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Posts posted by Intercourse

  1. I think that Slash's excelent contribution for the illusions isn't even in question.

    Axl even showed before how much thankfull he was for Slash's contribution.

    Rovim explained much better than I, in his post#45, why Axl said that. Tks Rovim.

    Thx for the killa melodies! no credits for u though. You know why? cause Slash didn't deserve it cause he didn't even like those songs and refused to work on them at first.

    I read in Slash's book he was insulted or offended because Axl didn't give him credit he somehow "felt" he deserved for his work on those songs.

    You think Slash got Axl back for it by not granting him access to the Fall To Pieces riff? they had great working relationship.

    Slash didn't deserve it?

    Jesus...have you listened to the guitar work on Estranged, Breakdown, November Rain etc.?

    Its fucking epic and takes those songs up many notches to the point where his guitar is another voice inside those songs. The solos in those songs as as well known and loved as the vocal; fans sing the guitar melodies at gigs as much as the vocals - that's why Slash deserved the credit.

    If you feel Axl was right to be that bitchy and mean spirited to a band mate who swallowed his personal distaste for Elton John rip-offs and worked his ass off to move those songs back to a place that a GNR fan would love, while making those songs so much better ..well fuck it, I don't know what to say really.

    If Slash pulled the same move with "Coma" he'd have been roasted off the stage here.


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  2. Can you imagine the contracts Axl would force them all to sign? It would be contentious from day one.

    I was thinking about that.

    What if the reunion agreement was built on the foundation that the old "GNR Ltd." name that Axl, Slash & Duff own was the one that was brought back to life and used as the vehicle for the reunion?

    In that legal entity all men are on a level playing field which would immediately stop Axl laying down any laws about anything. He'd have to compromise, as would Slash who also is very used to running his own show too.

    Also, Team Parasite are legally engaged with the "new GNR" Axl set up after the original band split so contractually they have nothing when it comes to working with the original band vehicle and those therein. So that's them kicked to the kerb around the band, although I don't doubt they'd be zealously hanging out of their boy to ensure he doesn't get any ideas of his own.

    That said, dusting down the old band name to do all the legals with, then get a tough, neutral manager in (like Paul McGuinness ex-U2 maybe?) is the only way I could see this work but work it should.

    Especially if €30M a man was up for grabs with €50M for Uncle Axl for a big tour and album.

    Its the only way I can see it work.

  3. Tiny - these are some of the best posts you've ever done on this forum.

    Thank you, Apollo.

    I'm the underdog anyway and ban is just around the corner.

    Yeah, Tiny, why aren't you being an annoying cupcake right now? Its weird, lol

    Because Prozac?

    Hey Tiny, we've crossed swords before but that was a great post. As level a look at things as one could hope for. Kudos.

    • Like 1
  4. For some reason this announcement feels different i.e. "we all got sick of the black cloud"..... never saw the all inclusive term from Slash before this.

    Duff toured with Axl, that shit is huge really, when you think about the fact that in VR Duff agreed with Slash in interviews that they were shown no respect by Axl.

    That fence has obviously been mended.

    How much of a stretch is it to believe that Axl & Duff got into the Slash situation also and that maybe just maybe this sober, kind, articulate gentleman that is Duff opened Axl's mind on the issue.

    Something massive happened to Axl recently, he's shelved his next album with the band and scattered them to the wind. We hear nothing from Team Nosferatu these days either.

    For once there have been movements on both sides that indicate some disturbance in the status-quo. 99% chance it will come to nothing but what the fuck else is there to do except have some fun speculating?

  5. Axl was the best of every front man that every lived rolled into one which ultimately made him unique.

    He had the physicality and explosiveness of Iggy Pop.

    His song writing and singing style took the best from almost every spectrum from Elton John & Freddie Mercury onto 70's and '80's rock singers like Joe Cocker and Dan McCafferty and into modern rock.

    He was ferociously handsome and looked iconic in his leathers, bandanas and shades - women wanted to fuck him and men wanted to be him.

    He was opinionated, harsh and unforgiving while also being unbelievably gracious, generous, romantic and fragile - an absolute enigma.

