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Posts posted by oneway23

  1. 5 minutes ago, 19AT5 said:

    Yeah but if memory serves me right, a lot of Van Halen fans were disappointed with that album? They also did a lot of press! I'm not a huge VH fan so my opinion on this topic is irrelevant. GNR are already playing stadiums though... apart from people on forums (i.e. their slightly more committed than casual fans like me, to hardcore collectors)... is a new GNR record really going to do anything at this point? Axl chucked away his best years and tried to do it solo under the GNR moniker and largely failed to deliver (though I know there were some seriously shit hot performances in the nu-Guns era). I'm not entirely what motivation they have to release a new album. Personally I don't think it'll happen.

    Honestly, there was a time (sorry) where a new record may have had an impact beyond the pre-existing fan bubble, but, in my humble opinion, that time has LONG since gone, hence, why I've been saying I don't expect much more than maybe a couple more singles.

    As I always say, happy to be proven wrong.

    • Like 1
  2. The newer bridge is pretty cool on the studio track, now that I'm used to it, with its vaguely UYI vibe, but, I have to say...found it really lame live. 

    Axl standing there, throwing out random "HIIIIII HI's for 30-45 seconds made it feel like it was about two minutes long, and really exposed, IMO, how underdeveloped that part of the song truly is, all because he couldn't be arsed to put more work into the track, beyond tacking on a gimmicky scratch vocal from two decades ago.

    Still, having said that, a rad song.

    • Like 1
  3. 4 minutes ago, Ratam said:

    I have the feeling to Slash SMK is him lover, and GNR is to him an bored marriage.

    Honestly, yes.  Any side-project talk is rubbish.  Of course, the expectations for a new GN'R album will be higher, BUT, the Conspirators have been Slash's main musical outlet for ELEVEN years now.  Just about as long as he had been in GN'R, prior to the reunion.

    Guns, like it or not, is pretty much where he pays the bills, at this point.

    • Like 2
  4. 10 minutes ago, 19AT5 said:

    I think we should bring those expectations down a notch or two! Realistically, I agree with sentiment from one of the previous posters... not many people outside a GNR forum are going to be all that interested in a new GNR album for all that long. Look at the last 2 singles... disappeared as quickly as they arrived really. It's too little too for GNR as a recording entity in my opinion. The fact that Slash is on his second solo album since rejoining the band is really quite something. An album might arrive but at best it will be a bit like a new Stones or AC/DC album... it'll get some press because THEY DO press to promote it and are media darlings in many respects. You'll hear the usual well trodden lines of "this is their best album since Exile On Main Street/Back In Black", the band will go on a publicity spree, it'll chart reasonably well and then, on the whole, most folk forget about it. If a song or two then makes the set list for the next tour, that means it has been a success! Otherwise it will be confined to history. GNR don't have that kudos in the bank, Axl is (whether you like it or not) still not that well regarded by a lot of rock fans, and they don't do press. So make what ya will of that! 

    I know I've mentioned this one on here a bunch, but, look how the public at large reacted to the first Van Halen album with DLR in twenty-eight years!  Killer songs, great performances, and it was basically one single, big articles for a couple of weeks, late night performance, aaaannnd....back to playing in front of the same fanbase  who was already going to see them on their tours.

  5. 2 hours ago, allwaystired said:

    The bit I don't understand is why people seem so uptight and bothered about GNR being 'the biggest band in the world' or how many listens they get on whatever platform. 

    Anyone living in the real world, who isn't stuck in the 80s and 90s knows that music and time has moved on, GNR aren't the hottest band in the world anymore and aren't selling as many tickets as they did when they returned in 2016. 

    I can't for the life of me work out why fans recognising these absolutely true and accurate things is seen as some sort of insult by people. 

    People seem to furiously want GNR to be as big a deal as they were in 1991, and get angry at any suggestion they aren't. 

    There's absolutely no doubt about the fact that no new GNR song or album, no matter how good we may think they are, will have anything of an impact beyond people like us. And that really doesn't matter. 


