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Posts posted by bumcheecksmcghee

  1. On 4/10/2024 at 10:38 AM, evilfacelessturtle said:

    My god, and can you believe they let Dave Grohl on stage to sing songs about sex and drugs in front of his children? Justin Hawkins had a catsuit going down below his navel! Several guitarists stuck their instruments out from their hips as if it were a phallus! It's the moral decline of western civilization!

    Is that you, Jerry Falwell? I think I know who's lacking class...

    Lol this post went down well...

    An yet  more people agreed with my statement... but yes... you really showed me... 😆😆

    Troll on though 👍🙋

  2. On 4/6/2024 at 5:58 AM, traddfolks said:

    Kesha sang Children of the Revolution at the Wembley Taylor Hawkins Tribute 

    Yea who could forget that thing gyrating around stage like a hooker rolling around an humping the floor... with Taylor's kids standing off stage left watching on.... real classy 👏 🤦😒

    • Like 1
  3. 4 hours ago, Arnuld said:

    I still can’t get over The General being 4 minutes long. And super weird. I dig it but it’s not at all what I had in my head all these years. Beyond Bach’s comments those concert intros with the Beltrami Orchestration made it seem like The General was going to be this long, dark, brooding epic. I’m still shocked how little of that killer orchestration ended up on the track. 

    Yep, just more disappointment from this band, an it's decision making..

    • Like 1
  4. 5 minutes ago, SoulMonster said:

    On this we agree, I am sure the majority will whine and complain when it comes out, too. 

    As for whether it is garbage, I will wait with my conclusion until I have actually seen it, and not just let emotions run away with me because AI has been used :lol:

    I guess I'll agree to disagree... 

    Them 90s vids, as with their others, were great an it helps when the (song it goes with is good)

    In this case, general is garbage and A.I or not much, (or none) ain't gonna fix this issue.. 

    Now let's talk ideas for the monsters music vid?...

    The band all dress up each as a Hollywood movie monster character and perform like a "jazz hands" David Lee Roth style routine.. under strobe lights in the dark complete with smoke machine, stage left??

    Thoughts? 🤔🤷🔥

  5. 19 minutes ago, SoulMonster said:

    I have no idea to what extent the band members have been involved or not, and I guess neither have you, but personally I am very happy Axl isn't involved in the way he was back in the 90s which resulted in the cringy Illusion trilogy. MTV came and went. 

    An this proves u know nothing lol... 

    Illusion trilogy "cringey"... 🤣🤣🤣

    I think the sales of them albums, rotation of videos they got played on Mtv, views on youtube/reaction vids people do.. tell a different story mate.

    You're basically saying

    the general > November rain

    All from a snippet of video....

    Yea I'm sure GNR will live on years to come an be known for that video instead of NR, DC and ESTRANGED.... 🤣🤦

    CMON DUDE...

  6. 20 minutes ago, SoulMonster said:

    Again, more effort seems to have gone into this than any of their recent videos since it is a combination of live footage (of the same quality as Perhaps, it seems) combined with a story with graphics created with the assistance of AI. So the effort level is the best we have seen from this band since, well, the 90s. If this video deserves this much criticism then I would hate to hear your opinions on the Perhaps video (which ONLY had live footage) or the Shadow Of Your Love video (which only had designed still images). So I don't know where "lazy" comes into it. Maybe because the graphic designers are using AI to help create the graphics? In a sense, that is their decision and more and more graphic designers are using AI as a tool in visualizations. There is nothing more inherently evil or lazy in this than when automatic sewing machines were introduced in England back in the 19th century and the reactions here are positively luddite. 

    Garbage? Have you already seen the video? Wow! Please, please, tell Me more about this! :lol: Or is your knee-jerk reaction to anything this band does to whine and complain?...


    It's garbage... and majority will see it that way.. but it's fine that you wanna praise this brand.. cough.. oops ... I mean ... band.. ;)

    Mediocrity is their thing, and the sheep lap it up. No I haven't seen it as it's not out obviously an will I watch it, knowing it's A.i...lazy...garbage...amatuer hour... playstation graphics looking cool an hip in 2024... naaa I'll pass thanks... these guys sounded good in the 90s an made great vids then. These guys are in their 60s an trying to look cool an trendy to the 20 year old fans, not the core fan base. 

    And that's cool, enjoy ya sesame Street music video when it comes out tho 🤣👍

    Hey... maybe it might even make the song less sh1ttier too 🤔 👍

    I'll wait in the shadows until they decide to release monsters 🔥😈🎤👌

  7. 10 minutes ago, SoulMonster said:

    How does the fact that The General "didn't exactly crush it" make the band's decision to release a video somehow worse? That they decide to make a video, even for a song that isn't their best, is a PLUS in my book. I applaud their decision to make music videos, even for their crappiest songs.

