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Everything posted by General2112

  1. I’ll take any pro shot GNR show. Especially from 2016 to now.
  2. I’m really hoping that DJ was right. Can’t wait to see The General live after all these years. Richard was just saying in an interview not long ago they were trying to work it in the set
  3. They do have a show that Thursday. I could totally see that. Plus power trip not far after it. Hopefully it’s true
  4. Let’s not forget Duffs new album on the 20th. They probably won’t want to overshadow his release. I see it coming early October. I could really see it dropping on the day of Power Trip
  5. Do we think it’s releasing that week of the 27th. I hope so. I couldn’t be more hyped for this song!
  6. Oh okay. Axl was great last show from what I heard.
  7. So when do we expect the general to be played first. What date since they’ve added 4 new dates in October
  8. What does that mean. Intimate date of the tour.
  9. I think sometime late September they will play the general. Right before Power trip would even help sell tickets to that. Lots of big places to premier that at really
  10. Strike while the iron is hot. I’d think that they would give perhaps breathing room though
  11. Up next is the general. What a wild ride this has been. I can’t imagine telling this to a younger me years ago that these would be released with Slash and Duff
  12. Yeah they need to drop those two and bring back any of their songs they haven’t played in a while
  13. He needs to just break into perhaps. Not even announce it
  14. What will we get after November rain. Madagascar again or something different
  15. Wish he would bring the rap back during rocket queen
  16. When do we think perhaps will debut in the set. I feel like after estranged or TV Eye
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