    Cuz, I had family and the majority of my friends mocking me, doing a snake dance, and asking if Axl Rose was "still a thing" wayyyyy back in 1994!!!

    Certainly hasn't gotten any easier being a GN'R fan in the years since!

  6. 11 minutes ago, Blackstar said:

    Fair enough. Just to clarify, I'm neither an optimist nor a pessimist. I'm just not that emotionally invested to the point where my assessments would be driven by hopes and wishes or, on the other hand, by defense mechanisms (like "I don't want to get my hopes up out of fear that I might be disappointed like so many times in the past, so I'll keep my expectations to zero and say that nothing's gonna happen"). I just try to read things for what (I think) they are.

    That's cool.  All good.  At the end of the day, the only thing any of us can do is read things as we see them :)

  7. Slash is still as cagey and slippery with the media as he has always been...Love the guy's music, but, I swear, he should run for office.  Just a bunch of non-committal, circular fluff.  I know someone's about to hop in and give me some noise about how they need to preserve the mystery, or the secrecy, or somesuch, but, this ain't no (sentimental) Marvel movie, y'all.

    So obvious that he's bending over backwards not to ruffle any feathers when the touchy subject of an album comes up, just the same as Bumble used to, and Tommy used to, and DJ used to, and Richard used to.  Different year, same design.

    Who I really feel for are the gullible fans, who lap up this dreck like it's gospel, and regurgitate these interviews as some sort of "proof" of anything, when it's actually Slash just knowing how to be savvy with the media in pulling these meaningless lines outta his ass.

    • Like 1
  8. 14 minutes ago, GoBucky said:

    I'm seriously not trying to go back and forth, but if these pressing plants weren't so backed up because of Covid and lack of room/help, none of these releases would be delayed. The Metallica box was bigger than Nirvana's and came out on it's release date because they have their own plant. There certainly shouldn't be a 9 month delay on a 7" single, and wouldn't be if the band took care of their business in a timely manner, but the problems are there and apparently getting worse. I read an article last week saying that one pressing plant isn't taking in any new orders until at least mid-2022, which sucks as a collector.

    Holy shee.mid-2022??  That really sucks.  Lucky for GN'R, they won't have a new album by then, so, they'll have nothing more to press:lol:

    Sounds like they had better start making proper plans now for the second 2-song single releasing in the Fall of 2022, though! :P

  9. 1 hour ago, GoBucky said:

    Then why is the new Nirvana set that went on sale last week shipping in May? Why is the new Gaga remix album that is currently available to download also shipping on vinyl in May? The Charlie Parker live set was supposed to drop on the second record store day but was pushed to Black Friday because of pressing delays. Pearl Jam's vaults usually take 3-4 months to ship and this last one took almost 9. Those are all huge acts. Even that Maiden was kind of a mess with many record stores not getting the amount they ordered, and still getting them delivered now. I'm sitting on 6 records that I ordered a while ago that still aren't coming for months. Guns certainly waited too long to send the songs to get pressed, but it's not just them. 

    I take your point, and, again, I certainly acknowledged various pandemic-related vinyl delays, but, many of your examples are also a bit apples to oranges.

    - The Nirvana set is SEVEN LPs.  The 1LP version, with bonus 7" is actually coming out day & date, in November.  Still, comparing a seven LP deluxe set to a measly 7" single is not even in the same ballpark.

    - The Charlie Parker was a RSD exclusive, wasn't it?  OK, it got delayed, but it moved from one RSD to another.  As a RSD release, it wasn't going have a normal release date. 

    - The Pearl Jam vault sets are semi-annual, specialty releases.  They aren't official discography studio releases.  You'd have a point if Gigaton didn't ship on time last March.  It did.

    - As far as Maiden goes, even if stock had been a bit up and down, it was officially released day and date with the CD and digital, not to mention it was a full-length, double-LP, released in multiple variations.   You could receive the album on release day.  Calling it "kind of a mess" is subjective, and comparing it to GNR releasing a 7" single NINE months from now is a bit ridiculous.