    And then some general comments to all the whining about AI, not directed at you, @downzy First, from the snippet it seems to be a video of mixed live footage combined with a story generated, at least partially, with the help of AI. The combination of these two things makes it surpass the effort levels of the Perhaps video or the Hard Skool video, immediately. Secondly, the part with AI generated graphics seems to be some fairly complicated story, it isn't just simple stills like in the Hard Skool video, it is actually quite complicated. Thirdly, the fact that it is AI doesn't mean someone has typed in "make a GN'R music video" in some AI generating software, it means that someone has, at least partially, used AI software to create the intended graphics to a script someone has come up with. In short, this is a video with a considerable budget and the effort required surpasses the videos we have seen over the last years (wow, did I just say that about GN'R, "videos we have seen the last years"!?! The band is making videos again!! Wow!)  

    I think some of the reactions are from people who think "AI=evil!!! ARRGH" and some that have still not realized the band will never do another video like the UYI trilogy again (and on a personal note, thanks for that! Those were and are cringy).


    Probably because it's lazy an garbage.... I don't care if A.I is the future etc.. whatever... it looks like anyone with a computer an flashy technology design skills making a video to go with music. Majority of GNR fans are older an like most other bands, they all make music videos still. Even with live footage like perhaps is okay, but something else original would be more widely received and also shows, the band members actually still give a slight f.ck about their work (this song) 🤔 

  8. Play 1 or 2 last shows early 2025. LA and NY etc.. 2 big time stadiums/cities.

    Gives axl plenty of time to get some voice back.

    Get izzy an Steven or Matt (or both)..

    Gives it that O.G GNR feel**

    And play the 2 shows, 2 hours each, one show the hits/deep cuts then alternate 2nd show, other hits/other deep cuts.. maybe 1 cover each show, no Chinese stuff. And just finish up there. Let's slash an duff off the hook creatively... closure with izzy an the drummers back finally. And let's Axl finish with some dignity at least cos atm, he is just woeful and clearly uninspired creatively.....

    ** no 4tus, Frank or Melissa included in these shows. Yes to dizzy though **

    The end.


    Then a 2028 re-reunion.. 🤦🤣

    Nahhhh i jokes lol..

    No more new music after that, just re issues an boxsets of the old stuff, (CD boxset to include all the rest of what's out there... TSI with a second disc of covers the band could do from songs performed live after 1993, witchita, whole lotto rosie etc) 

    The end 🤘🙋🙂

  9. 2 hours ago, Free Bird said:

    User a:

    The General is the weskest song ever. My World and Absurd are classics in comparison.


    User b:

    That's only your opinion. That's not a fact. You and your mullet, you're stuck in the 80s.


    User a:

    That clipping, how can't you hear that clipping. They're amateurs. It sounds like what a garage band would came up with.


    User b:

    It's a profound topic for Axl. It's great. Go listen to AFD, you're stuck in the 80s


    User c:

    Now we have to wait for Oklahoma, Eyes On You, Nothing and Atlas Shrugged. Probably next month?


    User d:

    That's all rock music: rockers, ballads, blues techno. It's all the same genre



    Where are the demos with Robin and Buckethead?


    Wtf happened to this thread :facepalm:

    I'm with sweersa on this one lol 😆 👀🤘

    • Like 2
  10. 3 hours ago, Mikey Whipwreck said:

    They have nothing to do with the released versions of any of these songs. They don't play on them and didn't write them (aside from Robin having a small percentage of the writing credit on HS).

    You need to do your homework then lol...

    01/01/01 show, silkworms, finck is on the stage playing "absurd turd" ...

    Village leaks.... cough cough...?? 


  11. 3 hours ago, SoulMonster said:

    Slash and Duff didn't rejoin GN'R to create music, nor did Axl bring them back in to push the band forward, they did it for the touring money. Anyone who thought otherwise at the time were extremely naive. The fact that we are getting any music from them at all is a welcome surprise and a testament to the fact that they have managed to avoid any serious conflicts so far. 

    Exactly this. Also re: the serious conflict part, I'd say by now duff an slash know which side their breads buttered (don't shake the Axl tree and watch the money keep rolling in) ;)

    • Like 1
  12. It's out on youtube here in Oz. Was at 725 views when I just watched it. On the official GNR page. 

    Exactly the same as the leak.... disappointing was hoping it would be slightly tweaked or an added guitar part here or longer an louder orchestral parts... nope... 

    And that wailing by Axl during the outro still there, burying the awesome guitar an drum work ffs... 

    Still a good song, but they definitely screwed this one up could have been more epic... on to monsters now please ;)

  13. 52 minutes ago, gibbinson said:


    100% different. The mix is different. 


    Monsters especially you can really hear the guitars. 


    I suggest you need a hearing test my friend or some decent headphones required 

    Also a link to Queen band Facebook page upload isn't exactly a reliable source lol..

    Especially listing the drums as Frank, when it's Brain 👍

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