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Everything posted by tboneman

  1. Yeah and that post said that Axl and Slash were there to listened new GnR mixes. Unless they confused Demis voice with Axls 😄
  2. Probably not. There's always a possibility that Axl changed the name of the song for the release. The Blues - > Street of Dreams.
  3. Original version released as a bonus track. Final reworked version. It's not that uncommon. Megadeth reworked 4 songs for Thirteen album that were previously already released either as a soundtrack song, Japanese bonus track or early demo version. Here's Black Swan as what they felt wasn't finished properly.
  4. New music is coming this year and I'm using my scientifically proved 2008-theory 2008 we saw: A new Metallica album, a new Batman movie, a new Indiana Jones movie and a new GnR album. 2023 so far: A new Metallica album, a new Batman movie (kinda), a new Indiana Jones movie and.... 😁
  5. This why I haven't listened to the leaks. If they ever release something, it will actually be new to me.
  6. https://www.nme.com/news/music/noel-gallagher-responds-to-the-ai-generated-lost-oasis-album-3451406 Liam liked it. Noel not so much.
  7. Maybe people in the audience should start a crowd chant like they do in WWE 😂 "WE WANT NEW MUSIC!" clap clap clapclapclap
  8. 43. Just found out that I live in imaginary country!
  9. https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/new-zealand Yep. Soon shall we see if something is coming up.
  10. They should have left that as an instrumental. One of the dumbest lyrics in a long time.
  11. Yeah they pretty much had to do something like that since they were not so cool when they released those three fake tracks with fake MJ vocals.
  12. Poor guy. It's not like he made unnecessary snarky comments about the band, its members, their music or their fans in his review. Oh wait..
  13. https://www.nme.com/reviews/live/guns-n-roses-live-at-glastonbury-photos-setlist-3460919 NME gave 3 stars just as I assumed they would. They always give safe 3 stars to 70s and 80s bands. Arctic Monkeys and FF both got 4 stars.
  14. https://www.nme.com/news/music/glastonbury-2023-how-to-watch-listen-from-home-3456576 Seems like it's BBC and BBC iPlayer in UK and highlights later on YouTube worldwide. If you have a VPN then I guess you can watch it on iPlayer live as it happens.
  15. Yeah I wouldn't take anything Gallaghers say too seriously. They like to troll people in interviews because they know those will get headlines. I remember Noel once said people only listened to Beach Boys because they are so close to Beatles in alphabet 😄
  16. BTW this year in Eurovision Finland had a Absurd kind of style of song. It came in second place and got most votes from the public. Maybe Axl should've wore a bolero on stage so then maybe Absurd would've have been a big hit too 😜😁
  17. Wait.. what? Lol. Why would I use bands that operate nothing like GnR as example instead of bands that do operate similarly to GnR? And I didn't say "the GnR approach is normal" but rather that it's not that unusual.
  18. Extreme has had a new album ready and waiting to be released since 2017. For whatever reason it wasn't released until later this year. Their last album also was released in 2008. It took Black Sabbath 16 years to release a new album with Ozzy after the reunion. They released only two new songs in 1998. Van Halen, also took 16 years between reunion/two new Best Of songs and A Different Kind of Truth. They also according to Dave recorded almost full album worth of material in 2000/2002.
  19. I agree. But they don't wanna try to repeat that album. It's like Axl with Appetite. For A.M kinda sounding albums there's also Catfish and the Bottlemen. Too bad I think they broke up or on hiatus right now.
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