    - I'll give you Gaga.  Haven't paid attention to her since Joanne :lol:

    Let's not go back and forth, trying to find examples that prove our respective points.  The pandemic has screwed a lot of supply chains up, but, nine months for a single, in any environment, is just....ABSURD:bitchfight:

  10. 2 minutes ago, Blackstar said:

    I think people are giving them props merely for finally releasing music, not for the paraphernalia that go with it. And it's not like someone has to buy those in order to get the music. If one wants to buy just the cd (which is - surprisingly -  reasonably priced) and or the vinyl, it's fine, if they want the stickers etc., too, it's up to them, and if they want to just stream the songs that's fine, too. I just don't understand why one might not want the music just because they released some themed merch items.

    Of course, options are good, always.  It's not so much that I won't buy it just because they released themed merch alongside it (although, again, I find do it a bit silly), but, I won't buy it because I don't feel like what they've offered is worth my money.

    Again, if/when they release an album?  Have a parade, put out all the crap coasters, pins, stickers, and patches you want.  I'll be there.

    • Like 1
  11. 1 minute ago, Jw224 said:

    Yep, this was my reaction as well. Don't really understand why people are giving them props or acting like this is some huge milestone. Once an album is announced I'll get excited about buying something. I'm thinking one isn't coming and we'll just be getting stuff like this from now on if anything at all, though.

    Even Guns had to justify bringing the tour around the horn for what will end up being the SIXTH year in a row now.  A couple of new tunes give them at least something to hang their (top)hat on.

  12. Been a GN'R fan since I stole my best friend's sister's copy of Appetite in 1987 when we were Eight years old, had a GN'R logo on my birthday cake when I was Ten, I've seen the band live seven times, and, I haven't bought the single/EP/whatever it is.

    They're selling hats & stickers like they've won the damned World Cup.  They're treating two songs as if it's some kind of a milestone.  They're doing merch bundles like normally functioning bands do when they release full-length albums...Utterly ridiculous.


    I like the new tunes, thrilled to finally have SOMETHING to show for this reunion, and, new music is a cause for celebration, but, my money goes to bands who respect their craft enough to write, rehearse, demo, record, and release new music.

    Put out a record, and, I'll buy all the celebratory ephemera.

    • Like 1
  13. 5 hours ago, DownUnderScott said:

    How is Carcass’ Torn arteries mate? Any good?

    Oh, Brother...It's a real scorcher...Depends on how you feel about Surgical Steel, though.  It's more in that vein, though probably even a little further in the more melodic Heartwork/Swansong style.

    Give it a whirl & let me know what you think!

    • Like 1
  14. 3 hours ago, Axl S said:

    My point stands, physical releases are occurring months after digital release.

    Maybe I'm missing a piece of some larger point out of context, but, this just isn't true. 

    In the last couple of months, I've received Iron Maiden's Senjutsu, Carcass' Torn Arteries, and River of Nihil's The Work day and date with the release day from Amazon.

    There are some lingering vinyl production issues stemming from the pandemic, of course, and, most every band is doing limited edition colored vinyl restricted to a certain number, in order to maximize profits against cost, but, I'd say, by and large, other than some smaller bands who do delayed pressings based on the number of orders, most mainstream bands are not shipping physical releases months after a release date has passed.  

    Again, I might be missing your point, but, it's all about capitalizing on the first two weeks of release to the die-hards.  Any later than that, these days, and it's on to the next thing.

  15. Was reading an interview with Perry Farrell today, and, when asked about a new album, he said something to the effect of, "I would think songs, singles, not so much album."

    Obviously, Jane's plans have no bearing on what Guns may or may not do, but, I did find it an interesting strategy from a band of GN'R's generational peers.

    I know there are still plenty of album-oriented legacy bands out there, like Purple, AC/DC, Priest, Maiden, etc., but, in an era where so few people still buy albums (I sure do), maybe we do get three or four mini-singles/"EPs", with a couple of new songs each.

    If that was the plan moving forward, would y'all be cool with that, or no?

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