rock so hard we even don't look cute at the end. If you are smallfry out of luck, there is something like two heads higher butchery bored guy hanging on the rail who you cannot talk into letting you nearer. But it's matter of first very few lines ;), then it doesn't matter anyways. If you are in the middle, it's probably easier to leave the packed crowd and get some rest or water. Some local organizers care, others not so much and then they have to cope with heatstroke, dehydration and all kinds of preventable problems. Or security guys feel sorry about us and give us their water. I always take some sour and some caffeine sweets for energy.

    Good luck with your spot! There are many more good alternatives to being right in front. I liked "Duff's spot" (upper photo), Axl sings ballads there and is way more playful and civil with audience by the sides of the compact stage. Middle of catwalk is not good because of horns.

  9. 2 hours ago, Lio said:

    I don't think you'll get a definitive answer. It depends on the venue, some stages were higher than others. If you want to be able to oversee the entire stage, you have to go back a few rows in the pit. I always prefer front row, even if that means I don't see everything (for instance monitors get in the way sometimes), but a friend prefers to be a few rows down, as you have a better overview there.

    Guns have that kind of stage which goes up or is the same level as it goes front (opposite to, like Stones where the distant catwalk is the lowest). It has both advantages and disadvantages. Little advantage is that I always like when they put small security guys to my parts of stage, so they don't mess photos. If I put hands with camera up, I even had guys pictured with their feet (I don't like them cut in the picture). So basically I'm okay with the height of stage, albeit it's more common for stage to go low so you better see the whole space. On the other side, with Stones the back parts by the rail were just insanely high (and the stage unreasonably big. Too big). The thing is that I just can't go few rows back to have this mighty thing called overview, it's rail or barely sees over the people for me. 

    • Like 1
  10. 12 hours ago, Andy14 said:

    Ever since GNR decided to make the AFD3031 poster contest I couldn't get a certain idea out of my head. :ph34r: So here you are



    (credits: with a little help of Mr. Goya :lol:)

    Poor Axl, someone even stripped his sock, the pain of it is enormous.

  11. 17 hours ago, Ratam said:

    But when you looks someone look frail ,you wish hug this person.......:lol:

    Some people can be that kind of frail you deeply respect them, give them attention and treat them well, hugs included :lol:. Axl looks okay on those photos, I've seen few really-not-okay from like mid 90s.

    You go to see them live and you see that the big-ass rockstar is humble, vulnerable little man.

    I'd define as as kind of undemanding frailty. Anyway, it needs some huge balls to be frail, not to kick around like dying horse, not being pathetically demanding, just simply frail and vulnerable. People are sometimes freaked out of plain vulnerability, because they have to accept their own vulnerability. 

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  12. On 2. 9. 2018 at 5:58 PM, tifalucis said:


    Holy fuck :facepalm:


    Things like this makes me wish something bizarre happen to TB that they just, dead...I don't know. Anything to make Axl has to become deer in headlights, for the sake of his own life, and GN'R too maybe.

    I think it's totally okay to express some frustration, like... exploring the possibilities... death is inevitable and clear changing event, so why not to be a bit dramatic? People keeping the lid on are far more dangerous. As far as I know, everyone of us will die one fine day and wishes and other's scenarios usually have nothing with it. 

    Now, imagine Axl stepping in in some notoriously smoothly working band, working under their management like... AC/DC... What you get? Like... few interviews exploring why this happened at the beginning of the tour and then... radio silence. To add, after that China Exchange presenter experience... Slash also enjoyed not doing interviews while they let the music do the talking, too. Axl ain't no rag doll and he makes his own decisions (he can surprise if he wants to), like it or not. 

    I went through interview with Mila Kunis recently and she talked about that if you want to survive in Hollywood, you have to keep private things private. People like to see you rise, but are much more fascinated with downfall. Why to feed scavengers?

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  13. 5 hours ago, Tori72 said:

    Hey girls and boys! Found this on Facebook for ya. :rofl-lol::rofl-lol::rofl-lol::rofl-lol::rofl-lol::rofl-lol::rofl-lol::rofl-lol::rofl-lol:


    Yep, this still scares the sh*t out of local security :rofl-lol:.

    I've seen Gio allow many things forbidden by locals, and, after all, Axl decides, what can stay and what has to go down. Properly working security it is.



    Like, that deep set eyes with hoods which completely cover at least 1/3 of your upper eyelid? Here we go:

    I focus on lashes to have them as fabulous as possible. I never use shadows (not worthy, not visible anyway and in few moments there will be just thick line of color when I close my eyes, or instant panda), just maker eyeliner with thin tip (dries before it sticks on hooded part so it looks clean) from half of the eyelid out. Short eyeline to show off eyelashes, ending right over the corner of the eye makes it more round shaped and opened and looking less tired. A bit of white shade into the inner corner of the eye and voilá - big shiny eyes.