    When he was dedicated to his band and his fans, his passion was deeply honest and unwavering.

    His rants were as much of a spectacle as his songs.

    Looking at that guy 20 years on, if he showed up for the first time today I think he'd still knock the world on its ass like he did back then.

    I feel privileged to have had my best years (late teens early twenties) with this man's enormous talent and amazing band.

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  6. It's amazing how delusional are people like you and intercourse

    Yeah, the majority of people WANTS a reunion... but they don't follow Axl's current performance...

    Some of you follow Axl's current performances and STILL wants a reunion....


    so what's the "correct" thing to want then Brue ?

    A shit singer still with his cabaret band or the original band together with the hope that Axl may actually work himself back into the right kind of shape to match expectations?

    At least I'd get 50% of what I like about GNR back, even if he is shit.

    And for the record, I'm not "delusional"...I have no expectations of these burned out old queens anymore. I'm just along for the ride.

    Now take your meds and go out and get some air; you're taking this too seriously.

    • Like 1
  7. There's a lot of negativity around the idea of these men working together again, me included...but there is also the possibility that, like Duff & Axl, these sober more worldly-wise men find themselves enjoying the best of each other - once reunited.

    The wave of excitement that they would find themselves on with fans etc coming out in droves to see the old band again could drive a late renaissance for GNR.

    The difference this time is that there really is so little left to loose.

    If they make an album and its just "good" - so what? CD and all of Slash's post GNR work is "good" at best. It won't be the end of the world.

    If they tour, they could do half the amount of gigs but in monster venues, allowing everyone especially Axl to rest between gigs while still making major coin. That takes more pressure off.

    If Axl managed to let go of 20 years of hate, I think he'd be reborn...hate is exhausting and his brand has been particularly destructive and all consuming.

    He could well emerge lean, fit, at peace and ready to take back the "old giants" circuit from Springsteen, U2 and Metallica.

    I can but dream...a horrible long fucking silence with DJ interviews popping up now and again alluding to a tour is probably all I'm going to get.

    Being a fan of Axl's GNR is like wanking with boxing gloves on.

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  8. fortunately, both Axl and Izzy don't give a fuck

    Why fortunately? What the fuck else is Axl doing besides slowly losing more band members in his band and tweeting about boxing matches and the like.

    not every fan wants a reunion - accept it

    yeah you and three others....

  9. In keeping with GNR being a trainwreck I fully expect them to announce a reunion when both interest has passed along with whatever decernable talent they have left.

    Fat, bald, can't sing, can't play, going through the motions GNR reunion - coming to a venue near you by 2020.

    You have to wonder why some "fans" post on a GN'R message board....
    Not this shit again :facepalm:

    well, sometimes people fed up with the constant bashing, that's all

    Imagine this as you are fed up with Axl's circus, now some people (whom aren't regulars here) fed up with the usual Humour Herold's around here

    That's all

    So these people should create a forum to bash me. This is a place for GnR fans and GnR discussion.

    There's no real discussion. "Axl's fat, I hate Chinese Democracy, I hate Ashba, etc. etc."

    The band is on hiatus though, so there's not a whole lot to talk about, but the hostility and contempt that some so-called "fans" show for a singer of a band they supposedly like is just sad.

    Sucking Axl's red cock via unrelentingly supportive posts is not discussion either. Its just another form of boring monomania, but from the other end of the spectrum.

    And its a bit silly using words like "contempt" - mild ridicule is about as bad as it gets these days.

    Many of these people you pointed out have outlined again and again and again that its because they are fans of Axl that they want the man to stop smoking the ego/paranoia pipe and at least try one more time to get back where he should be, and that's not fronting a cabaret band in Vegas. Its a simple matter of standards.

  10. "There's no animosity. Over time we all just got sick and tired of the black cloud. The biggest thing that happens when you have a break up that is less than harmonious, you build up a bad energy because of the distance. The bad feelings get exaggerated."

    It almost seems that Axl and Slash might've been in some kind of contact with each other.


    Duff did this I'd swear.

    Slash wouldn't speak for Axl like this now, "we all just got sick of the black cloud"....if Axl didn't agree to this, expect a pretty rotten fucking rebuff from Axl in the coming days!

