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Everything posted by RichardNixon

  1. Sorry if this has been discussed, but any word on the opening acts for the NA tour? I have a ticket to the Fenway show.
  2. Meh on the first one, Ghost and the Killers are alight. I would argue that Songs For the Deaf is the best rock album of the last 20 years.
  3. You make a very good point. It's the same with classical music. There are some who think that the days of Bach, Brahms, Beethoven, and Mozart are over, but they just haven't been looking. There's plenty of classical music composers (and hundrens of subgenres of classical) that have been releasing incredible music the past decade. if you don't know, then you must live under a rock.
  4. I know right? Let's name all the great modern classic rock albums from the last 20 years, that were formed by bands after the year 2000. Albums on the same level as AFD, Rocks, Back in Black, etc. Let's see...
  5. Not bad. I'd politely sit through them if they were an opening band. But it's generic. It's not the second coming of Aerosmith ffs. No one will be taking about this band or any other new rock band in 50 years. Rock as a genre had a good run, from the late 60s to the 90s, but it's not relevant anymore.
  6. People have made comments like that to me before and I think that it's nonsense. The idea that there are all these current bands on the same level as the Stones/Zeppelin, but are unnoticed is silly.
  7. How many rock albums from the last 20 years are on the same level as Revolver, Let it Bleed, Zoso, Who's Next, 1984, AFD, Nevermind, etc? There are some classics, like Songs for the Deaf and I would argue A Different Kind of Truth, but they were released by established acts. But how many new bands formed since the 90s are on the same scale as The Stones and Zeppelin? By my count, zero.
  8. Rock as a genre died for me in the late 90s. QOTSA, Jack White, and FF are one of the few bands that actually release good, new music.
  9. Now he isn't. Hyperbole. It's just kind of boring at this point. I felt this way about Van Halen, but then they released A Different Kind of Truth, and it made up for a lot. Maybe GN'R will surprise us.
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