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Posts posted by Bitchisback

  1. 1 hour ago, GoodOlJohnnyK said:

    This is a problem of Axl's own making. The label said they tried to get him to promote the album, and he wouldn't take their calls. 

    Likely because he was angry that they force released the album. Why did they force release it? Because it took 15 years and they were tired of it! I can't fault them for that. I just can't put aside my bullshit detector for this one. Hell, the Dr. Pepper "mess" was the fault of his own lawyers. Axl himself said it was a non-issue. The Best Buy deal was actually far more profitable for him than it would have been otherwise! Best Buy took a loss on that one, not Axl! They were selling the album on *clearance* before long because, by 2008, no one cared.

    Yeah...but again, doesn't that point to Axl? At a certain point, if everyone he came into contact with was the problem...don't you think that maybe he was the problem? All those musicians and producers were incompetent?

    Axl getting 'fed up' is rich - I'm sure there were more than a few folks fed up with him. I can only imagine jamming for hours in a rehearsal space, coming up with riffs and song structures for a guy who rarely showed up and, when he did, never sang. Though I'm sure the paycheck made it easier to deal with.

    Now *this* is where I agree with you. I actually think the tepid reaction to Chinese Democracy really killed a lot of his drive. If Chinese Democracy came out and was hailed as a success, I have no doubt that the two follow up albums would have already been released, if not even more 'newer' material.

    I think the fact that he spent 15 years on an album and the world went 'meh' was probably the most devastating blow of all. After all, this is a guy who says he mainly listens to movie scores these days, right? I'm sure he'd rather be doing something like that. 

    So I get why he *doesn't* want to create. I just refuse to feel sorry for him for how Chinese Democracy went down.

    Fair enough - though early sessions with Slash and Duff and Tobias began in the mid-90s, no? So wouldn't it be 13 years?

    And still - 10 years of mystery is an awful long time.

    I'm not saying Axl didn't have his own set of issues. I'm just saying the whole experience sounded awful and draining and I can certainly understand why he wouldn't want to go through that again.  I think he has just found peace in his life and that's a lot more important to him than releasing a new song.

  2. 3 minutes ago, DSTK said:

    Again, in Europe...we stand,  if you want seats, sit on the sides like people do at say, a gig 

    Hyde park, most sat on the grass between bands

    Can't a 50 year old stand up? Or choose seats instead of standing...that's how arenas / stadiums work 

    If I have seats I stand the whole time too but hey I understand there are some people out there that it might be harder for and I respect that for them.  Not like GnR is out here playing 45 min sets.

  3. 4 hours ago, DSTK said:

    That's why atmospheres at US gigs are crap & they've shit static crowd's,  seating on the floor...fuck that here for a rock gig

    Bro the band is over 35 years old and most of the fans are in their 50s/60s lol 

    4 hours ago, DSTK said:

    That's why atmospheres at US gigs are crap & they've shit static crowd's,  seating on the floor...fuck that here for a rock gig

    Bro the band is over 35 years old and most of the fans are in their 50s/60s lol 

    • Like 1
  4. 19 hours ago, GoodOlJohnnyK said:

    Well that’s where I have a really hard time giving Axl the benefit of the doubt.

    I just have a hard time believing that every other major artist seems to be able to work with the label and get their product on the shelves, but for Axl they make it too difficult.

    I’m sure everything was a mess for Chinese Democracy, and I’m sure a lot of that had to with Axl and GNR management.

    I mean, look at the way Universal has handled Perhaps 


    Now add in all the lawsuits, and the Dr pepper mess, and the best buy mess and not knowing how to promote it and the alt covers not coming out and all the headaches and that Axl had to deal with for that album.  


    I'm not saying it's exclusively the label, but look how many producers he went thru and musicians and everything too.  I think he just got fed up with everything.  And then when the album finally did come out it wasn't received very well. Critically it did ok, and it did sell over 2 mil which really isn't bad, but it didn't debut at #1.  It definitely did not get the reception Axl was hoping for.


    So idk if he just wonders what's the point anymore?  Or he doesn't want to go thru that process again. Or it's just a case of him taking his ball and going home.  Idk.


    But I think if he still wanted to be making albums he would be 

  5. 25 minutes ago, betterman said:

    People here always claim that there are no interest of new GNR music outside of a few hundreds on this board, but Hard Skool almost without any promotion have almost 17 mill. plays on Spotify and I think was played regulary on rock radio.

