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Everything posted by kingcanyon

  1. what ive seen November 5th. and in mexico its mostly warm in november so id assume outside
  2. only during the chours usually if axl doesn't sing it until your all alone parts
  3. almost full show missing out the encore only.
  4. the thing about indoor areans which is better then outdoor for the band is that they can soundcheck the general in private. which is bad for us but at the same time it keeps it fun for us as a first listen when it gets played
  5. I can't see this being the last time this year they announced extra dates. Personally I see them adding more shows until early December
  6. so glad Pele isn't here anymore because he'd start saying that these vocals are would be from 1990. but i wouldn't mind any UYI leftovers honestley
  7. i've voted IRS but i personally think Riad could work i dont know but i think its more likely then IRS
  8. have we got an offical announcement or is it via somewhere else?
  9. i think Prostitute and My Michelle will get played tonight i dont know why but it'd be nice for people attending
  10. never say never because did we ever actually think The General was getting released at all
  11. yes its 4 hours its the full pretenders set & Guns set
  12. Nope they on https://instagram.com/stories/jordanfperform/3180401624504976155?utm_source=ig_story_item_share&igshid=ODk2MDJkZDc2Zg==
  13. depends if Axl's high range is in tact tonight its been very rocky since Boston IMO
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