    Even if its true, I think a reunion is a whole other thing entirely. Firstly, could Axl stand the pressure of expectation?

    His role is so physical in GNR, his vocal chops ain't got it anymore but expectations of the old band back together would be off the charts.

    He could blow up and retreat.

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  11. No, he has admitted errors in the past. He said in retrospect that Slash should've left the band after Lies.

    How right he was, the UYIs sounded horrible with Slash on there...

    That solo at the end of November Rain..? What the fuck was Axl thinking keeping a talentless hack who came up with that in there?

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  12. Psycho Killer was the best song and it was a cover. There were some good tunes. Let it roll was good. Grave Dancer was kind of cheesy. She Mine was lame. Get out the Door was overrated cause Dave came up with the riff. American Man was good. Last Fight was nice, I thought could have been a good single, but failed. SBQM was dumb. Pills Demons was actually okay. Best song from those sessions was Messages.

    They should have released Messages first with a moving tribute video to the victims of 9/11, donating all proceeds to charity. It could have been huge and sent the album on its way. Follow up with Last Fight while the public are still warm.

    Really liked Psycho Killer too,

    I agree that could have really changed things.

    I don't think Libertad is all that bad. Its a clear decline from Contraband, which had everything going for it. I don't think its a perfect record, but it was exactly what was needed at that time. Older guys doing rock that sounded current and had traction and success. You couldn't get better than that. Libertad, unless it was more of the same, was always gonna suffer.

    Basically smoking guns is kind of right that everything was second rate. I LOVE Let It Roll, The Last Fight, Messages, Just Sixteen, and I think She Builds Quick Machines, Pills Demons, Mary Mary, and Gravedancer are all very good. Psycho Killer is a great cover, with ELO being a little less so but not bad. When you look at all that, there's little I DON'T like on the record. Just the "very good" stuff doesn't measure to the first album, then you have a few songs I hate (Spay, For A Brother), mixed in with a few fine covers. There's nothing really bad about the album, but there's also too little thats excellent. But overall its a solid effort. I give them credit for trying. And the tour for it was really good. Its my least favorite post GNR Slash album, but thats really just by default. His solo albums and the Snakepit records were just far better IMO, so Libertad suffers by comparison. But its really a fine record. Doesn't deserve the hate it gets, although granted because I'm a Slash/Duff/Sorum fan I probably gave it more chances than the general public did. I can understand it being unremarkable on one or two listens.

    EDIT: How can I forget Don't Drop That Dime?! Lol. I was happy they took some chances at least before the band dissolved.

    The band said that Scott had moved into "my way or the highway" mode when it came to song choices so alot of what's wrong with Libertad could have been down to him.

    Like CD I've gone back time and again to force myself from one end to the other and while there are flashes of greatness my lasting impression (unfortunately) is that its a well executed but second rate album.

  13. Axl is very sensitive

    I don't know how much sensitive is Axl, but some Slash's delusional fans, definitely are very very sensitive ladies ... that's why they keep complaining, whining, crying until today about the same word Axl said after years of silence. They are even more sensitive than their prince ... who had never shown such sensitivity about that ...

    "Their prince"!!! Fucking priceless!!

    what am I doing here? I need to get a proper hobby and get away from this madness,

  14. Im a little confused here, If Axl calls Slash a Cancer then its absolutely cool? if Slash says that Axl hardly showed up in the studio to record and is a difficult person to deal with then its badmouthing?

    But didn't you know?

    Axl is very sensitive and as a result has to have a whole different set of rules applied to him when it comes to perceived wrongs, slights, insults etc.

    That "List of Enemies" he keeps, (because that's a healthy body of work for a 50 year old man to devote himself to) is a glittering ode to how shitty so many people in this world have been to our Axl, despite his apparent complete innocence in all matters.

    Slash on the other hand is not sensitive, he's a manipulator so its ok to call him a cancer, even when his mother was dying of the disease. Its also cool to never apologise or retract the comment even when her situation was made public. Even then, Slash was manipulative enough to just let such a crass comment go.

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