    A little more promotion and a song that I think will win over the general public in a better way and it will gain way more plays on streaming and views on youtube (if a video is made, hopefully not just a lyric video)

    Eh Hard Skool definitely got promoted. I remember it being promoted on NFL Network and during a football game too, it got a physical release and definitely was on the GnR social media channels quite a bit.  It even got a second vinyl release with the fan club thing.


    I mean it's great it has 17 mil plays but for a band as big as GnR that's not a ton.  Compare how Hard Skool did vs Lux Æterna from Metallica.  


    The problem with GnR just releasing singles is there is not much reason to give them much promotion because there isn't anything to sell.  If there was an album it would be different.  Some artists need new singles to sell tickets to their shows, but GnR isn't in that situation. They are going to move tickets just from their classics.  And the label isn't going to make money off of putting out Perhaps and the General without an album to back it up, so why put a ton of promotion into these singles?  You know?

  6. 1 minute ago, Cruel Intentions said:

    My hopeful guess: this is like Absurd where they want to play it live first. I was at the NJ show when they played it for a second time and Axl announced to us the single was being released at midnight.

    My realistic guess: Axl lol

    It did cross my mind that the reason it was delayed is maybe they don't feel comfortable enough to play it yet

  7. 7 hours ago, Gordon Comstock said:


    Of course I love classic GNR but I'd say CD is a top 3 album, along with AFD and UYI I.

    UYI II has some of their best songs, but it's their most inconsistent record IMO. TWAT and Prostitute are top-tier songs that can be ranked alongside Locomotive and Estranged but there's nothing on CD that's as bad as So Fine, Get In The Ring, My World, etc.

    I like so fine 🤷‍♂️

  8. 8 minutes ago, BillConnor_1982 said:

    Let's do the Freddy Krueger effect, and turn our backs on these clowns and take their power away.  I mean, who really cares, right?  We have ALL heard the "NEW" single they are "TRYING" to release anyways.  It's called PERHAPS, and it is 23 years old.  And if Axl thought it was that great, it would've came out between 1993 and 2023.  Let them still believe we care, and let's stop giving a fuck about these swindlers.

    Yeah I'm sure GnR will really miss the 35 people who care about Perhaps when we turn our back on them.  Not sure how they'll survive 😂😂😂

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  9. 5 minutes ago, Martin Riggs said:

    The least they could do is officially announce at Midnight that the song will be released next Friday. Would be good promo and also they wouldn’t be leaving their diehard fans twisting in the wind for once. Unlikely, I know. 

    Yeah the campaign should definitely go live at midnight if the song isn't being released.


    I wonder if Axl will address it tomorrow. Definitely interested in the media's reaction 

  10. 10 minutes ago, Nick85 said:

    Dozens of news outlets reported that 8/11 was the day, yet GNR insiders chose an obscure Italian site to pass on the news that it is in fact delayed. Yep, checks out.👌🏼

    I don't know what to believe anymore man lol


    The news sights were just reporting what we all saw, the leaked website that had 8/11 on the magic 8 ball.


    The random Italian site is claiming unnamed insiders gave them the info.


    Who knows what is or isn't real at this point lol


    All I know is the presave campaign never went into play, and the song didn't come out in other parts of the world where it is now 8/11, so that leads me to believe it isn't coming out tomorrow.  But who the fuck knows with this band.  


    All I know is I'm going to be at the show and there is a bit of excitement because it's one of those cases where you have no idea what will happen. I'll have a great time either way tho 

    • Like 2
  11. 24 minutes ago, JAxlMorrison said:

    I’m at 50/50 at this point. Either a surprise release tomorrow or the “you can get it at midnight” after it’s played in Hershey. 

    or nothing at all. 

    I don't think a band would release a song at midnight Friday night going into Saturday. So the release is almost definitely delayed.


    Doesn't mean it won't get played tomorrow 

  12. 5 hours ago, GoodOlJohnnyK said:

    At this point I don’t know if the issue is the writing so much as the singing.

    I’m still a believer that studio magic can work wonders on Axl’s voice and get us a record that sounds like it should. But he might not think that way.

    I don't think it's the writing or the signing tbh. I think it's everything else.  The process of making an album, having to deal with the label and the marketing and the executives, the promoting. Everything sounded like a huge fucking mess when he was trying to put out Chinese Democracy.  I just don't think he ever wants to deal with that again.

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  13. 10 minutes ago, 2020_Intensions said:

    I don't remember that. My favorite part of the night was the very end during the outro to Paradise City where Axl does the city shoutout. He said "Hershey" in his high rasp voice and then "Pennsylvania" in his real deep voice I think about it all of the time lmao

    Oh man it was so funny. 




    Axl was so annoyed lol

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