    • Like 1
  15. 52 minutes ago, Mary Cochrane said:

    I dont think women should have hair on their body, they should take care of themsleves, look after their appearance and shave. Arm hair is perfectly fine, anything else should just go, whether you have a sexual partner or not its about keeping clean.

    As far as you don't stink from sweat gone sour, no mouth stink or rotten teeth, gooey skin going off in little greasy scales and you keep intimate hygiene and clear your ears, I'm totally OK with whatever hair you decide to keep. Your body, your choice.

    Alopecia gone full-body (literally no hair anywhere, no eyebrows, no eyelashes) is challenging disease, even for men it can be traumatizing. Because of that totally bare skin we call them dolphins and they are own kind of mesmerizing.

    Fresh sweat doesn't smell bad if you are healthy and some men smell the way that just cleaned with odorless soap it totally turns me on. Add my favorite perfume and I'm in heaven. 

    • Like 1
  16. 1 hour ago, Lillie said:

    Ok I got you. Google wasting love from Iron Maiden....It carries similar message...

    This stereotype you mention about crabs , I can only elaborate it with medieval period,inquisition and witches hunting....In a more religious sight shaved stuff could be considered as a sin or in a more patriarchal aspect a shaved man is probably gay...But I really can't recall a single average perception that accepts body hair as a choice....When it comes to women is considered anti erotic and dirty, women have to go all bald on beach.when they wear skirts or in bed,with some exceptions in long terms relationship. ..Men in general hate body hair, It's acceptable a triangle shaved vagina but nothing other that that....And we fool victims have to accept this and run for depils, this narrow minded sexist perspective have built empires for cosmetic labs and stores in the western world. No?

    Short story is in Czech, so the quote itself is not so google-able.  

    I think there's much wider variety in real life, some women I know even stand between their man wanting them all hairy (also legs, armpits) and society not much accepting this. They want their women "dirty" with their natural odor, it turns them on. Women with no hair can impose as a child/immature. Not shaving is of course comfortable because of no inflamed spots, yay, winter! ;) Women who keep unshaven all year round just usually don't wear exposing clothes for places where it`s massive faux-pass (and don`t give a damn elsewhere). Average population is far more hairy privately than you might guess from media :D at last from what I see. I know women with naturally thicker hairs on arms or even stomach and they rock whatever outfit they decide. 

    People often want to merge so they will do whatever is forced to them. 

    Well-nurtured body hair also mean good blood circulation. You cannot completely change millions of years of evolutionary procreating strategies by some adds. Fat bottom girls make the world go round!

    Since shaving was only treatment effective for louse and crabs, man in his 50s now told me that unlike boys now, they didn't make lame excuse about cycling when shaved their legs. :rofl-lol: Oral history of average lifestyle it is.

    Like, I like men with naturally not much body hair and shaven face, which, for some women, it's not manly enough. Whatever. I can shave, but not all men can grow proper trendy beard... I'm happy that fashion trends come in cycles, so after this hipsters' obsession with beards once there will come back shaven guys with preferably long hair. :wub: My stunningly beautiful androgynous guys, don`t give up under no homo social pressure!

    • Like 1
  17. It`s quote from my favorite short story; when you feel lonely, numb, and cold inside, you are desperate, your standards are damn low and making love won't make it better at the end.

    For me, photo looks like invitation to that desperate insides. 


    Some decades ago, shaven legs and privates (both sexes) meant you have crabs, so you are probably promiscuous. 

  18. *higher contrast for more "artsy" look.

    *Girls and women (also men) should be educated that mons pubis and vagina are approx. 5cm apart and you cannot see vagina in the pic.

    *It's 1992, back then we all still ran happy and unshaven around the world, men were into it, body hair was sign of maturity and womanhood, hairy women were get as more passionate. Variation on landing strip was big thing in certain circles. 

    Capture reminds me old wit that worst motive for love is making it of despair. 

  19. 42 minutes ago, It’s So Easy said:

    Now I understand why Duff has been acting out on twitter:


    He’s sick. :(

    His lame shirts still have no excuses.

    Normal oxygen. He is normal man doing high-demanding show. They run around for three hours plus. They would be extremely exhausted at the end without this and some cooling etc. help in the backstage. You really don`t need to be sick to breath highly concentrated oxygen. They just have more power and regenerate sooner after the show. You may feel more awake and energized, if you breath it in normal state, few breaths do no harm. (with that thing in the hand he regulates pressure).


    This age-old one...

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